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Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vi Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII

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1 Agenda diēs Martis, a.d. vi Non. Oct. A.D. MMXVIII
HW Check: nullum est / Do Now: quiz formation! Periculum! 1st/2nd Conj. Verbs & Sum - Active Indicative Introduction to the Passive Voice Present Passive Indicative, Conj. 1-2 Pensum: Worksheet 13 Keep studying vocab. list #4 Latin MS8 Mr. Finnigan Boston Latin School

2 The Concept of Voice

3 Verb Characteristics All Latin verbs have FIVE characteristics; we have seen three so far: Person: “who?” – 1st / 2nd / 3rd Number: “how many?” – SG / PL Tense: “when?” – pres. / impf. / fut. / perf. / plupf. / fut. pf. (Mood: “what kind of action?” – indic. / impv. / [subjunctive]) the fifth characteristic of a Latin verb is VOICE

4 The Concept of Voice voice tells you whether the subject is doing the action or the action is being done to the subject if the subject is doing the action, the verb is in the active voice (we have only seen active verbs) I was watching the lions in the arena. Leōnēs in arenā spectābam.

5 The Concept of Voice voice tells you whether the subject is doing the action or the action is being done to the subject if the subject is being acted upon, the verb is in the passive voice I was being watched by the lions in the arena. Spectābar ā leōnibus in arenā. In English, we tend to avoid using the passive voice, but Latin uses it very frequently

6 1st-2nd Conjugation Present System, Passive Voice

7 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd

8 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd 3rd
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd 3rd

9 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd -ris, -re 3rd
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd -ris, -re 3rd

10 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd -ris, -re 3rd -tur
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r 2nd -ris, -re 3rd -tur

11 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re 3rd -tur
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re 3rd -tur

12 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re -minī 3rd -tur
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re -minī 3rd -tur

13 The Passive Voice SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re -minī 3rd -tur
in the present system, the passive is conjugated exactly like the active voice (same rules), but with one major difference: the passive voice uses its own set of personal endings!!! Passive Personal Endings SG PL 1st -or, -r -mur 2nd -ris, -re -minī 3rd -tur -ntur

14 A Note on Sum, Esse, Fuī, Futūrus
Passive forms DO NOT EXIST! The verb “to be” only exists in the active voice Active forms of sum, esse, fuī, futūrus are used in constructing the perfect passive system But the passive of “to be” itself does not exist

15 Present Passive Indicative

16 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd

17 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnā 2nd 3rd

18 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnā 2nd 3rd * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

19 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnā 2nd oppugnāris 3rd * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

20 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnā 2nd oppugnāris 3rd oppugnātur * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

21 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnāmur 2nd oppugnāris oppugnā 3rd oppugnātur * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

22 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnāmur 2nd oppugnāris oppugnāminī 3rd oppugnātur oppugnā * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

23 Present Passive Indicative – 1st Conj.
Forming: Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack SG PL 1st oppugnor* oppugnāmur 2nd oppugnāris oppugnāminī 3rd oppugnātur oppugnantur * Remember that the –ā in the stem goes away before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

24 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st 2nd 3rd

25 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st tenē 2nd 3rd

26 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenē 2nd 3rd * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

27 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenē 2nd tenēris 3rd tene * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

28 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenē 2nd tenēris 3rd tenētur tene * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

29 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenēmur 2nd tenēris tenē 3rd tenētur tene * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

30 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenēmur 2nd tenēris tenēminī 3rd tenētur tene * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

31 Present Passive Indicative – 2nd Conj.
Forming (same as 1st conj.): Find the present stem (2nd PP – -re) Add the passive personal endings teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold SG PL 1st teneor* tenēmur 2nd tenēris tenēminī 3rd tenētur tenentur * Remember that the –ē in the stem stays but becomes short before –ō in the 1st SG form, just like in the active

32 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG 2nd SG 3rd SG 1st PL 2nd PL 3rd PL

33 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor 2nd SG oppugnāris 3rd SG oppugnātur 1st PL oppugnāmur 2nd PL oppugnāminī 3rd PL oppugnantur

34 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris 3rd SG oppugnātur 1st PL oppugnāmur 2nd PL oppugnāminī 3rd PL oppugnantur

35 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris you are attacked 3rd SG oppugnātur 1st PL oppugnāmur 2nd PL oppugnāminī 3rd PL oppugnantur

36 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris you are attacked 3rd SG oppugnātur s/he/it is attacked 1st PL oppugnāmur 2nd PL oppugnāminī 3rd PL oppugnantur

37 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris you are attacked 3rd SG oppugnātur s/he/it is attacked 1st PL oppugnāmur we are attacked 2nd PL oppugnāminī 3rd PL oppugnantur

38 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris you are attacked 3rd SG oppugnātur s/he/it is attacked 1st PL oppugnāmur we are attacked 2nd PL oppugnāminī you (pl.) are attacked 3rd PL oppugnantur

39 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed oppugnō, oppugnāre, oppugnāvī, oppugnātus: to attack Latin English 1st SG oppugnor I am attacked 2nd SG oppugnāris you are attacked 3rd SG oppugnātur s/he/it is attacked 1st PL oppugnāmur we are attacked 2nd PL oppugnāminī you (pl.) are attacked 3rd PL oppugnantur they are attacked

40 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG 2nd SG 3rd SG 1st PL 2nd PL 3rd PL

41 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG teneor 2nd SG tenēris 3rd SG tenētur 1st PL tenēmur 2nd PL tenēminī 3rd PL tenentur

42 Present Passive Indicative – 1st/2nd Conj.
Translating: subj. pronoun + pres. form of ‘to be’ + ________ed teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus: to hold Latin English 1st SG teneor I am held 2nd SG tenēris you are held 3rd SG tenētur s/he/it is held 1st PL tenēmur we are held 2nd PL tenēminī you (pl.) are held 3rd PL tenentur they are held

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