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Preparing for a world war once again

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1 Preparing for a world war once again
How Hitler trained his military for victory and rid his country of the undesirables

2 Preparing for a world war once again
During the late 1930s, Hitler focused on accomplishing two things: 1. Getting rid of the Jews in Germany 2. Preparing for war His long-range goal was to unite all Germans into one Germany

3 Preparing for a world war once again
Why the Jews? Hitler had several bad encounters with Jewish people: 1. People who rejected him from art school in Vienna 2. German traitors who surrendered during WWI 3. Small business owners who ruined the economy All Jewish*

4 Preparing for a world war once again
When Hitler gained power in 1934, he would enact several laws and authorize different actions designed to strike back at the Jews Nuremburg Laws: Stripped Jews of their citizenship Kristallnacht: Attack on Jewish businesses and synagogues

5 Preparing for a world war once again
1935 Nuremburg Laws: Laws that were passed by Hitler that were designed to take away basic rights from the Jews 1. Jews couldn’t marry an Aryan (Protect pure German blood) 2. Loss of citizenship 3. Jews were defined as a separate race 4. Jewish businesses were “Aryanized” (1937) These laws helped to define who was a Jew so the Nazis could start to persecute them

6 Preparing for a world war once again

7 Preparing for a world war once again
1938 Kristallnacht:(Night of Broken Glass) A night of violence against Jews by the Nazis in retaliation for a killing of a Nazi official “supposedly” by a Jew Jewish businesses and synagogues were targeted and destroyed Over 100 Jews were killed and 30,000 arrested

8 Preparing for a world war once again

9 Preparing for a world war once again

10 Preparing for a world war once again
With Jews and other enemies of the state trying to leave the country, or being shipped to camps, Hitler prepares his final strategy for WWII Hitler will employ a new style of warfare that relies on speed and overwhelming force known as a Blitzkrieg: “Lightning War”

11 Preparing for a world war once again
This style of fighting focuses on hitting the enemy quickly and unannounced, using airplanes, fast-moving tanks, and moving troops by transport This style was what worked in the Spanish Civil War that Hitler crafted

12 Preparing for a world war once again
A Blitzkrieg approach relies heavily on airplanes to be successful Hitler knew this and had been building an armada of airplanes Luftwaffe: German Air force

13 Preparing for a world war once again

14 Preparing for a world war once again
Hitler had the fastest fighter planes and longest range bombers the world had seen up to 1939 The Luftwaffe was successful in the beginning of the war, but it and the blitzkrieg would be tested and beaten eventually by a strong enough resistance With his military ready, economy stable, Jewish “problem fixed,” and loyal citizens brainwashed, Hitler turns his attention east to Poland and the start of WWII

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