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St. Perpetua (Everlasting)

2 INTRODUCTION The word martyr means someone who dies for his or her religious beliefs. Why do people do that? What makes these people give up their lives so soon, when they could have lived an amazing life? Many of the martyrs in the Coptic Church are rich and have good statuses in society. Why do they give up riches, fame, and family for God? Memory verse: “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25).

3 HISTORY & Life St. Perpetua is from North Africa in the 4th century. Her name means “Everlasting” or “Continual.” She wrote her biography from the day of her arrest. St. Perpetua had a baby and was born from a noble pagan family. She was martyred along with St. Felicitas, St. Revicatus, St. Saturinius, and St. Secundulus. They were not yet Christians and baptized but were instructed in the Christian faith. Emperor Septimus Severus ordered for their arrest and executed them at the military games. St. Saturinius decided to go to jail to encourage St. Perpetua and her companions because he was their spiritual guide. St. Perpetua’s husband heard of the persecution in Africa, so he fled the country and left St. Perpetua and the baby. He could not handle persecution or dying for Christ.

4 HISTORY & Life Not everyone is called to martyrdom and not many are able to endure martyrdom. Her father tried to convince her to worship idols and offer incense, denying her Christian faith, but St. Perpetua refused. He began to beat her and curse at her. There were two deacons who visited St. Perpetua and her companions in prison to give them food. The church never leaves her members in times of hardships. The deacons requested from the jail keeper to bring St. Perpetua’s baby in prison, so she can feed him. St. Perpetua and those with her were baptized in prison. Her brother visited her and asked her about the sufferings and persecution and what happened to martyrs after they die. She informed him she will answer him the next day with all confidence that Christ would reveal His will.

5 HISTORY & Life She saw a vision that a ladder from the ground all the way up to heaven and a dragon was at the bottom of the ladder trying to devour anyone going up to it. There were also swords and knives. Whoever looked up to the ladder will comfort them to continue going up the ladder. She saw St. Saturinius at the top of the ladder telling her, “Come up, Perpetua.” She reached the top and saw the Lord Jesus as a Shepherd sitting with delicious food, and people were wearing white. The Lord Jesus gave her this food and the people in white said, “Amen.” The food was the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus, which revealed that she would receive the crown of martyrdom. She revealed the vision to her brother and they both glorified God.

6 HISTORY & Life Her father took her baby away from her to force her to leave Christ, yet she remained steadfast in the faith and did not deny the Lord Jesus. St. Felicitas was 8 months pregnant and wanted to receive the crown of martyrdom, but the Roman law states that pregnant women cannot be offered as sacrifices to the beasts if they are pregnant. They all prayed, and God allowed for her to give birth (something that is very rare for a woman to give birth on the 8th month), so He may grant her the crown of martyrdom. They took St. Perpetua along with her companions to be offered to the beasts. When the soldiers saw how much torture they encountered, they came down and killed them by the sword to be freed from pain. They received the crown of martyrdom. May their prayers be with us all, Amen.

7 conclusion St. Perpetua accepted the Lord Jesus during heavy and unbearable persecution. She held onto Christ even when her family abandoned her and took her son away. She did not want to hang onto anything in this world that will delay her eternity. She had all the riches and could have lived to raise her son, but she truly desired to be with Christ, “…having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better” (Philippians 1:23). She did not fear the beasts nor the sword, but bravely gave up her life for the Redeemer.

8 Questions for reflection
The Lord Jesus said, “He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me” (Matthew 10:37). What are some things you love more than the Lord Jesus? St. Perpetua and her companions refused to worship idols. Do we refuse to let social media and technology take us away from spending time with God? What can we do to prevent technology from controlling us? Do you love certain people in your life more than the Lord Jesus? Why? How can you hang on to God and not give up your faith in Him during hardships?

9 Applications Be friends with people who will bring you closer to God.
Have faith that God can work miracles in your life. Try to reflect on the moments in your life where you saw God’s hands work a miracle to protect or save you from harm. When you experience hardships, set your eyes on the heavenly promises and the word of God. Write down your favorite verses on a sticky note/note card and tape them on your wall. When you go through challenging times, look at those verses and God will give you peace and comfort.


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