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Vocabulary unit 9.

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1 Vocabulary unit 9

2 Effortless-not requiring much work.
Fort- “strong” One of the gymnast struggled through her performance, while the other completed her routine with effortless grace. Effortless-not requiring much work.

3 Fortify-to make stronger
Fort- “strong” Most cereal makers fortify their products with extra vitamins. Fortify-to make stronger

4 Fortitude-strength of mind or character
Fort- “strong” Spending a month in the wilderness camp requires a fortitude that many people do not possess. Fortitude-strength of mind or character

5 Integrate- to bring together to work something into
Teg- “whole,unbroken” The new comic’s routine integrates material from several of his previous shows. Integrate- to bring together to work something into

6 Integrity- honesty;moral soundness
Teg- “whole,unbroken” Bobby’s integrity is such that he once returned a briefcase worth hundreds of dollars to the owner instead of keeping it. Integrity- honesty;moral soundness

7 Disintegrate-to fall apart
Teg- “whole,unbroken” Lisa’s relationship with Jeremy began to disintegrate as soon as she saw his terrible table manners. Disintegrate-to fall apart

8 Affirmative- agreeing with; supporting
Firm- “to strengthen” Directions: Copy the sentence and circle the context clues. An affirmative vote helped the bill become a law. Affirmative- agreeing with; supporting

9 Confirm- to settle as true
Firm- “to strengthen” Directions: Copy the sentence and circle the context clues. The names of people who died in the earthquake could not be confirmed until those who were injured were identified. Confirm- to settle as true

10 Infirm- not in good health; not well
Firm- “to strengthen” Directions: Copy the sentence and circle the context clues. Roberto thought his grandfather looked too infirm to do much, but the elderly man certainly could throw a ball accurately. Infirm- not in good health; not well

11 Val, Valid: To be strong; be worth”
Clark’s advice about using the computer was invaluable to us. Invaluable: very helpful or useful

12 Val, Valid: To be strong; be worth”
The judges barely had time to evaluate one performer before the next one began singing. Evaluate: to judge; to size up

13 Val, Valid: To be strong; be worth”
If that answer is invalid, what is the right one? Invalid: Not good enough; not correct

14 Val, Valid: To be strong; be worth”
The teacher tries to validate her students’ ideas because she wants them to be confident. Validate: to declare good; to accept as good

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