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The Holocaust: Analyze a Visual/SPLATT a poem

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1 The Holocaust: Analyze a Visual/SPLATT a poem

2                                           Learning Objectives

3 Which of the following best describes a central idea of the text?
A. Kor believes that forgiving a Nazi guard helped her cope with her experiences in Auschwitz, and others can empower themselves by doing the same. B. Kor’s experiences in the trial convinced her that survivors should first be able to face their tormentors in person before they can forgive them. C. Holocaust survivors, and other victims of violence, are obligated to speak up in court so that they can seek justice for the wrongs done to them. D. The worst kind of punishment, is preventing tormentors from seeking forgiveness.

4 If you were Kor, would you be able to forgive like she did
If you were Kor, would you be able to forgive like she did? Why or why not?

5 Comment on Groening’s statement in Paragraph 12, when she say that he was “’just a small cog in the killing machine ... not a perpetrator.’ In what ways is it a good defense and in what ways does it fail?


7 SPLLATT – Poetry Analysis
Statement – What is the main message of the poem Purpose – What is the poet trying to do to the reader Language – What kinds of words does the poet use Layout – How does the poem look on the page Audience – Who is the poem aimed at? Tone – What emotions come across when reading the poem Technique – What techniques does the poet make use of.

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