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Learn About the St. Francis Community School Library!

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Presentation on theme: "Learn About the St. Francis Community School Library!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn About the St. Francis Community School Library!
Good-bye 1/12/2019

2 Remember this information:
The call number on the spine of the book lets me know where the book can be found on the shelf. E stands for picture books. F stands for chapter books. Numbers stand for non-fiction. 1/12/2019

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Learn the Library! Goals of this Lesson: Demonstrate knowledge of the arrangement of the library. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Information Your task is to identify the different areas of the St. Francis Library and explain what is found in each area. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

5 St. Francis Community School Library
The Library at St. Francis Community School is arranged in seven sections: Professional (Teacher Resources) Reference Periodicals (Magazines) Bear (Part of Easy Picture Books Fiction E is Easy (Picture Books) Fiction Fiction (Chapter Books) Non-fiction (Information Books) Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

6 This lesson will focus on three sections:
Professional (Teacher Resources) Reference Periodical (Magazines) E is for Easy (Picture Books) Fiction Fiction (Chapter Books) Non-fiction (Information Books) Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

7 Examples of books from each section
Picture book fiction Chapter book fiction Information (Non-fiction) Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

8 Now it’s time to talk about these three parts of your library!
E is for Easy Fiction (Picture Books) Fiction (Chapter Books) Non-fiction (Information Books) Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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E is for Easy This is the center section of our library These shelves contain Picture Books. This section is fiction. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Picture Books Picture books use illustrations (pictures) to tell lots of the story. The illustrations in picture books sometimes tell different parts of the story than the words do. Illustrations are very, very important in picture books. Sometimes they are even more important than the words! Picture books are ‘made-up’ stories from the authors’ imagination. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Picture book example This is a made-up story with lots of pictures. The pictures are a very important part of the story. Pop Quiz Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

12 Be sure to choose the BEST answer! What is a picture book?
A picture book has illustrations in it. A picture book tells part of the story with pictures. Sometimes the illustrations in a story tell more than the words. All of the answers are right. None of the answers are right Click the choice that is the BEST answer Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

13 Please read this and try again . . .
Picture books use illustrations (pictures) to tell lots of the story. Illustrations are very, very important in picture books. Sometimes they are even more important than the words! Picture books are ‘made-up’ stories from the authors’ imagination. Click for question Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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You know it! All three of the first answers are correct – that means the fourth choice is the BEST one. Very, very good! Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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F is for Fiction The Fiction section contains Chapter Books. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Chapter Books Chapter Books usually have more words than picture books, and fewer pictures. In chapter books, the words are more important for the story than the pictures are. Chapter books usually have more words on each page than picture books do, and the story is long. Chapter books are ‘made-up’ stories (fiction). Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

17 Chapter Book Examples The “pictures” in chapter books are in the reader’s imagination. Pop Quiz Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

18 What is a chapter book? Pick the best answer by clicking on it.
Chapter books are real stories, not ‘made-up’ stories. Chapter books usually don’t have more words than picture books. Chapter books have mostly words. Chapter books are never hardback. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Try Again!! Chapter Books usually have more words than picture books, and fewer pictures. In chapter books, the words are more important for the story than the pictures are. Chapter books usually have more words on each page than picture books do, and the story is long. Chapter books are ‘made-up’ stories (fiction). Pop Quiz Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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WOW! Bravo! Good job You are brilliant! Way to go! Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

21 Non-fiction (Information) Section
The Non-Fiction section contains Information Books. Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

22 Non-Fiction / Information Books
Non-Fiction (Information) books are stories that tell about things that are real. Non-Fiction books have real places and real things in them. Non-Fiction can be about people, about places, about things – they can be history, or geography, crafts, sports, weather, science fair projects, even dinosaurs . . . Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

23 Non-Fiction books are shelved by numbers
976.3 Pop Quiz 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

24 What is the best answer for non-fiction?
Non-fiction is pretend, or made-up (make-believe) Real information is found in non-fiction Non-Fiction can be about people or things, but not about places Click the best answer choice Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

25 Please read this and try again . . .
Non-Fiction (Information) books are stories that tell about things that are real. Non-Fiction books have real places and real things in them. Non-Fiction can be about people, about places, about things – they can be history, or geography, crafts, sports, weather, science fair projects, even dinosaurs . . . Pop Quiz Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Awesome answer! You rock! Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

27 You have learned about:
The arrangement of certain parts of the library and the books in these sections: picture books (fiction) chapter books (fiction) non-fiction Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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Keep up the good work! When you come to the library next time, you’ll know where to look for these types of books. You’ll be able to find the books you want too, by knowing where to look! Good-bye 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

29 You have reached the end of this lesson.
Watch for more lessons to help you learn the library! 1/12/2019 adaptation of © claudette curl, 2003

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