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Instructor Responsibilities and Certification

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1 Instructor Responsibilities and Certification
Carl Kantner Updates on NTTC activities and products as we prepare for next tax season NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

2 Instructors do not supervise another volunteer position
Scope of Authority Instructors train Counselors to assist in the preparation of tax returns for the target population in accordance with program policy Instructors do not supervise another volunteer position CO1 IW 2018

3 Must be able to train volunteers in their district
Qualifications Must be able to train volunteers in their district Know basic principles of instruction Have requisite knowledge in tax law and the preparation of tax returns Must be able to work effectively with diverse adult learners CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

4 Administrative Instructors are appointed by the District Coordinator (DC) and report directly to the DC Required Training: Must acquire tax proficiency sufficient to train others Must have knowledge of AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program policies Attends district and local meetings Also any training sessions as necessary for performance of Instructor duties The position requires the greatest time in the late fall and early winter when Instructors and Counselors are trained CO1 IW 2018

5 Responsibilities Attends Instructor Workshop (if possible)
Passes the Intake/Interview and Quality Review, and Advanced Test for IRS certification Is familiar with the NTTC Workbook problems required by their district for certification of a Counselor The Policy Manual states that a minimum of four exercises should be completed by each student Meadows, Parsons. Wells and Yale are recommended for experienced counselors CO1 IW 2018

6 Responsibilities Continued
Is familiar with training resources and tools available on the Library on the Portal Schedules Counselor training classes Provides instruction to all site level volunteers Income tax information Tax return preparation Program policy and administrative procedures Confidentiality and security of taxpayer data Incorporates adult learning principles in all areas of instruction CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

7 Responsibilities Continued
Grades and returns IRS test to Counselors and marks up workbook problems assigned by their district Reviews test results and assigned problems with Counselors and provides guidance for weak areas that were identified Signs the Volunteer Agreement for Counselors who have passed the IRS test and have completed any problems required by their district This means that the Counselor is certified Submits a list of Counselors who successfully certified to their District Coordinator CO1 IW 2018

8 The Approving Official for Tax Law Certification…
Training Specialist (TRS) certified by IRS SPEC RM (The Approving Official) Training Coordinators (TRC) and Instructors certified by TRS (The Approving Official) Counselors, etc. certified by TRS, TRC and/or Instructors (The Approving Officials) This is a cascading process Starts with IRS Spec. signing off on the TRS’ Volunteer agreement. TRS then signs off on the ‘Instructors’ Volunteer agreements. Finally Instructors, TRCs & TRS certify and sign off on agreements CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

9 Possible Certifications in Portal Record for each Volunteer…
Volunteer Standards of Conduct Policies and Procedures* Intake and QR Proficiency problems Advanced Test Local Coordinator training* State Training (Colorado) Health Savings Account Military International Foreign Student Overall completion * Not tax law – typically by DC CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

10 Reminders… Counselors must pass the Advanced Test to be certified
IRS Circular 230 Federal Tax Law Update Test (certification on new tax law and tax law updates only) for Attorneys, CPAs and Enrolled Agents does not apply NTTC recommends Counselors complete at least four proficiency problems – State Coordinator decision on number required for state A volunteer who completes Circular 230 Federal Tax Law Update Test can prepare all tax returns that fall within the scope of the VITA/TCE program – passing only Update Test “certifies” them for everything – Advanced, HSA, Military, Foreign Student, … . As well as perform all volunteer roles such as tax preparer, quality reviewer and/or instructor. CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – 2017 Regional Meeting

11 Policy for Certification Reporting via the Portal
SCs must establish process that ensures recording of certifications is completed in Portal record for each volunteer Process will include one or more specific Volunteer Leaders SMT member appointed to ensure reporting is complete and deadlines met 2019 deadline for reporting certifications is February 5th Instructions for recording certifications are in Portal Library The certifications for each volunteer are logged in the Portal and are due by the third business day of February. Certifications must be updated if changes occur between the February due date and April 1 when the records are locked. Each State Coordinator will establish a process that ensures the recording of volunteer certifications is completed using the tools provided by the National Office. The process must include the designation of one or more specific Volunteer Leaders to record the certification levels of all volunteers and the appointment of a member of the SMT to oversee the process and to ensure that reporting is complete and deadlines are met. The bulk of certifications must be entered no later than February 5, After that, updated certifications should be entered as they occur. Note, the Portal certification process is locked on April 1st. Last season, ten split states participated in the Certification Pilot Program.  And approximately 25 additional split-states manually entered their certification data into the Portal due to technical issues and timeliness of data entry.​ This year all split states will enter certifications into the Portal CO1 IW 2018

12 Possible Certification Responsibilities by Position
DC AC TRC INS TRS ADS Train and certify Instructors – tax law X Train and certify new and returning Counselors – tax law Train and certify Local Coordinators, Client Facilitators, other non-Counselor volunteers – IRS Standards of Conduct, Intake/Interview and QR process Train all volunteers – policy and procedures Train and certify Local Coordinators – coordinator policy and procedures; site operations Enter certification step completions into Portal – DC Decision Enter annual certification completion – DC Decision Run reports of completed certifications – DC Decision SMT Oversight of process* The NTTC and the NOC recommendations for who trains and certifies volunteers focus on District level leaders as you can see on this slide. And as part of the new policy, the TRS and ADS also have roles to play in the certification process. However, if push comes to shove, RCs and Staff can also enter certifications into the Portal.  ​ SCs can delegate who in the DMT is responsible for each entry or can allow the DCs to make that decision based on their knowledge of the volunteers in their Districts. Not shown in the chart is who certifies the TRS. The IRS RM is the only person who can certify the TRS. This is a list of who can enter certifications in the Portal: RC SC ADS TRS DC TRC AC INS Staff CO1 IW 2018 Required Options * An SMT member

13 Reporting Process SC records TRS tax law certification in Portal after SPEC RM sign-off TRS certifies and records TRC and Instructor tax law certifications in Portal DCs decide who in district will record each certification for each volunteer including final annual update that all certifications are complete ADS monitors overall state process and ensures certification reporting complete and on-time This is a suggested process for reporting of volunteer certification. This is just a suggestions We recognize that split states may choose to use a variation of this process to facilitate the certification and recording of volunteer certifications. The bottom line is that each split state is required by policy to have a process to ensure the accurate, complete, and timely certification of volunteers. CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

14 Certifications CO1 IW 2018 NTTC – October 2018 Regional Meeting

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