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Categorical Exclusion Training Class
Presented by the Office of Environmental Services September 25-26, 2018 Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
What’s in it for You? Pre-Qualification
Enhance project management awareness Peer interaction Share experiences Ask questions [2] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Learning Objectives Interpret existing regulations and policies
Define and describe ODOT’s CE process Differentiate CE classification levels Recognize how to document decision-making Learn how to use EnviroNet ODOT’s Environmental Documentation System EnviroNet – ODOT’s Online Environmental Documentation System [3] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Agenda Laws, Regulations and Policies CE Guidance Re-Evaluations
NEPA Disciplines/EnviroNet Purpose & Need Alternatives Air and Noise ESA Cultural Resources Ecological Section 4(f) and Section 6(f) Environmental Justice Public Involvement Permits [4] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Introductions Thanks for coming! Name Firm/Agency
Experience (Environmental/CE) Class Expectations Thanks for coming! [5] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Why We Do What We Do…
Law and Regulations National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NEPA
40 CFR Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) 23 CFR FHWA [7] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
NEPA Requires federal agencies to determine if proposed actions will result in significant impacts Identify and assess reasonable alternatives Avoid or minimize adverse effects Instituted an interdisciplinary approach to project planning and decision-making Established CEQ Required all Federal agencies to develop implementing regulations [8] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
CEQ Established by Congress as part of NEPA
Executive Office of the POTUS Additional responsibilities provided by the Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970 Coordinates Federal environmental efforts Works closely with agencies in the development of environmental policies and initiatives The CEQ produces an annual report for the president on the state of the environment, oversees federal agency implementation of environmental impact assessments, and acts as a referee when agencies disagree over the adequacy of such assessments. NEPA tasks CEQ with ensuring that federal agencies meet their obligations under the Act, granting the body a significant role in environmental protection. Through inter-agency working groups and coordination with other EOP bodies, CEQ also works to advance the president's agenda on the environment, natural resources, and energy. [9] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
How is Significance Defined?
Defined in CEQ regulations A function of both context and intensity Context = The significance of an action must be analyzed in several contexts such as society, interests, setting, etc. Intensity = The severity of impact [10] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
FHWA Regulations 23 CFR 771 - Environmental Impact
– Classes of Action – FHWA Categorical Exclusions [11] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Environmental Impact/Related Procedures
FHWA Policy Environmental Impact/Related Procedures Environmental coordinated as a single process The NEPA Umbrella Decisions made in the best interest of the public Balance transportation needs with: Social, economic, and environmental impacts National, state and local environmental protection goals [12] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Public Involvement is Essential!!
FHWA Policy Public Involvement is Essential!! Incorporate measures to mitigate adverse impacts [13] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Civil Rights Are Important!
FHWA Policy Civil Rights Are Important! Do not exclude any person, because of handicap, age, race, color, sex, or national origin from participating in, or deny benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any Administration program or procedural activity required by or developed pursuant to this regulation (Title VI) Environmental Justice [14] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
NEPA-CE Relationship Must demonstrate specific conditions are satisfied Significant environmental impacts will not result Documentation supports decision-making process Level of analysis commensurate with the potential for adverse environmental impacts [15] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
NEPA-CE Relationship Actions that do not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact upon the natural/human environment C-List ( [c]) No further NEPA approval required D-List ( [d]) May be designated as a CE after approval [16] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
23 CFR 771.117(a) Actions meet 40 CFR 1508.4
Do not require significant relocations No significant impacts to: Planned growth or land use Natural environment Cultural or recreational properties Air, noise, and water quality Travel patterns [17] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
23 CFR (b) Unusual circumstances require proper environmental studies to determine if classification can be met Significant environmental impacts Substantial environmental controversy Significant 4(f)/6(f) impacts Inconsistencies with Federal, State, or local environmental laws, regulations or administrative determinations [18] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
23 CFR 771.117(c) Actions meet CE criteria in accordance with:
40 CFR (CEQ) In Ohio, categorized as two levels C1 and C2 [19] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
23 CFR 771.117(d) Actions meet CE criteria in accordance with:
40 CFR (CEQ) In Ohio, categorized as three levels D1, D2, and D3 [20] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8A
A guide to identify actions that may be a CE Actions that meet (a) may be classified a CE Even if not listed in (d) Must demonstrate the proposed action will not result in significant impacts [21] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
ODOT’s CE Process
NEPA Assignment ODOT assumed FHWA NEPA responsibilities on December 28, 2015 ODOT responsible for determining classes of action and approving CE’s, EA’s, and EIS’s Except for projects that cross state lines Programmatic CE Agreement null and void ODOT NEPA Assignment CE Guidance The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) is a state agency within ODOT that undertakes transportation projects using federal funding received under the Federal-aid Highway Program. When ODOT is cited in this document, it shall be deemed to include the ORDC in terms of responsibilities and obligations in processing CEs involving FHWA funded projects. [23] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
CE Guidance Illustrates ODOT’s process for completing CE’s
Illustrates ODOT’s process for completing CE’s Assures compliance with all applicable federal environmental laws and regulations Establishes a consistent documentation process Legally defensible Concise and easy to follow Reduces paperwork and processing time Enables appropriate decision-making The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) is a state agency within ODOT that undertakes transportation projects using federal funding received under the Federal-aid Highway Program. When ODOT is cited in this document, it shall be deemed to include the ORDC in terms of responsibilities and obligations in processing CEs involving FHWA funded projects. [24] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
CE Guidance All CE’s classified as “C” or “D” 771.117(c) and (d)
Level based on type of action and impacts C1, C2, D1, D2, D3 Approval process and documentation facilitated through EnviroNet The Ohio Rail Development Commission (ORDC) is a state agency within ODOT that undertakes transportation projects using federal funding received under the Federal-aid Highway Program. When ODOT is cited in this document, it shall be deemed to include the ORDC in terms of responsibilities and obligations in processing CEs involving FHWA funded projects. [25] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Determination Authority
C1, C2, and D1 District Environmental Coordinator (DEC) ORDC Environmental Coordinator D2 and D3 ODOT-OES [26] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Project Types
Definition Project types listed in Appendix A of CE Guidance
No significant impacts Do not exceed established thresholds Stand-alone transportation activities Independent utility and logical termini Meets the intent of (a) and (c) Minimal documentation needed for Cultural Resources, Ecological, and Regulated Material Review based on existing PA/MOA or guidance/regulations [28] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Activities which do not involve or lead directly to construction, such as planning and technical studies; grants for training; engineering to define the elements of a proposed action or alternatives so that social, economic, and environmental effects can be assessed; and Federal-aid system revisions which establish classes of highways on the Federal-aid highway system Study type projects Land donations to ODOT associated with ROW permits (RMR issues require coordination) Early ROW acquistion (23 CFR [e]) Such as planning and technical studies; grants for training; engineering to define the elements of a proposed action or alternatives so that social, economic, and environmental effects can be assessed; and Federal-aid system revisions which establish classes of highways on the Federal-aid highway system. (Asterisk) The state funded examples added for state administrative purposes only. Its inclusion in this list of examples does not mean that the action is a major Federal action subject to NEPA. It has been added to illustrate to State practitioners that this type of State-only action is similar to the type of actions associated with this CE. Environmental Site Assessment issues require coordination with ODOT-OES for state-funded actions only [29] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Approval of utility installations along or across a transportation facility Tower lighting and street lighting projects Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, and facilities Walkways, sidewalks, shared-use paths and facilities, and small passenger shelters provided no new disturbance will occur Bike path on existing rail bed Bike lanes on paved shoulders (3) (i.e. construction of a bike path on an existing railroad bed, designations of certain highways as bike routes, painting of existing paved shoulders as bike lanes, ADA ramps, etc.) [30] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (4) Activities included in the State's "highway safety plan" under 23 U.S.C. 402 Transfer of Federal lands pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 107(d) and/or 23 U.S.C. 317 when transfer supports an action not subject to review under NEPA (6) Installation of noise barriers or alterations to existing publicly owned buildings to provide noise reduction Maintenance and/or replacement of existing noise wall panels and/or posts [31] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (7) Landscaping Herbicidal spraying
Mowing or brush removal/trimming projects Beautification or facility improvement projects [32] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (8) Installation of fencing, signs, pavement markings, small passenger shelters, traffic signals, and railroad warning devices where no substantial land acquisition or traffic disruption will occur Installation or maintenance of signs, raised pavement markers/sensors, traffic calming activities, and/or new or replacement fencing General pavement marking or “line painting” [33] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (9) …transportation facilities damaged by an incident resulting in an emergency declared by the Governor…or a disaster or emergency declared by the President… Emergency repairs under 23 U.S.C. 125 Repair, reconstruction, restoration, retrofitting, or replacement of any road, highway, bridge, tunnel, or transit facility…, including ancillary transportation facilities…, in operation or under construction when damaged (A) Occurs within the existing right-of-way and in a manner that substantially conforms to the preexisting design, function, and location as the original (which may include upgrades to meet existing codes and standards as well as upgrades warranted to address conditions that have changed since the original construction); and (B) Is commenced within a 2-year period beginning on the date of the declaration. [34] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (10) Acquisition of scenic easements
Conservation/mitigation easements/fee simple Land acquisition by a public agency/public park entity for passive recreational use (11) Determination of payback under 23 U.S.C. 156 for property previously acquired with Federal-aid [35] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (12) Improvements to existing rest areas and truck weigh stations
Improvements for minor maintenance Mill and resurfacing of parking areas, etc. Projects involving major construction may require a higher level of documentation Truck stop electrification and construction/installation of alternative energy amenities at existing facilities (12) – First bullet – eg. Mill and resurfacing of existing parking areas – Second bullet e.g. CNG, solar, etc. [36] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (13) Ridesharing activities
Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities, park-and-ride lots and ridesharing activities Bus and rail car rehabilitation Alterations to facilities or vehicles to make them accessible for elderly and handicapped persons [37] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (16) Program administration, technical assistance activities, and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet routine changes in demand The purchase of vehicles where the use can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE Purchase or conversion of vehicles to alternative fuel uses [38] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Track and railbed maintenance and improvements when carried out within the existing right-of-way Track and railbed acquisition Purchase and installation of operating or maintenance equipment to be located within the transit facility No significant impacts off site [39] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (20) Not applicable to ODOT
(21) Deployment of electronics, photonics, communications, or information processing used singly or in combination, or as components of a fully integrated system, to improve the efficiency or safety of a surface transportation system or to enhance Replacement or installation of traffic signals, flashing beacons, railroad warning devices Upgrade of existing tower lighting (21) Examples include, but are not limited to, traffic control and detector devices, lane management systems, electronic payment equipment, automatic vehicle locaters, automated passenger counters, computer-aided dispatching systems, radio communications systems, dynamic message signs, and security equipment including surveillance and detection cameras on roadways and in transit facilities and on buses. Examples include: Replacement of existing or installation of new traffic signals, flashing beacons, railroad warning devices and the installation of ITS system components Upgrade of existing tower lighting to new technologies that ensure a lesser impact than the current system. Implementation of other new safety or operations technologies (must be approved by OES). [40] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (22) Projects, as defined in 23 U.S.C. 101, that take place entirely within existing operational ROW (23) Projects that receive less than $5,179, of Federal funds or with a total estimated cost of not more than $31,077, and with Federal funds that comprise less than 15 percent of the total estimated project cost (22) Existing operational right-of-way refers to right-of-way that has been disturbed for an existing transportation facility or is maintained for a transportation purpose. This area includes the features associated with the physical footprint of the transportation facility (including the roadway, bridges, interchanges, culverts, drainage, fixed guideways, mitigation areas, etc.) and other areas maintained for transportation purposes such as clear zone, traffic control signage, landscaping, any rest areas with direct access to a controlled access highway, areas maintained for safety and security of a transportation facility, parking facilities with direct access to an existing transportation facility, transit power substations, transit venting structures, and transit maintenance facilities. Portions of the right-of-way that have not been disturbed or that are not maintained for transportation purposes are not in the existing operational right-of-way. Examples include: • Tower lighting within the existing operational right-of-way. • Guardrail installation and replacement (including median cable barriers) where roadway ditches and backslopes will not be relocated • Improvements to existing ODOT/County maintenance facilities. • Construction of new ODOT/County maintenance facilities within existing operational right-of-way. • Environmental mitigation activities within existing operational right-of-way. • Work on pedestrian and vehicle transfer structures and associated utilities, buildings, and terminals within existing operational right-of-way. • Construction of alternative energy facilities (fuel tank farms, wind turbines, etc.) (23) Section 1314 of the FAST Act directed FHWA and FTA to amend the provision for “Categorical Exclusions for Projects of Limited Federal Assistance” to adjust the monetary limits annually for inflation based on the Consumer Price Index prepared by the Department of Labor. [41] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Localized geotechnical and other investigations to provide information for preliminary design and for environmental analyses and permitting purposes, such as: Drilling test bores for soil sampling Archaeological investigations for resource assessment or similar survey Wetland surveys This item number only applies to stand alone projects, not for surveys being conducted as part of a project with an environmental document [42] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (25) Environmental restoration and pollution abatement actions to minimize or mitigate the impacts of any existing transportation facility carried out to address water pollution or environmental degradation Related environmental mitigation activities (wetland, stream, upland, etc.) (including retrofitting and construction of stormwater treatment systems to meet Federal and State requirements under sections 401 and 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1341; 1342)) [43] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 (26) thru (28) Per 23 CFR 771(c)(26)-(28) and MAP-21, these items CANNOT be processed as a C1 See C2 list in Appendix B (29) Purchase, construction, replacement, or rehabilitation of ferry vessels that would not require a change in the function of the ferry terminals and can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE (including improvements to ferry vessel safety, navigation, and security systems) [44] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing ferry facilities that occupy the same geographic footprint, do not result in a change in their functional use, and do not result in a substantial increase in the existing facility’s capacity Pedestrian and vehicle transfer structures and associated utilities, buildings, and terminals (31) Activities that do not utilize federal monies or require federal actions [45] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Project Impact Thresholds
Not a C1 if… A project involves any of the following:
Acquisition of permanent ROW for construction National Scenic River corridor impacts Waterway Permits Impacts to Threatened & Endangered Species Wetland impacts Impacts to historic properties or historic districts Impacts to Section 4(f)/6(f) properties Substantial traffic disruption Minor public or agency controversy on env. grounds All C1 projects must occur within existing right-of-way with the exception of work agreements. Substantial traffic disruption, including the use of a temporary road, detour or ramp closure unless the use of such facilities satisfy the following conditions: O Provisions are made for access by local traffic and so posted; O Through-traffic dependent businesses will not be adversely affected; O The detour or ramp closure, to the extent possible, will not interfere with any local special event or festival; O The temporary road, detour or ramp closure does not substantially change the environmental consequences of the action; O There is no substantial controversy associated with the temporary road, detour, or ramp closure Minor public or agency controversy on environmental grounds (no opposition from any organized groups or agencies and no unresolved environmental coordination). [47] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Threshold Exception Acquisition of permanent ROW for construction
Early right-of-way acquisition conducted in accordance with 23 CFR (e) (see Item #1) and when an environmental document is being prepared for the project for which the early acquisition is being performed All C1 projects must occur within existing right-of-way with the exception of work agreements. Substantial traffic disruption, including the use of a temporary road, detour or ramp closure unless the use of such facilities satisfy the following conditions: O Provisions are made for access by local traffic and so posted; O Through-traffic dependent businesses will not be adversely affected; O The detour or ramp closure, to the extent possible, will not interfere with any local special event or festival; O The temporary road, detour or ramp closure does not substantially change the environmental consequences of the action; O There is no substantial controversy associated with the temporary road, detour, or ramp closure Minor public or agency controversy on environmental grounds (no opposition from any organized groups or agencies and no unresolved environmental coordination). [48] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C1 Clarification – Cultural Resources
Impacts to historic properties or historic districts For projects that meet Appendix A of the Section 106 PA, a map showing the results of the SHPO GIS search is required to be uploaded to the project file (select Records Check for name) For district or county wide projects that involve numerous locations, the CE preparer must include a statement in the project description: “District environmental staff accessed the SHPO GIS database on (insert date) and in accordance with Appendix A of the Section 106 PA executed November 8, 2017, the project will not impact historic properties or historic districts.” All C1 projects must occur within existing right-of-way with the exception of work agreements. Substantial traffic disruption, including the use of a temporary road, detour or ramp closure unless the use of such facilities satisfy the following conditions: O Provisions are made for access by local traffic and so posted; O Through-traffic dependent businesses will not be adversely affected; O The detour or ramp closure, to the extent possible, will not interfere with any local special event or festival; O The temporary road, detour or ramp closure does not substantially change the environmental consequences of the action; O There is no substantial controversy associated with the temporary road, detour, or ramp closure Minor public or agency controversy on environmental grounds (no opposition from any organized groups or agencies and no unresolved environmental coordination). [49] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 Project Types
Definition Do not result in significant impacts
Meet the intent of (a), (c) and (d) Satisfy criteria for CE Classification Illustrate independent utility and logical termini Require a minimum level of documentation to ensure no unusual circumstances exist Do not exceed constraints listed at (e) [51] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Definition Actions that exceed C1 impact thresholds can be processed as a C2 only if they meet C2 criteria and do not exceed C2 impact thresholds Actions that do not meet C2 criteria shall be processed at the next appropriate higher level D listed projects These type of projects are confirmed to meet C2 criteria by DEC or ORDC EC [52] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing lanes) Joint or limited use of ROW where proposed use would have minimal or no adverse social, economic or environmental impacts Installation of new noise walls and other new noise mitigation projects Highway safety and truck escape ramps (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing lanes), [53] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 (26) cont’d Bicycle lanes and pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, shared-use paths, or facilities and trailhead parking that do not qualify as a C1 Beautification or facility improvement projects Landscaping Curb and gutter installation and replacement ADA/curb ramps Park benches Decorative lighting Construction of alternative energy facilities Fuel tank farms, wind turbines, etc. (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing lanes), [54] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 (27) Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects, including the installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting Lane reduction (“road diet”) changes provided traffic analysis is completed Railroad projects that close at-grade crossings to improve safety or traffic operations (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing lanes), [55] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 (28) Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or construction of a grade separation to replace at-grade rail crossings Closure or relocation of at-grade rail crossings (including parking, weaving, turning, and climbing lanes), [56] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 Project Impact Thresholds
Not a C2 if… A project involves any of the following:
Acquisition of more than a minor amount of ROW Residential or non-residential displacements US Coast Guard or Individual Section 404 Permit An “adverse effect” finding to any historic property Section 4(f) determination greater than de minimis A “May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect” finding to threatened or endangered species or critical habitat Projects cannot exceed these Constraints: [58] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Not a C2 if… Temporary access/closure of an existing road, bridge, or ramps that results in major traffic disruptions Changes in access control Floodplain encroachment other than functionally dependent uses or open space use Construction activities in, across, or adjacent to a river component designated or proposed for inclusion in the National Systems of Wild and Scenic Rivers Minor public or agency controversy No opposition from organized groups No unresolved environmental coordination Floodplains – functionally dependent uses (e.g. bridges, wetlands) and open space (e.g. recreational trails, bicycle and pedestrian paths) [59] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Additional Considerations
ODOT will also consider the following areas: Air Quality and Noise Regulated Material Review Farmland Documentation of these areas is only required if there is a potential for impacts based on studies conducted Air Quality and Noise studies not required or no impacts will occur based on studies and coordination Regulated Material Review limited to solid wastes (OAC (R)(23)) and petroleum related Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) and/or releases Farmland MOU criteria not exceeded The following areas are considered for C2 projects. Documentation only required if there is a potential for impacts [60] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 Clarifications For most projects that use Appendix A of the Section 106 PA, a map showing the results of the SHPO GIS search is required to be included in the project file. However, for districtwide or countywide projects that involve numerous locations (e.g. culvert replacements, signal upgrades, road striping, etc.), the environmental document preparer must include a statement in the project description that reads: “District environmental staff accessed the SHPO GIS database on XXXX (date) and in accordance with Appendix A of the Section 106 PA executed November 8, 2017, the project will not impact historic properties or historic districts.” The following areas are considered for C2 projects. Documentation only required if there is a potential for impacts [61] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
C2 Clarifications If the project is an Emergency (ER) project as defined in 23 CFR (c)(9) and will result in a finding of “may affect, likely to adversely affect” T&E species, the project may be cleared as a C2 level project providing all appropriate agency coordination has been completed The following areas are considered for C2 projects. Documentation only required if there is a potential for impacts [61] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D1, D2 and D3 Project Types
Definition Do not involve significant impacts
Meet the intent of (d) Satisfy criteria for CE classification Require documentation to demonstrate specific conditions or criteria are satisfied [64] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D-Listed Actions (1)-(3) [Reserved]
(4) Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities (5) Construction of new weigh stations or rest areas Approvals for disposal of excess right-of-way or for joint or limited use of right-of-way, where the proposed use does not have significant adverse impacts DExROW Tab in EnviroNet facilitates this action (7) Approvals for changes in access control [65] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D-Listed Actions (8) Construction of new bus storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and located on or near a street with adequate capacity to handle anticipated bus and support vehicle traffic Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing rail and bus buildings and ancillary facilities where only minor amounts of additional land are required and there is not a substantial increase in the number of users [66] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D-Listed Actions (10) Construction of bus transfer facilities when located in a commercial area or other high activity center in which there is adequate street capacity for projected bus traffic (11) Construction of rail storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and where there is no significant noise impact on the surrounding community 10. Bus transfer facilities - an open area consisting of passenger shelters, boarding areas, kiosks and related street improvements) [67] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D-Listed Actions Acquisition of land for hardship or protective purposes Hardship and protective buying is permitted to a particular parcel or a limited number of parcels Acquisitions qualify for a CE only where acquisition will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in alignment for planned construction projects, which may be required in the NEPA process No project development on such land may proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. (i) Hardship acquisition is early acquisition of property by the applicant at the property owner's request to alleviate particular hardship to the owner, in contrast to others, because of an inability to sell his property. This is justified when the property owner can document on the basis of health, safety or financial reasons that remaining in the property poses an undue hardship compared to others. (ii) Protective acquisition is done to prevent imminent development of a parcel which may be needed for a proposed transportation corridor or site. Documentation must clearly demonstrate that development of the land would preclude future transportation use and that such development is imminent. Advance acquisition is not permitted for the sole purpose of reducing the cost of property for a proposed project. Examples include: • ROW acquisition only for bikeway/pedestrian facility (no construction [68] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D-Listed Actions Projects that exceed thresholds in Appendix A
(13) Actions described in (c)(26), (c)(27), and (c)(28) that DO NOT meet the constraints listed in (e) Projects that exceed thresholds in Appendix A Projects that exceed thresholds in Appendix B [69] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D1 Project Impact Thresholds
The DEC shall confirm that the project meets the criteria of a D1 action by ensuring:
Right-of-Way Minor acquisition involving a maximum of two relocations
Context and intensity of impacts may require elevation to the next appropriate higher level DEC confirms no significant impacts will occur The project does not propose the addition of a new interchange at an existing overpass/underpass [71] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Waterways, Section 106, and 4(f)
Individual Permit acceptable Wetland impacts must be limited to less than 3 acres of Category 1 and 2 wetlands and/or up to 0.5 acres of Category 3 Section 106 impacts do not warrant preparation of Archaeological Data Recovery recommendations Section 4(f) impacts limited to Programmatic Evaluations or de minimis [72] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
PI, T&E, and EJ No public or agency controversy on environmental grounds No impacts to federally threatened or endangered species/critical habitat that results in a Biological Opinion No disproportionately high and adverse impacts to low-income and/or minority populations PI - no opposition from organized groups or agencies and no unresolved environmental coordination [73] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Floodplains and USCG Permit
No substantial floodplain impacts If Coast Guard Permit required contact ODOT-OES for guidance regarding applicability of the Memorandum of Agreement Between The United States Coast Guard and The Federal Highway Administration To Coordinate and Improve Bridge Planning and Permitting [74] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D2 Project Impact Thresholds
It shall be confirmed by ODOT-OES that the project meets the criteria of a D2 action. The CE must include documentation demonstrating that the following concerns have been addressed.
Right-of-Way Acquisition involving a maximum of eight relocations
Context and intensity of impacts may require elevation to the next appropriate higher level Confirmation is made to determine that acquisition will not result in significant impacts [76] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Section 106, Wetlands, and PI
Section 106 impacts Necessary documentation of consultation included in the project file as required by 36 CFR Part 800 Wetland impacts of five acres or less Enough information to issue a wetland finding Substantial public or agency controversy on environmental grounds PI is strong opposition from organized groups or agencies. CE document must include documentation demonstrating that the public or agency concerns have been addressed [77] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Section 4(f) Programmatic Evaluation or de minimis impacts
OES issues determination Individual Can be submitted as part of D2 CE review [78] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D2's Cannot Involve… Disproportionately high and adverse impacts on low- income and/or minority populations Quantitative PM 2.5 Hotspot Analysis Quantitative MSAT Analysis Unresolved substantial public or agency controversy on environmental grounds Substantial/significant floodplain impact [79] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
D3 Project Impact Thresholds
It shall be confirmed by ODOT-OES that the project meets the criteria of a D2 action. The CE must include documentation demonstrating that the following concerns have been addressed.
It Depends… If D2 thresholds exceeded, but meets 23 CFR (d), ODOT-OES review/approval is required First bullet – Must still meet the intent of 23 CFR (d) Second bullet - For actions that meet the intent of 23 CFR (d) but that are not specifically listed above…. [81] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
ODOT’s Environmental Documentation System
Access External users register through MyODOT
If initial registration was for another ODOT application, contact OES for access ODOT personnel contacts OES for access If you currently have a MyODOT account, but did not initially request Online CE, send to Kevin Davis [83] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Project File All documentation uploaded electronically
All reports initially uploaded as DRAFT documents Body of report in Word Appendices in PDF Photographs, mapping, IOC’s, coordination letters, etc., can be PDF’s and marked FINAL Enter approved/completed date when marked Final Documents are checked-out and checked-in to facilitate review and tracking of comments/revisions Unsure how this works? Contact OES Policy!! Avoids duplication/versioning of documents All decision-making documents – anything that would have gone in the paper file goes into the electronic file also [84] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Form Adminstration List appropriate ODOT/LPA/Consultant Staff
District Primary Reviewer ODOT Project Manager District and OES Staff Local Agency and Consultant PM Primary Form Preparer Supporting Staff [85] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Document Level Identifies the appropriate document level C1, C2
D1, D2, D3 EA and EIS Project Type displays for D-listed projects Displays items listed in CE Guidance [86] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Project Details Tab Tracks relevant environmental project milestones
EnviroNet integrated with Ellis Specific dates are populated to and from Ellis [87] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Project Details Tab [88] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Preparation Stand-alone documents
Results of environmental/technical studies are summarized in the remarks portion of the CE All impacts, regardless of CE Level, must be assessed for context and intensity [89] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Resource Tabs General Includes relevant project information
Roadway and Bridge Design Criteria Maintenance of Traffic Right-of-way and Utility Involvement Purpose & Need format built-in Alternatives format follows PDP Floodplains, Stormwater and Landfills are in Permits Select tabs have tables to record impacts to individual resources/properties Wetlands, streams, Section 4(f) Each tab has tables to list environmental commitments [90] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Resource Tabs As part of remarks discussion, include:
Literature review and field investigations results Include date completed/conducted Firm or agency that completed/conducted Anticipated level of impacts Identify resources present, but not impacted Anticipated public and/or agency involvement Coordination/correspondence and any issues resolved based on agency concerns [91] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Resource Remarks Consider impacts to environmental resources and associated consequences Discuss analyses of resources and anticipated: Impacts upon environmental resources Public and agency involvement Permits required Avoidance or mitigation measures Environmental Commitments [92] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Resource Remarks Outline how a specific resource was addressed
Agency correspondence How issues were resolved Associated data, studies, technical reports Upload to project file [93] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
23 CFR Conducted when the project scope and/or impacts change after environmental document last approved If an EIS is more than three years old and/or it has been more than three years since the last major federal action Final Design Acquire significant amount of ROW Approval of plans, specifications, and estimates package This does NOT apply to CE or EA actions [95] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Guidance Environmental studies more than five years old may require agency re-coordination and/or new studies 40 CFR (c)(1)(i) Significant changes require impacts to be addressed Depending on complexity, an Administrative, Supplemental, or Full re-evaluation may be used Same review and approval process [96] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
Guidance Re-evaluations are intended to encompass same project limits as in original environmental document Projects phased for construction may not require a complete re-evaluation for entire project limits Address current status of the entire project, but focus on the current phase Also consider: What has happened on entire project to date (including prior construction phases) What will follow (future construction phases) What or how changes to the project or impacts will affect current phase (and potentially future phases if that information is known) [97] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
OES Policy Contacts Erica L. Schneider, Assistant Env. Administrator
or Kevin E. Davis, Supervisor or Doug App, Document Review Coordinator or Veronica Trecazzi, Document Review Coordinator or [98] Categorical Exclusion Training Class – Presented by the Office of Environmental Services
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