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UWE Bristol Heading Higher Passport Plus

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1 UWE Bristol Heading Higher Passport Plus
Recruitment & Outreach Team Heading Higher Passport Plus (HHP Plus) helps learners from a widening participation background get into university. Students complete different activities during Year 12/13 to help them prepare for the UCAS application process and make a more effective HE application. Heading Higher Passport Plus is aimed at students studying A Levels, BTEC Diplomas or other Level 3 qualifications and works alongside personal development learning / enrichment activities. HHP Plus encourages students to use their learning to help make confident decisions. Eligible students who engage with HHP Plus earn additional benefits as applicants to UWE Bristol.

2 Heading Higher Passport Plus
Progression – what is it? What is my starting point for the next stage in my journey? What is Heading Higher Passport Plus, how could it help? Getting involved in Heading Higher Passport Plus experiences? We are all on a journey – Progression – the art or act of moving onward, movement by successive stages So how can you shape the direction and the experiences you have on your journey or progression?

3 A‘successful’ journey involves…
I want to and believe I can I know about myself and the potential opportunities I have the skills & qualities to make it happen We are ultimately responsible for shaping our own journey. Through how we respond to opportunities or situations and Sometimes by being pro-active and making things happen. Successful progression doesn’t happen by accident; We all have to Learn Practice Reflect Act Successful transitions are more likely when individuals know what they want are confident about what they have to offer and how to make it happen

4 Progression in learning
Thinking about your own transition(s) Do (did)you have the qualifications, skills or qualities you needed to get where you want(ed) to go? Attainment Do (did) you have the resilience to deal with set backs? Did you have enough belief that you could do it? Aspiration Do (did) you know about all the different options open to you and how to access them? And knowledge about yourself, what you like, don’t like, are good at etc. Awareness Developing confidence across all of these themes can help you take charge of your journey

5 Heading Higher Passport Plus is a scheme designed by UWE to help you to make confident decisions about your future. It is based on the themes Aspiration, Awareness and Attainment People who engage with HHP+ will be well prepared to make strong applications to higher education or employment.

6 Heading Higher Passport Plus
Plus a minimum of four optional modules from any theme Mandatory module ; Visit an HE institution and talk to a current s tudent Aspiration Awareness Mandatory module; Reflect on your experiences to develop self - awareness HE study skills Attainment The scheme works alongside the enrichment programme here; You have to complete 7 modules; 3 ‘must do’ (mandatory) modules Aspiration; We know that students who are unhappy in their surroundings tend to drop out – so we want you to visit an HE provider so you can experience what it’s like in person. We know that getting a good idea of what it is like to be a student helps too, and who better to ask than a current uni student. Awareness; Reflecting on experiences is a skill you will need what ever you decide to do in future. It is the ‘So what...’ question What did you personally learn from having a particular experience? Attainment; Starting a new course with some tried and tested learning tactics will help you while you get used to what higher education learning demands

7 You choose the optional modules to do because
Your starting point is unique to you It’s your map, it develops and changes as you do And 4 of your own choice modules (optional) Research careers that interest you Find out about graduate jobs Compare salaries Research individual subjects Take part in a summer school or master class Find out about HE finance Learn to budget and manage money Get work experience, Develop some skills through voluntary work Build up your social skills and confidence in new situations – try new things Plan a day trip, open day visit Travel somewhere on your own by public transport

8 Widening participation

9 Which image is more interesting?
Show of hands Left hand picture? Right hand picture? Because? More interesting – and for an academic community, the more diverse the student body, the more interesting the learning! So we want to encourage applications from people from a diverse range of backgrounds. Especially those we know are currently under-represented in higher education. Why? Because different perspecives enhances the learning experience of everyone.

10 Encouraging participation
Research says that some people think that university is not for people ‘like them’ We know there are groups who are under-represented in higher education We know that some people exclude university as an option because they believe that ... HE has nothing to offer them, they don’t really know what it has to offer them. Concerns about future employment, or the cost of HE. Sometimes people believe they won’t’ fit in’. Universities want anyone with potential to gain from higher education to consider it, because higher education as an academic community thrives on having different people , from different backgrounds and experiences We also know that HE benefits people in other ways Higher lifetime earnings, better health, access to the professions, lower unemployment, better life chances for their children

11 Higher education concerns…
Whatever the reason we want to encourage individuals to really explore their concerns before excluding themselves from a potentially enjoyable, life enhancing experience This is what Heading Higher Passport Plus is all about, encouraging you to explore, then decide And for those who meet the individual eligibility criteria there are extra benefits as an HHP Plus applicant to UWE

12 Benefits the learner and uni…
Students who are confident in their HE application and who are offered a place Students who stay on programme, and engage in university life Graduates who are academically successful and progress into employment We all gain if you are well prepared for your decision; UWE Bristol wants students who are passionate about the course they have applied to study and know that the course at UWE Bristol is the right one for them Who are confident that UWE Bristol is the right environment for them, that they will be happy there for 3-4 years It is a big investment of your time and money, make sure you are applying at the right time for you, so you can make the most of this opportunity…

13 Registered HHP Plus applicants to UWE Bristol earn…
40 UCAS tariff points (Undergraduate Degree) or 20 UCAS Tariff Points (Foundation Degree) Please remember some courses also have specific entry requirements or additional selection criteria. For example specific A level subjects or grades, GCSE requirements, personal statement scrutiny (especially nursing and midwifery), interview, audition, portfolio or work experience... These requirements must also be met to be offered a place. Being an HHP Plus applicant to UWE does not guarantee you an offer of a place. However, if you are offered a place it does help you to achieve your total UCAS Tariff offer points.

14 Students at Heading Higher Passport Plus approved schools & colleges get…
Priority access to popular UWE Bristol outreach events Once at UWE Bristol HHP Plus applicants have priority access to part-time employment. Other benefits include

15 Is this you? Be in Care to a Local Authority or Care Leaver
Be Disabled, as defined under the Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) guidance Identify yourself as belonging to a BME group First in family to access higher education Live in a low income household as defined within the UWE bursary scheme Need to study locally for an identified health, social or cultural reason Be resident at an address in a Low Participation Neighbourhood (LPN) You only need to meet ONE of the criteria to be eligible I don’t want you to identify yourself now, but have a look at the list… do any of these criteria apply to you? To clarify… BME includes all ethnicities except ‘White British’ First in Family = you are still considered 1st in family if you have brothers or sisters who have been at uni, or if a parent has done Open University for example. Only those who have a parent who has completed a full-time, traditional university experience are excluded from this criteria Low income is currently less than £25,000/year Need to study locally = NEED TO (not want to!) because there is a particular reason – you are a young carer for example.

16 Eligibility Criteria Have the potential to succeed in higher education at Foundation Degree or Undergraduate Degree level and attend a Heading Higher Passport Plus Registered school, Academy or college To earn the additional benefits of HHP Plus you must meet certain conditions, these are verified by school/college. Only your school or college can register you as an HHP Plus Applicant to UWE Bristol. You must be registered by the January UCAS Application deadline or before you are made an offer by UWE Bristol,

17 Expectations: young people
Complete all three mandatory modules and a minimum four optional modules Provide evidence of learning gained through Heading Higher Passport Plus to their school or college THIS IS A SOMETHING FOR SOMETHING SCHEME It is your responsibility to show school/college evidence that you have completed of all 7 modules by the time your UCAS Application is submitted. Typically you have until Christmas, or possibly earlier depending on school/college deadlines, to complete all 7 HHP Plus modules.

18 What next? You decide, could the HHP Plus learning experiences help you? Based on your self-assessment, what do you want to tackle first? Keep a record of your learning from the different things you do Have a conversation with your tutor or adviser what will help you work out what is the best ‘next step’ for you Knowledge gaps Experience gaps Concerns or anxieties Support needs Please remember that the Learning log is a must do part of Heading Higher Passport Plus – without evidence of your learning your college/ school cannot register you as a HHP+ applicant. You have to have completed your learning log by the time you apply through UCAS.

19 Further information about Heading Higher Passport Plus
Include school or college in-house link for students as applicable

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