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Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vii Id. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vii Id. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vii Id. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII
HW Check: worksheet 16 / Do Now: study silently for quiz Periculum! Vocab. Quiz #4 Review Present System Passive Worksheet 16 Imperative Mood and Vocative Case Pensum: Worksheet 17 Review Vocab. Lists 1-2 Midterm Exam is Friday Latin MS8 Mr. Finnigan Boston Latin School

2 The Concept of Mood

3 Verb Characteristics Latin verbs have five characteristics:
Person: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Number: SG, PL Tense: present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, future perfect Voice: active, passive [more on these later] Mood: indicative, imperative, subjunctive

4 The Concept of Mood there are three moods in Latin Indicative
expresses statements or questions action or state of being is indicated as factual Subjunctive expresses action or state of being as non-factual Imperative expresses commands

5 The Imperative Mood expresses commands, e.g.:
Do your homework! Take notes! Be good students! imperatives have person, number, tense, & voice person: 2nd number: sg. or pl. (depends on number of people addressed) tense: present (future also exists, don’t worry about these) voice: active & passive

6 Present Active Imperatives, Conjugations 1-2

7 Present Active Imperatives, Conj. 1-2
Imperative Mood: expresses a direct command (i.e. “Do your homework!”) Forming: find the present stem (2nd PP, drop –re) add nothing to form the SG (= same as pres. stem) [used when commanding one person] add –te to form the PL [used when commanding more than one person] Translating: _______________!

8 Forming the Imperative Mood - Practice
Practice forming the imperative mood of the following: pugnō, pugnāre, pugnāvī, pugnātus: to fight habeō, habēre, habuī, habitus: to have SG PL 2nd

9 Present Passive Imperatives, Conjugations 1-2

10 Present Passive Imperatives, Conj. 1-2
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the 2nd person sg/pl passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 2nd

11 Present Passive Imperatives, Conj. 1-2
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the 2nd person sg/pl passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 2nd oppugnā

12 Present Passive Imperatives, Conj. 1-2
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the 2nd person sg*/pl passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack * 2nd SG Pres. Pass. Impv. uses the –re ending, NOT –ris N.B.: the 2nd SG pres. act. impv. and the pres. act. infin. are the same the 2nd PL pres. pass. indic. & 2nd PL pres. pass. impv. are the same These impv. forms are rare, and will usually be at the beginning of the sentence and/or have a vocative form with them if they are impv. SG PL 2nd oppugnāre* oppugnāminī

13 The Vocative Case

14 The Vocative Case the vocative is another of Latin’s cases
has only one use: direct address indicates the person (or place or thing) being directly addressed in a sentence, e.g.: Do your homework, students. Students, did you do your homework? I am assigning you homework tonight, students.

15 The Vocative Case used frequently with verbs in the imperative mood, but not always almost never the first word in a sentence usually set off by commas

16 The Vocative Case Forming:
vocative forms are the same as the nominative forms in all declensions, with two notable exceptions 2nd declension nouns ending in –us have –e in the voc. sg. e.g.: servus  voc. sg. = serve / amīcus  voc. sg. = amīce fīlius and 2nd decl. proper nouns ending in –ius have –ī in the voc. sg. e.g.: fīlius  voc. sg. = fīlī / Iūlius  voc. sg. = Iūlī n.b.: the voc. sg. of meus is mī

17 The Vocative Case Translating: translate simply according to number
can also add the interjectory “O!” for emphasis e.g.: dāte, agricolae, nautīs frumentum! Farmers, give the grain to the sailors! O farmers, give the grain to the sailors!

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