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Chapters 16-18 Clare Bernheisel.

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1 Chapters 16-18 Clare Bernheisel

2 Chapter 16 Evelyn visits Abuela who now lives with don Juan.
Abuela tells Evelyn that she knew don Juan as a child in Puerto Rico, but married Abuelo Emilio instead because don Juan was poor, and Abuela didn't know she loved him. Evelyn finds herself excited to go to church because the Young Lords will be there. Chapter 16

3 Evelyn finds out that there are undercover police officers watching the church like mosquitos.
At church on Sunday, there are girl Young Lords there and Evelyn is jealous because they are so carefree. One Young Lord stands up and says "There is something wrong here! This is not a community!" Police come and arrest the Young Lords. Mami and Abuela fight over Evelyn. Evelyn chooses to go to Abuela's apartment instead of going home. Chapter 17

4 Abuela and don Juan get back to the apartment and let Evelyn in.
Evelyn and Abuela get ready and go join a march while Evelyn thinks about one of the Young Lords. Migdalia and Angel join them there. Pops arrives and tries to convince Evelyn to come home because her mother's back is hurting, but Evelyn stays. The next day, Migdalia shows Evelyn a New York Times article about the Young Lords. They discuss the Young Lords and Evelyn decides to keep the newspaper article. Chapter 18

5 Quiz What is Abuela's new boyfriends name?
Why did don Juan wear his belt so tight? What was Evelyn's grandfather's name? What did Evelyn compare the undercover agents to? Who was Evelyn surprised to see at church? Who's apartment did Evelyn run to after the police came? Where did Evelyn and Abuela go after church? Why does Pops come and try to convince Evelyn to go home? What is Migdalia excited to show Evelyn on Monday? Quiz

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