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Belgian Working group of basic research in cardiology

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1 Belgian Working group of basic research in cardiology
First annual meeting, November 16th 2018 Louvain House, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cardiovascular physiopathology Organisers: Cécile Oury (GIGA, Ulg, Liège) and Sandrine Horman (UCL, Brussels) Invited Speakers Cécile Oury, PhD - GIGA, Liège University Luc Bertrand, PhD - IREC, UCLouvain, Brussels Stephane Heymans, MD, PhD - CARIM, Maastricht University Aernout Luttun, PharmD, PhD – CMVB, KU Leuven BWG-BRC board members Julie De Backer Maaike Alaerts Isabel Remory Alexia Hulin Vincent Segers Nicolas Baeyens Antoine Bondue Didier Communi Christophe Beauloye Luc Bertrand Secretary Cécile oury President Sandrine Horman Call for Abstracts! Numerous Selected Short Oral Communications! Best Communication Award Abstract Submission Deadline 30th September 2018 Registration By (before 2nd November 2018) IBAN: BE BIC: BBRUBEBB   Communication: L MD, PharmD, PhD PIs : 50 € PhD students, Fellows, Trainees: 20 €. Non-physicians: 20 €. (Lunch included) Accreditation requested The floor will be given in priority to young researchers (PhD students and post docs) to present their own projects.

2 Venue: Louvain House, 4 Terrasse de l'Aula 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

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