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Darlene Smith-Worthington

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Presentation on theme: "Darlene Smith-Worthington"— Presentation transcript:

1 Darlene Smith-Worthington
Rinse, Lather, Repeat: Replicating, Reinforcing, and Refining for Success Developed and Presented by Pitt Community College Developmental Studies English Faculty Regina Garcia Allison Flowers Jennifer Leigh Sallie Stone Cheri White Darlene Smith-Worthington

2 Bridge students to the Land Of Promise, Potential, Prosperity
Rinse, Lather, Repeat The gaps we span Bridge students to the Land Of Promise, Potential, Prosperity So today, you will see That we approach this process With great reverence and temerity For the results we seek are induced by Rinse, Lather, Repeat

3 I’m gonna rinse bad habits out of my mind
DRE 096 is in the RLR Remix “I’m Gonna Rinse!” I’m gonna rinse bad habits out of my mind I’m gonna rinse anxiety out of my mind I’m gonna rinse low confidence out of my mind And send them on their way And send them on their way!

4 How do we address this problem?
Rinse - Deprogram Lack of preparation How do we address this problem?

5 Lather - New Skills Begin class ONLY when students are prepared
Count students without books and materials absent Use departmental policies to encourage effective student skills

6 ATTENDANCE POLICIES 1. Two tardies equal one absence.
2. You are allowed four (4) hours of absences in DRE classes 3. Leaving class early without permission will result in being counted absent. 4. You may make up work if you are absent for one of the following reasons: · Personal illness with verification from a physician. · Death in the immediate family (spouse, children, parents, or grandparents.) Verification of the death may be required by the instructor. · A school-sponsored activity. · A court appearance which must be verified by letter from an attorney or judge. · Jury duty with documentation · Required military service. 5. You are not allowed to make up work for absences related to the following reasons: · Medical, dental, or legal appointments · Lack of transportation · Registration · Picking up financial aid checks · Minor illness · Sports team practice · Meeting with advisor · Work-related responsibilities · Lack of child care

7 Developmental Studies Departmental Policies
CELL PHONE POLICY: The cell phone policy in the Developmental Studies Department is very simple: Cell phones should be turned off and put away during class time. Therefore, the following statements are unnecessary, but just in case— If your phone rings during class, you will be asked to leave the class for the day and will be counted absent. If you are seen text messaging during class, you will be asked to leave the class for the day and will be counted absent. If you anticipate an emergency situation, give your contact person the number for Campus Security, , and someone will come to get you immediately.

8 Not activating prior knowledge/schema How do we address this problem?
Rinse - Deprogram Not activating prior knowledge/schema How do we address this problem?

9 Lather - New Skills Use THIEVES notes (beginning of annotation)
Guide class discussion followed by journal assignment

Title Headings Illustrations End of chapter/section questions Vocabulary Embedded questions in margin Summary

11 “The Pact” Journal Prompts: Choose one or more to respond to in paragraph form, using MLA format. Response must be a minimum of 12 sentences! 1) Have your friends been a help or a hindrance in your academic pursuit? How? 2) What situations from your past almost kept you from pursuing success? 3) Who has been your main supporter/ motivator for success? 4) Have you ever made a pact with your friends? Discuss.

12 How do we address this problem?
Rinse - Deprogram Passive reading How do we address this problem?

13 Require thorough annotations
Lather - New Skills Require thorough annotations Circle vocabulary Enter summary notes in the margins Highlight supporting details Note questions and answers Add reactions and responses

14 Annotation Example

15 No idea generation or outlining How do we address this problem?
Rinse - Deprogram No idea generation or outlining How do we address this problem?

16 Lather - New Skills Map writing process and check as each step is completed Provide outlines and paragraph sentence drafts Conference on each step for Unit 1; conference on outlines and rough drafts

17 The Writing Process 1. Idea generation: brainstorming, freewriting,
bubble mapping Thesis development and choose topic for paragraph from thesis Outline Paragraph sentence draft Revision of draft Editing Final Draft PROOFREAD!!!

18 DRE 096 Paragraph Outline DRE 096 Paragraph Sentence Draft

19 Ignorance of or refusal to edit How do we address this problem?
Rinse - Deprogram Ignorance of or refusal to edit How do we address this problem?

20 Lather - New Skills Grammar blasts Aplia
Substitutions for use of 2nd person Editing worksheet requirement

21 Repeat DRE 096 course is designed to help students internalize the reading and writing processes. Each unit covers the same skills and assignments in a specified sequence.

22 The following are expected of students for each reading:
1. Skim reading to activate what the topic is 2. Journal- pre-reading on topic of reading 3. Annotate · Identify unfamiliar words · Write in margin and underline proof or support of margin notes 4. Vocabulary quiz 5. Topic sentences of paragraphs (while going over annotation) 6. Author’s purpose 7. Audience= what would they put in if different audience 8. Main Idea and Major Details 9. Patterns of organizations with signal words 10. Fact/Opinion 11. Inferencing · Tone · Mood · Drawing conclusions 12. Critical thinking with short answer questions 13. Paragraph writing

23 “Don’t Stop til You Get Enough”
DRE 097 Just Can’t Stop the RLR Bop by paying homage to learning inspired by the King of Pop “Don’t Stop til You Get Enough” Keep on with the Rinsing Don’t stop til you get enough! Keep on with the Structure Don’t stop til you get enough Keep on Fixing Grammar Keep on Learing New Stuff Don’t Stop til you get enough!

24 DRE 097 The goals are as follows:
Students will demonstrate the use of reading and writing processes. Students will apply critical thinking strategies in reading and writing. Students will recognize and compose well- developed, coherent, and unified texts.

25 Of Course We Rinse Throughout! Really, it’s like a Repeat Rinse!
The lingering tendencies to not activate prior knowledge! We address this by continuing the prewriting strategies and discussion on topic and theme and prompting them to connect those concepts to self and society. The low academic self confidence and self limiting beliefs! We address this by integrating low stakes “practice and perfect” assignments while building toward high stakes mastery assignments centered around a theme. The continual desire not to engage in the before and after stages of reading and writing! We address this by integrating the execution of these stages into assessment.

26 Honoring the Past: Activation of Prior Knowledge
REPEAT Honoring the Past: Activation of Prior Knowledge Now Acknowledging Prior DRE Course Knowledge Prior Formal Educational Knowledge Prior Reading Content Knowledge Prior Life Experience

27 Grammar Concepts and Editing Strategies
REPEAT: “Don’t Stop ‘til You Get Enough!” (You can never really get enough, can you?) Grammar Concepts and Editing Strategies Stages of Reading Concepts and Pre-Writing, Outlining and Drafting Concepts from DRE 096 Annotation Techniques and Vocabulary in Context Strategies Consistent Reading and Writing Term Usage and Application

28 LATHER: Lathering in New Information to Ready the Student for the Future thus Adding to the Coffers of Knowledge New ways to develop ideas New ways to consider ideas New ways to blend the old into the new New and more complex topics to consider New ways to connect texts to themselves New ways to connect texts to other texts New ways to connect texts to the world

Reading Implement the comparison and contrast of texts and other media forms under an umbrella theme Work collaboratively to build knowledge base (schema) on themes presented in the media Refine annotation strategies for application usage on tests and quizzes

Continuing the practice of following prewriting, outlining, and editing strategies Increasing the focus on the connection of the topic sentence to the thesis (Repeat) Intensifying body paragraph development practice using a variety of rhetorical modes (Repeat and Lather) Adding the concepts of developing new paragraph structures such as the introduction and conclusion (Lather) Assigning multiple free writing and associated media assignments to generate ideas for writing and promote critical thinking to develop responses (Lathering and Repeating) Adding the Five Paragraph Essay Structure (Mastery)

31 PRE-WRITING This is How We Do It!
Exemplification Body Paragraph Prompt Options: Discuss three good ways to meet a potential mate. Discuss three factors people should consider before naming their child Discuss three important pieces of information that individuals should know about their partner before deciding to marry. Discuss three ways that people’s names can impact their lives. Brainstorm or freewrite on your chosen prompt:_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Develop your closed thesis statement: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________ Write your three topic sentences based on your thesis statement: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _____________________________________________

32 It’s More than Fine to Outline
Pick one of your above topic sentences to guide your outlining process: Topic Sentence: __________________________________________ Major Detail 1:_________________________________ Dev: ___________________________________ Dev: _____________________________ B. Major Detail 2: ____________________________ Dev: _________________________________________ Wrap Sentence: __________________________________________________ Now go on to use your outline to create a rough draft. This should be one paragraph that reflects one topic sentence.

33 Example of an Associated Lesson that Integrates Reading and Writing in the DRE 097 Way!
Text To Text Activity Read and/or activate schema on Richard Wright’s “Black Boy.” Then, consider the following poem by Paul Laurence Dunbar ( ): We Wear the Mask WE wear the mask that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes, — This debt we pay to human guile; With torn and bleeding hearts we smile, And mouth with myriad subtleties. Why should the world be over-wise, In counting all our tears and sighs? Nay, let them only see us, while We wear the mask. We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries To thee from tortured souls arise. We sing, but oh the clay is vile Beneath our feet, and long the mile; But let the world dream otherwise, We wear the mask!

34 Lesson Continued 4. How does this connect to the main idea that Wright attempts to convey in “Black Boy?” What does Wright say about his experience that parallels what Dunbar expresses in his poem? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Text to Self Free write about a time when you felt that you had to “wear a mask” (narrative). How did it make you feel (descriptive)? How did you handle your feelings? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions 1. Who do you think “we” is in this poem? (topic) ______________________________________________________________2. What do think the writer is trying to say about the topic? (controlling idea) ______________________________________________________________________________________________3. What details does the writer give in this poem that lead you to his controlling idea? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

35 Ultimate Mastery: A Lather and A Repeat
DRE 097 Essay Outline Introduction (Lather) Hook: (1 – 2 sentences) __________________________________________________ Background / supporting information: (3 – 5 sentences) ______________________________________________ Closed thesis statement: (1 sentence that contains your topic, controlling idea, and three points of development) Body Paragraphs Body Paragraph One (Repeat same structure for two and three) Topic Sentence: (to focus your paragraph by commenting on your first point of development) __________________________________________________ Major Detail 1: _________________________________________________ Specific examples that support your major detail (3-4 sentences of observations, readings, prior knowledge): _ Major Detail 2: ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

36 DRE 097 Essay Outline Continued...
Conclusion (4-6 sentences) Lather Restatement of thesis (in different wording than original thesis): _____________________________________________________________________________________ What do your ideas demonstrate concerning the focus of your essay? Explain why the ideas in your essay are important / relevant Closing thought: ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

37 DRE 098 rounds out our hit list with one we can all lather up to!
“Pump up the Volume” Put your finger on the nozzle and Pump up the Volume (3xs) Put your hands in the lather and Keep your minds on what you know and Add New Skills (It’s unreal) You’ll Pump up the Volume (3xs)

38 DRE 098 Rinse Academic Skills Lack of preparation
Lack of prior knowledge Lack of pre-reading Lack of annotation skills Lack of understanding reading/composition connection Lack of editing/proofreading skills Self-limiting Beliefs “I hate to read.” “I can’t write.” “I don’t need to be in this class.” “I don’t like to ask questions.”

39 DRE 098 Lather Annotation Annotation Guide for articles and textbook chapters Annotation Chart for non-fiction book


41 Chapter Characters Character Traits Settings Important Events Things to Remember For Topics Chart

42 DRE 098 Lather Linking reading to composition through Topics Chart
Theme recognition Finding evidence Connecting themes from one reading to another

43 Waiting for Text Identity and Family Function or Dysfunction Societal
Perceptions Identity and Race Religion Education Erickson’s Stages Color of Water Blaxican’s The Meaning of Keeping Kosher Waiting for Superman

44 DRE 098 Latherr Summary Writing Summary Notes Recall Card
Summary Quickstart

45 DRE 098 Lather Responding to Literal, Interpretive and Analytical Questions Multiple Choice (Literal) Short Answer (Interpretive) Essay (Analytical) Documented Essay Writing Open Thesis Statement Text to Self Text to Text Text to World Incorporating Textual Evidence MLA Parenthetical Citation

46 DRE 098 Repeat From DRE 097 Journal Writing (Text to Self)
Annotation of narrative essays Main Idea and Major Details Organizational Patterns Outlining Rough Drafts Use of Terms Within DRE 098 Annotation (all readings) Book Quizzes (3 times) Journals (2 times)

47 Just Rinse, Lather, Repeat
We are the Champions, my friends ‘cause we’ll keep on teaching til the end! Rinse, Lather, Repeat No time for failure Just Rinse, Lather, Repeat til the End! (2x)

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