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Cecilie Moe Oslo University Hospital

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1 Cecilie Moe Oslo University Hospital
Clinical trial data management: Points to consider and the impact on the outcome Cecilie Moe Oslo University Hospital

2 Dept. of Research Support and the CTU
Comparative medicine Henrik Rasmussen 3 sections, RAD, UL, RH Research Admin and Biobanking Peder Utne 2 teams (Biobanking and External funding) Clinical Trial Unit Jon B Borgaard Section monitoring Elin Westerheim 10 staff Section data management Cecilie Moe 7(9) staff Section HE, coordination and PROM (PROMiNET) Ellen Johnsen 9 staff GCP/QMS/QA Martha Colban Statistics, collab OCBE, workflow Inge Christoffer Olsen OCBE Arnoldo Frigessi OCBE OUS Morten W Fagerland Health Registry Support Dominic Hoff

3 Data management process

4 Points to consider for CDM
Who/what regulates the data management Qualifications and training SOPs for clinical data management Approved and validated computer systems ALCOA+ standards eCRF fit for purpose Validation of data Continues documentation of the DM process Risk based approch to DM and central monitoring Cross-functional teamwork and dvlp. of DM units

5 Who/what regulates the data management
Laws and regulations National laws for research incl. GCP, personal data etc Hospital procedures How to implement privacy (the right to discontinue a study etc) and Information security (data systems) requirements Guidelines e.g. ICH documents

6 The skillset of a Data Manager includes:
Knowledge of best practices of study set-up and management of a living database Database structure conventions (CDISC) Medical coding (MedDRA, ATC) Programming and logic Statistics and study design Project management Continuing education in the computer systems incl. eCRF Data Managers must work collaboratively and across many disciplines to make sure data is collected, managed and reported clearly, accurately and securely.

7 Qualifications and training
Heterogeneous group, different background Be qualified and trained to do each task Job descriptions Regularly managing training requirements training and development for individual DM Documentation of training Maintanance of training records Up to data CVs Educational background and training courses attended Signed and dated

8 SOPs for clinical data management
Keywords: Version control, structured, revision, training and WI

9 Approved and validated computer systems
GCP 5.5.3:When using electronic trial data handling and/or remote electronic trial data systems, the sponsor should: Ensure and document that the electronic data processing system(s) conforms to the sponsor’s established requirements for completeness, accuracy, reliability, and consistent intended performance (i.e., validation). ADDENDUM The sponsor should base their approach to validation of such systems on a risk assessment that takes into consideration the intended use of the system and the potential of the system to affect human subject protection and reliability of trial results

10 Data systems and data protection Some issues
How to protect the data? Use of the right eSYS, PROM (Ipads in clinic, system to avoid capturing identifiable information) Can’t afford Rolls Royce GCP requirements: audit trail, back-up, certified copy, validation.. Storage of electronic and paper data (many hospitals lack archiving facilities) in a secure place Distribution of electronic data Secure login to eSYS, the hospital requires 2 factor auth Requirements for sharing of data For low budget studies, many researchers are their own data managers without training Access to the best systems (EDCS, data validation systems, web browser, etc.) Tender procedures required The hospitals focus a lot on security, but not on GCP Many prioritize personnel (study nurses, PhD) instead of costs for DM Lack of focus on grant applications Lack of understanding the need for DM and quality in each step

11 ALCOA+ standards + (CCEA) : Complete, Consistent, Enduring and Available Can also be mapped to FDA Guidance for Industry: Electronic Source Data in Clinical Investigations which states that, “Source data should be attributable, legible, contemporaneous, original, and accurate (ALCOA)”.

12 eCRF (pCRF) should be fit for purpose
Only collect the data needed Use friendly eCRF Data that could identify a subject Database specification Testing, testing, testing Who should test? Cross-functional team work

13 Validation of data What to check and how Data validation plan
Manual checks Electronic checks Query management Audit trail of queries and changes Database changes Amendments etc Protocol deviations Maintain the blinding !!!

14 Documentation of the DM process
Written, reviewed and approved Qualified persons to perform the tasks Signed and dated with version control Data management plan , what you plan to do Data management report, what you did Retain the documentation Identify the owner

15 RBM (Risk based approch to monitoring incl
RBM (Risk based approch to monitoring incl. CDM) Responsibility of the sponor

16 RBM

17 Central monitoring Centralized monitoring refers to the analysis of Critical to Quality (CTQ) data against quality targets and the communication of risk signals to orient clinical operations and data management activities, including monitoring visits, source data review (SDR), medical review, and risk mitigative actions. Centralized monitoring implies ongoing collection and analysis of the information from the electronic CRF.

18 Risk classification

19 Monitoring activities

20 NorCRIN WP8: Data management
The main objective is to develop data management units at all partners’ local research support units with competent data management staff, as well as the required quality systems adapted to the local data capture systems. A second objective is the focus on data management as an important part of the interdisciplinary team work facilitating the conduct of clinical studies.

21 ECRIN data center cerification
A not-for-profit organisation that supports multinational clinical trials The European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) is a not-for-profit intergovernmental organisation that supports the conduct of multinational clinical trials in Europe. As of 2013, ECRIN has the legal status of a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC).  Based in Paris, ECRIN works with European Correspondents across Europe, national networks of clinical trial units (CTUs), as well as numerous European and international stakeholders involved in clinical research.

22 16 units since 2011, 10 units are certified
The ECRIN Data Centre Certification programme identifies non-commercial clinical trial units (CTUs) in Europe demonstrating that they can provide safe, secure, compliant and efficient management of clinical research data. The programme tests units for compliance with published ECRIN data standards through on-site audits of units' data management activities and the information technology (IT) infrastructure used to support these activities. ECRIN strongly recommends the use of certified data centres for the multinational trials it supports. 16 units since 2011, 10 units are certified 2 units in 2018, not report yet

23 ECRIN certification standards v3.1
Ny ver. 4.0 frigitt :

24 The impact on the outcome

25 Discussion/Questions
Cross-functional testing of eCRF When? How much? Shared? responisbilities Checking of data with overlapping areas, who is doing what? Give monitors more access to data?

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