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South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust CQC update

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Presentation on theme: "South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust CQC update"— Presentation transcript:

1 South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust CQC update
Jeanette Scott-Thomas Director of Nursing, Quality and Safety, STCCG

2 Background CQC inspection 5-8th May, 3rd June
Report published 1st December 2015, overall rating ‘Requires Improvement’ Services at the trust caring – Outstanding Safe – Requires Improvement Effective - Requires Improvement Responsive - Requires Improvement Well-led - Requires Improvement

3 What happened next? Report identified 21 ‘Must Do’s’ and 6 ‘Should Do’s’ Trust developed and action plan – RAG rated Progress reported and monitored at Quality Review Group (CQC attending)

4 Joint Targeted Area Inspection February 2016
Themed inspection – child sexual exploitation, missing and missing from education. Identified further concerns relating to safeguarding of children processes. Further actions identified. STFT agreed to amalgamate CQC and JTAI actions into a single plan.

5 Assurance Process Progress monitored at Quality Review group and Quality and Patient safety Committee with Governing body updates. CCG/CQC challenges where insufficient progress identified. NHS England (Cumbria and North East) given regular updates at Quality Surveillance Group

6 Focussed Inspection by CQC
Trust inspected on 27th and 28th July. Concerns identified relating to lack of pace in making improvements and lack of leadership around safeguarding children. Warning notice issued to STFT by CQC. Actions requiring significant improvements identified, to be completed by 24th October 2016 Lack of assurance regarding improvements escalated to NHSE

7 Escalation Process Agreed to proceed to a Single item Agenda Quality Surveillance Group meeting (17th October) Quality and Risk profile developed Agreed that there was still outstanding concerns regarding safeguarding children New Executive director structure in place from 21st October CQC, supported by CCG, revisiting mid January to seek evidence of satisfactory improvement.

8 What does this mean? STFT is now focussed on delivering the required improvements to safeguarding children at STFT Assurance processes continue, along with NHSE oversight What if…..?

9 Question time Are children currently safe? How will we know?
How will the ‘new’ Executive Team provide the required improvements? What other monitoring can the CCG carry out to provide additional assurance? Any other questions?

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