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Do Now (10 minutes) 10/16 ESPN: Social – Culture pg

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1 Do Now (10 minutes) 10/16 ESPN: Social – Culture pg. 23-26
Label TODALSIG on the map. Use the map on your handout to answer the questions for Monday & Tuesday. Title Is your week sheet out? Did you write complete your table of contents? Make sure your name is on your homework and turn it in. Orientation Date Author Legend/Key

2 Watched a video about breakfast in other cultures
Engage pg. Video Analysis What I did What I Learned Questions I Have What surprised me Watched a video about breakfast in other cultures

3 Objectives (2 min) CULTURE
6.15A Define culture and the common traits that unify a culture region. 6.15B Identify and describe common traits that define cultures. 6.21B Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause- and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; CULTURE

4 Inquiry Question (2 min)
What characteristics and institutions do all cultures have in common? Statement of Inquiry Culture influences the way of life for a group of people and forms the basis for social interaction between and among groups/societies. Approaches to Learning Critical Thinking

5 New Learning – 10 min Three Column Notes Creating Questions
Analyzing Visuals Reading Text to Find Answers


7 New Learning – 10 min Three Column Notes Creating Questions
Analyzing Visuals Reading Text to Find Answers

8 Checkpoint What are the elements of culture?
How do these elements apply to your own culture?

9 Independent Practice – 15 min
READ each description. Record 2 EXAMPLES of culture and why the example is a characteristic of culture. Explain WHY your example is an element of culture. Write pg. 25 on top of the handout. Make sure your NAME is on the handout. TURN IT IN the appropriate bin.

10 Ready To Go? You are NOT ready to go until your workspace looks like this Exception: Have your PLICKER card in your hand!

11 Exit Ticket – 10 min Which of the situations best describes a cultural characteristic? 6.15B Drivers complain about the price of high gas. Family members use air conditioner on a road trip. Americans celebrate Independence Day. Members of the city council meet to discuss the construction of a new school.

12 Exit Ticket – 10 min Which of the following is the best example of culture? 6.15A Chinese factories are located mostly along the coast. The tallest building in the world is located in Malaysia. Citizens of Haiti have a short life span. Women of Saudi Arabia have certain restrictions on clothing.

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