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Go take a measurement of the sun

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1 Go take a measurement of the sun
Don’t look at the sun!

2 Due Friday at Midnight

3 Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bell work
Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, students could (examples include, but are not limited to): research current and past earth and sun conditions. investigate causes and possible solutions for global climate change. compare and contrast the patterns in the organization and distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. compare and contrast different solar events and their impact on earth. 3 understand how the motions of the sun, stars and planets as observed from Earth relate to the motions of the Earth and other planets in space. understand how the movement and position of Earth influences life on Earth. be able to differentiate between astronomy and astrology. 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases relating to the Earth, Sun and Moon illustrate the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. list the physical properties of the Earth, Sun and Moon. describe the key parts of the Earth, Sun and Moon System 1 show the patterns of distribution of matter in the sun, earth, moon system. select from a list the physical properties of the sun, earth and moon. list the key parts of the structure of earth, sun and moon. Open up your laptops, go to, and do today’s bell work

4 Your Own Earth’s Season!
When you get your own Earth, please: Do not throw it Do not bounce it Actually, don’t squeeze it either It will ruin the printed outer layer Find Florida

5 Your Own Earth’s Season!
Hold your Earth so it is on a 23 degree tilt The north pole should roughly point toward the flag Please don’t look at the sun! Remember the sun would actually be sending light to the planet constantly, not rotating Slowly rotate your planet

6 Some Questions to ponder…answer in your journal
What season was your “Florida” in originally? Draw a little symbol of your season Why is your “Florida” in that particular season? What happened to the season of “Florida” as time progressed? Why? What was the result when Earth didn’t have a tilt?

7 Let’s add a picture. (Sketch and label this)
Label angle Label winter solstice Label axis Label fall equinox Label equator Label spring equinox Label summer solstice Label direction of earth’s movement

8 B and D A

9 Precession: What is it? Precession is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body. In astronomy, precession refers to gravity- induced, slow and continuous changes in an astronomical body's rotational axis. It causes the tilt of the Earth to change

10 More Questions to ponder….Answer these in your science journal
How might precession influence seasons? Would this be a fast or slow change?

11 Why does Earth have seasons?
Evidence (already done) Answers/Claim(s) Reason/Rationale From Side A yesterday From Side B yesterday The earth has seasons because My reasoning is that


13 Summarize your notes by answering the 3 questions from the beginning
How/where is earth positioned in space – in relation to our Sun? How does the earth move -- in relation to our Sun?? What results do we see/feel on earth because of this motion?

14 You have the rest of the day to finish!

15 Football Lab Due At 11:59!!

16 Quiz on Monday

17 You have the rest of the day to finish!

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