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Blackboard Orientation
Online Instructor Blackboard Orientation This video will prepare you for your first online teaching experience at Pima Medical Institute. To view the script, click the tab on the left labeled Script. To pause or rewind the video, click one of the arrows below. Get started at
Virtual Tour of Blackboard
Click a section Meet the Online Dept Virtual Tour of Blackboard You should receive this checklist to help you complete necessary tasks at certain points during the course. Click the button to take a virtual tour of Blackboard or click on a section of the checklist to learn more about the tasks involved.<<Hot spot will be linked to the next slide>>
Having technical problems?
Meet the Online Education Department Online Education Director Having technical problems? Online Help Desk Program Directors Can I help you? <<Each item will pop up as it is being described>> Our programs consist of students and courses. Student Services supports the students while our staff of Instructional designers and developers support the courses. As the instructor, you will be teaching the course material to the students. The Program Directors provide academic support for instructors. At times, they may also provide support for students and the courses. The Online Help Desk provides technical support for both the students and the courses. If the Online Help Desk cannot answer the student question, they will certainly point the student in the right direction. The Online Education Director oversees the entire department and its processes. As you can see, each role in the Online Education Department plays a crucial role in helping PMI students succeed. Since you will be bridging the gap between the students and the courses in Blackboard, it’s important that you understand Blackboard. Students Instructors (in Blackboard) Courses Can I help you? We made the course. Student Services Instr. Designers ◄MENU
Parts of Blackboard video (instructor version)
This is a brief overview of what a course looks like in Blackboard. When you log into Blackboard, you will see this first screen. Your courses are on the right under My Courses. Let’s click on a course. First, you will be taken to the Announcements page. Announcements are the best way to remind students of upcoming due dates, or to address any ongoing issues. On this blue menu to the left, you can access other areas of the course. COURSE SYLLABUS The official course syllabus is always posted in each course. Items found here include the course text book, the grading scale, and the System Check. COURSE CONTENT All course materials are located in the appropriately named Course Content section. Course content is always chunked into lessons. At the top, you might see a Student Map. If you click on it, it shows all the reading assignments and school work that must be completed for the entire course. INTRODUCTION LESSON All courses include a two-part introduction Lesson. First: The Scavenger Hunt helps familiarize students with your specific course—and earn a few easy points to get them started off right. Second: The Introduction Discussion gives the instructor and students a chance to meet and greet each other to begin forming an online community. LESSONS After the Introduction lesson, you’ll see the course content is chunked into lessons. Each lesson is also chunked. You’ll see there’s always an introduction and at least two topics. There will also be graded or ungraded activities such as an assignment, discussion, or quiz. TOPIC If something in the textbook isn’t explained thoroughly or at all, the topics typically expound on that information. Please click on all the links so you are aware of what information the students are supposed to be reading or watching. ASSIGNMENT In the assignments section, students will click on Click to read this file. They’re prompted to save the file to their computer. All assignments are saved as Rich Text Format (RTF ) files. Posting RTF files ensures that both PCs and Macs can open and read course documents. DISCUSSIONS Class discussions create a sense of community. Discussions are topical and provide an avenue for students to analyze course material and explore new ideas. Use this opportunity to engage students by responding to their posts, providing links to relevant articles, and sparking new discussion topics. QUIZZES Quizzes are automatically graded. Occasionally, students may need you to rest their quiz or test. Please reset quizzes and tests using the utmost discretion. GRADE BOOK Let’s briefly visit the grade center. The grade center looks like an Excel spreadsheet. When a student is currently submitting work, you will see this pencil and paper icon. When a submission is complete and needs to be graded, it will have this green exclamation point icon. We will cover the grade center in depth in just a moment. For now, this concludes your introductory tour of Blackboard. ◄MENU
A video will walk them through the steps to complete each task under
“1 Week Before” Prior to the first day of classes, there will be various tasks you must complete to ensure the course is ready. Select a task to learn how to do it.<<Hot spot will be linked to the next slide>>
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Log in and review the course material
Check hyperlinks LOG IN To go into Blackboard, open up a web browser (such as Firefox) and go to Your username is your first initial and last name. Your password is 14 and your username in all capital letters. Once you log in, it’s highly recommended that you change your password. REVIEW COURSE MATERIAL & CHECK HYPERLINKS To access your course, go to the box titled My Courses and click on the course. When you get to the course, you’ll want to make sure everything is functioning properly. First view everything with the Edit Mode off. This will show you what the students see. On the announcements page, check the due dates. You will learn how to do this in a later video. Next, click Course Syllabus and review the Course Information, the Required Text. Be sure to click on ALL hyperlinks to make sure they are linked to the correct webpage or document. Be on the lookout for typos as well. Next, click Course Content. Click on the Student Course Map. Feel free to print it and use it as a guide when reviewing the course content section. Within each lesson, once again, make sure all the hyperlinks are working. If a hyperlink takes you to page that does not exist or takes you to the wrong web page, this is called a broken link. Please report all broken links to Next, click Web Resources and verify the hyperlinks there. Once again, report all broken links to And lastly, click on the Grade Center. Make sure all assignments and quizzes are visible. <<Please make necessary changes and fill in everything that the instructors are supposed to be looking for when they review a course.>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Create Instructor profile
Log into Blackboard and access the course. Go to the Course Management section of the blue menu. Scroll down to the Control Panel and click Course Tools. From the drop-down menu, click Contacts. If you don’t see a blue button labelled Create Contact, click Edit Mode to turn it on, then click Create Contact. Type in your first and last name, and PMI address. In the Office Hours field, include information about how often you’ll check (e.g. I will check once in the morning and once in the evening. You can expect a response within 24 hours). In the Notes field, write a brief biography describing your professional and academic background as well as any hobbies or interests you’d like to share. In the Options section, click Browse to attach an image. Believe it or not, the more students know about you, the more they can connect with you as their instructor. When you are finished, be sure to click Yes for Make Profile Available. Then click Submit. On the next page, you will see your profile. To view it as students will see it, toggle the Edit Mode to off. If you selected No for Make Profile Available, you would not see the profile. If you click Edit Mode back to on, you can always edit the profile by clicking the drop-down arrow then clicking Edit. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Post Welcome Announcement
<<Are they supposed to use a canned announcement for this?>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Set folder and test display dates
Within Blackboard, you will have to limit access to folders and tests to set the pace for the course. This prevents students from working too far ahead. Within the course, in the Course Content area, click Edit Mode so that it is ON. Click a lesson folder. Click the double chevron next to an assignment or discussion then click Edit. Under Options, check the box beside Display After and select a date. Next, check the box beside Display Until and select a date. The students will only be able to see the assignment in Course Content between the Display After date and the Display Until date. If you do not select date and time rescritions, the item will be available permanently. Click Submit. Students will see the assignment in their grade book, but won’t be able to access until the designated time. You must also set display dates for tests. To do this, click Edit then click Edit the Test options. Scroll down to the Test Availability section and select your Display After and Display Until dates. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Set due dates SET DUE DATES
Before the course begins, you must set due dates for the first couple of lessons (at the very least). You may want to print out the student map (found in the Course Content area) and write out your due dates first. In the Course Content area, ensure Edit Mode so that it is ON. Click the lesson folder. Click the drop-down arrow next to an assignment or discussion then click Edit. Scroll down to the section called Due Dates. Check the box and select the date and time. Click Submit. Once again, to check what students see, toggle Edit Mode to OFF. ◄MENU NEXT►
A video will walk them through the steps to complete each task under
“1st Day of Class” On the first day of class, you must complete certain tasks in order to introduce yourself to the class and ensure that everyone has logged in at least once. Select a task to learn how to do it. <<Hot spot will be linked to the next slide>> Where will we fit in how to log into MyPMI and portal?
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Ensure students have logged in
<<Insert how instructors do this. There are 2 ways and I don’t know what PDs prefer.>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Post to Introduction Discussion
POST TO INTRO DISCUSSION After a few students have posted, you will want to respond to their posts and facilitate the discussion. To access the Introduction discussion board, click Course Content then Introduction Lesson. Identify the Inroduction Discussion then click on it. This will take you to the Discussion Board forum. Click on the Introduction Discussion thread. On the next page, you may need to scroll down to view the links to students’ posts. When you click on any of these links, the full post will show at the top or bottom, depending on how this page is set up for you. But you can easily see what a post looks like. The author and posted date and time appear at the top. To create your post, click Reply. In the Message section, type your post. You should type about <<INSERT SUGGESTIONS>>. When you are done, click Submit. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Send Welcome Email
Tell students your office hours SEND WELCOME A Welcome introduces yourself to the student, gets them excited for what’s to come, and sets their expectations of you and the course. <<You can add more to what the purpose is>> Blackboard makes it possible for you to send without having to know or look up individual addresses. You can send it to the all students or selected individuals. To send your Welcome , click Tools then go to the Course Management section of the blue menu. To expand the Control Panel, click the double chevron next to Control Panel. Click the drop-down arrow next to Course Tools then click Send . Click on the desired recipients. Type a subject for your in the Subject field then type your message in the message box. If you are opting to set up chat sessions, be sure to give the students a heads up on when you are available for those. If you want to, you can attach a file by clicking the Attach a file link. When you’re done, click Submit. ◄MENU NEXT►
A video will walk them through the steps to complete each task under
“Every Week During Course” During the course, there will be various tasks for you to complete in order grade school work and communicate with students and PMI. Select a task to learn how to do it.
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Check attendance CHECK ATTENDANCE
<<Insert how instructors do this. There are two ways but I am not sure what PDs prefer for the weekly report>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Submit weekly report SUBMIT A WEEKLY REPORT
<<NANCY, please insert how instructors do this. >> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Respond to emails twice a day
Be sure to check your pmi account at least TWO times a day. <<Fill in more info >> If you need directions on how to log in, click the link above called “Print Outs.” Then click on MyPMI Mail Log In Directions. <<Michelle to insert link to pdf of log in directions>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Grade Assignments GRADE ASSIGNMENTS
In addition to quizzes and discussions, students complete “assignments” in their Blackboard courses. All assignments must be submitted as .rtf files. To grade assignments, click on Control Panel. Click the small drop-down arrow next to Grade Center. You can either click: Needs Grading (to only see assignments that have been submitted) Full Grade Center Assignment Tests. In this demonstration, click Full Grade Center. Ungraded assignments will have this green icon. Place your cursor over that cell and click the drop-down arrow. In order to scroll through the gradebook, you may need to click the Screen Reader mode link at the top of the page. Click View Grade Details. Scroll down and click View Attempt. In the Review Current Attempt area, you will see a link (which is the file name) to the right of Attached Files. Click the link to open the file and save it on your computer. When you have read the assignment, enter the points earned by the student in the Grade box under Feedback to User. Type comments in the Feedback to User box. You can also put comments directly on the file. If you do this, make sure to save it with your changes and then upload it by clicking Browse My Computer. In the Comments box, type “See attachment for feedback.” Scroll down and click Save and Next to grade the next ungraded submission. When you are finished grading, click Save and Exit. On the next page, you can see a link called Allow Additional Attempt. If you are grading a preview assignment, you would click this button. This will allow the student to submit the assignment again. The preview submission will still be preserved. You may delete an attempt by clicking Clear Attempt. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Participate in and grade discussions
There are several ways to view the posts in a discusion forum. One option is to view all the unread posts at once. Click Tools then click Discussion Board. Here, you can click the drop-down arrow next to each forum title, and then click Grade, or you can enter each forum and click the Grade Forum button. <<I need help on this part>> Read the posts, type in a numerical grade at the top of the page in the Result box, and click Submit. To enter comments, go to the Gradebook/Results Center, roll over the cell which contains the student’s grade and click the drop-down arrow at the right. Click Add Comment. Type your comments in the Feedback to User box, and then click Submit. Click the desired forum then click the desired thread. On the next page, next to Select, click All. Next, click Collect. All the threads will open. You can sort the posts using the drop-down menu next to Sort By. You can also sort the posts using the drop-down menu next to Order. When you’re done reading the thread, click All beside Select. Hover over Mark and select Read. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Post Lesson wrap up POST LESSON WRAP-UP
<<Insert how instructors do this>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Contact the help desk
When you the Help Desk, you can save the Help Desk a lot of time by including the following into your Your first and last name The course ID number of the course you are teaching (You can find it by looking in the upper left corner of your screen <<screen shot>>) If you have encountered a technical problem, provide a very detailed description of what you are seeing on screen and the steps you took to get there Provide a screen shot if possible. To take a screen shot, click Print Screen on your keyboard. Open a blank rtf document. Hold down the Ctrl button and press V at the same time. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Upload relevant files UPLOAD RELEVANT FILES
Any type of file can be uploaded to Blackboard—PDF, image, PowerPoint, .rtf document. To upload a file, click Course Content from the menu on the left. Click Edit Mode so that it is ON. Click Build Content, and then click File. Type in a name for your item, e.g. Skeletal System Notes. Click Browse My Computer. Locate and select your file. The name of the file should appear in the box. Type in a name for your link. Click to read this file is one option. Click Submit. Students can now access the file by clicking the link. You must remember that if you’re uploading a Word document, it’s best to save it as an .rtf (Rich Text Format) file because it can be opened using any word processing program. To save a file as an .rtf, open the file in Word, select File > Save As. At the bottom of the Save As box, click the drop-down arrow beside Save as file type and select Rich Text Format. ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Add relevant web resources
Web links can be posted in the Web Resources page. So click Web Resources. Click Edit Mode so that it is ON. To add a link, point your mouse over Build Content then click URL. Type in a descriptive name for the website, such as Algebra Tutorials. In a separate window, access the web site for which you want to post a link. Copy the web address from the address bar. Go back to your Blackboard course and paste the entire address into the URL field. Click Submit. On the next page, your link should appear. ◄MENU NEXT►
Walk them through the steps to complete the task under
“After the Last Day” At the end of each course, be sure to complete the required tasks. Select a task to learn how to do it. Not sure if we want this here or under continuing education?
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Remind about EOC surveys
REMIND STUDENTS TO TAKE THE EOC SURVEY <<Insert instructions on the best practices for this>> ◄MENU NEXT►
How to Video: ◄MENU NEXT► Post final grades POST FINAL GRADES
<<There’s already a video for this.>> ◄MENU NEXT►
At the top of every slide, there will be a link called PrintOuts which will include:
Course Prep Checklist Log in Information Bb9 Instructor Manual (online) Meet Online Education Online Instructor Guidelines
Questions? Pima Medical Institute Online
Send an to: If you have any questions or concerns about this tutorial, please contact the Career Services Placement Director at To get started go to or click PMI Links in the upper right-hand corner. Pima Medical Institute Online
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