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Genetics: Chromosomes and DNA

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Presentation on theme: "Genetics: Chromosomes and DNA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Genetics: Chromosomes and DNA
G4- I can compare the inherited structural traits of offspring and their parents

2 What is DNA? Write what you think it is on your whiteboard

3 Genes Genes are SEGMENTS of DNA; each one contains a different INSTRUCTION for how to make an organism.

4 What are examples of genes that you have?
List as many examples as you can on your whiteboard in 30 seconds

5 Chromosome A chromosome is the STRUCTURE of DNA. It’s how the DNA looks in your cells!

6 Chromosome analogy: Shoes
I need 4 volunteers who would be willing to give me their shoes. Raise your hand if you would like to donate shoes!

7 Chromosome analogy: Shoes
The shoes represent PAIRS of CHROMOSOMES

8 Chromosomes Turn to your partner: What percentage of genes/DNA/chromosomes do you get from your mom, and what percentage of genes do you get from your dad? Write it on your whiteboard.

9 Chromosomes Circle one shoe from each pair in number 4.
Each offspring gets HALF of their chromosomes from each parent.

10 Chromosomes Humans have ____________ pairs of chromosomes.

11 Toss a coin We are going to make some offspring from the pairs of shoes up front by randomly flipping a coin. Heads: Right shoe Tails: Left shoe

12 Chromosomes In sexual reproduction, are all offspring the same as their siblings? Explain.

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