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In this chapter, you learned about the:

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1 Chapter 10: Growing Tension Between the Colonies and Britain - Review of Key Points:
In this chapter, you learned about the: French and Indian War (7 years) Proclamation of 1763 Quartering Act Stamp Act Boston Massacre Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts “Taxation Without Representation!” Grade 5 – MacFarland Intermediate School – Ms. Campellone

2 So…. Let’s Define/Review:
French and Indian War: 7 year war between: ENGLAND and the FRENCH (who had the Indians on their side!) At first, the British uniforms made them an easy target (RED!) – But, Britain won and gained more land (land between the Mississippi River and the Appalachian Mountains) – Great! BUT… it left Britain in DEBT


4 How does England Control the Debt?
King George III – issues a Proclamation in 1763 Guess what it is called? (hint)

5 The Proclamation of 1763! Said Native Americans could have land west of the Appalachians (& settlers could not go west of the Appalachian Mountains) This made the colonists ANGRY…. Many ignored the law and moved west anyway They felt that Britain was trying to control the colonies!

6 So, now King George III gets angry with us!
Because he is angry, he gets Parliament (the lawmaking part of the British Government), to pass some laws against the colonists. The American colonists did not have the right to elect representatives to Parliament, so we were sad and angry. “Taxation without Representation!” – Do you think this is fair??

7 Here are two new Acts placed on the colonists…
Here are two new Acts placed on the colonists…. (to get $ to pay war debts!) Quartering Act (1765)– colonists had to provide living quarters for British soldiers – AND, they had to supply food, fuel, candles, transportation (horses!) Stamp Act (1765)– colonists had to pay a TAX on printed papers ( a large blue stamp had to be on all printed material)



10 How would the colonists respond?
Colonists protested, boycotted buying goods, and some tried to scare off the tax collectors – even attacking their homes! In 1766, Stamp Act repealed (taken away). Parliament let the colonies know it believed it had a right to tax the colonies!!

11 What else happened? Boston Massacre – 1770 – Because of bad feelings in the colonies, SOLDIERS had to patrol everywhere. But on March 5, 1770, in Boston, people started throwing snowballs at soldiers and calling them names. One soldier thought he heard the command “fire!” so he shot his gun into the crowd and so did others. Five people died – six more wounded

12 Look at this engraving made by Paul Revere
Revere’s Grave Marker - Boston Can you see how Revere tried to get a reaction from the colonists in Boston? Can you imagine what the citizens in England thought of the colonists after this? Revere’s Home - Boston

13 Obituary from the Massacre…
This marker is in a Boston Graveyard…

14 What’s Next? Tea Act passed 1773 – said the British East India company was the only company that could sell the colonists tea. Even though tax was lowered, it was still unfair. How would the colonists respond? Colonists boycotted and protested… one night, some dressed up like Native Americans and dumped tea in Boston Harbor.

15 Boston Tea Party: December 16, 1773
“Rally Mohawks, Bring out your axes – and tell King George: We’ll pay NO taxes!”

16 British Response to the Tea Party:
Parliament passed a series of laws: (Ex: Port Act, etc.) – Colonists called them INTOLERABLE ACTS - Colonists tarring and feathering a tax collector and pouring tea down his throat….

17 Colonists need to come together
Colonial Leaders gathered in Philadelphia for the FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS

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