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Update for headteachers.
Pioneer Schools Update for headteachers.
Here is a picture of Tori James, on Mount Everest
Here is a picture of Tori James, on Mount Everest. Why would we consider her to be a pioneer and a good example for the Pioneer Network. As a pioneer she took a leap into the unknown for Welsh women and became the first Welsh Women to climb Everest in 2007 at the age of 25. There are many parallels we can draw with schools in our region who are stepping into the unknown through their commitment to improving outcomes for children and young people in our region by agreeing to join the pioneer network and take risks within their own schools.
Staying true to the vision of Successful Futures
What can we do when things get tough?
What can schools do now? Debate their vision and align it with the four purposes. Review their curriculum design Ask pioneer schools questions about their work Give the pioneer schools your hopes, visions and dreams for Successful futures. Be prepared to………….
Hang Tough
What have pioneers been doing?
All pioneers have come together into one network. The pioneers are in the mobilisation phase of the journey. The digital pioneers are creating exemplification materials for schools.
Draft plan
Strategic Design Steering Group Strand 1: Strategic Design – 4 groups
Engagement and experiences Assessment, progression and achievement Cross-curriculum responsibilities Welsh dimension, international perspective and wider skills AoLE Design Coordination Group? Strand 2: High level AoLE Design – 6 groups Expressive arts Health & well-being Humanities Language, literacy & communication Mathematics & numeracy Science & technology
Grŵp llywio ar gyfer cynllunio strategol
Elfen 1: Cynllunio strategol – 4 grŵp Elfen 3 Cynnig i Ddisgyblion a phrofiadau Asesu, cynnydd a chyflawniad Cyfrifoldebau trawsgwricwlaidd Dimensiwn Cymreig, persbectif rhyngwladol, sgiliau ehangach Grŵp cydgysylltu i gynllunio MDPh Elfen 2: Cynllunio MDPh ar lefel uchel – 6 grŵp Celfyddydau mynegiannol Iechyd a lles Dyniaethau Ieithoedd, llythrennedd a chyfathrebu Mathemateg a rhifedd Gwyddoniaeth a thechnoleg
A Pioneer School View
ERW Pioneers Network Our network is set up and ready for you to join – follow this link to join. ea7edc9278fd
Well-being of Future Generations Act
Welsh Government Newsletters
Six Essential Leadership Tasks
Creating energy Building capacity Seeking and charting improvement Securing the environment Meeting and minimising crisis Extending the vision
What does this look like in Pioneer Schools?
Positive attitudes to reform and professional learning amongst staff and leaders High value given to pupil voice in shaping the curriculum, contributing to self evaluation Positive pupil attitudes to school life and learning High priority given to professional learning of all staff Commitment to collaboration and sharing of good practice within and between schools Understand the need to audit current provision, innovate and try new things out Strong focus on ICT/digital competence A few schools emerging that have appointed pioneer coordinators. Or equivalent to lead, coordinate, monitor and evaluate the pioneer work.
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