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WCHS Title I Parent Meeting

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1 2017-2018 WCHS Title I Parent Meeting
September 13, 2017

2 What is Title I Title I, Part A provides formula grants to districts.
Districts allocate funds to Title I schools based on their number of low-income children. The district must use Title I funds only in schools that may have been selected for services through allowable procedures. Funds are used to improve student achievement in high poverty schools. 2017/18 will be WCHS’s 3rd year as a part of this program. WCHS is at 77% Free/Reduced Lunch

3 WCHS’s Vision Through the On-Going Growth and Development of Warren Central Faculty and Staff, OUR Students will be Equipped to be PRODUCTIVE, SUCCESSFUL and COMPETITIVE in any HEALTHY Venue they CHOOSE

4 WCHS’s Core Values

5 Expectations of WCHS Improve student achievement through effective use of Title I Resources Identify student needs and work as a team to address them Ensure learning for ALL students Ensure opportunities for ALL students Incorporate ALL stakeholders in the school environment (parents and community) Increase and nurture a healthy school culture

6 Expenditures for 2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/18 2015/2016 2016/17 2017/18
Replaced computer workstations in 2 of 3 business classrooms Purchased Chromebooks: Science Dept. English Dept. Math Dept. Math Intervention Teacher Departmental Resources Rewards for Students Teacher Trainings Instructional Supplies Parental Involvement 2016/17 Replaced computer workstations in the final business classroom Purchased Chromebooks: Arts & Humanities JROTC Social Studies 2 Math Intervention Teachers 4.04 Teaching Units Departmental Resources Rewards for Students Teacher Trainings Instructional Supplies 90 Graphing Calculators Parental Involvement 2017/18 2 Math Intervention Teachers 1 Reading Intervention Teacher 4.77 Teaching Units Departmental Resources Rewards for Students Teacher Trainings Instructional Supplies Small Engines to aid in Career Pathways Parental Involvement Essentials for Algebra Resources

7 Home-School Compact Parent/Guardian, Teachers, and Administrators agree to: Encourage good attendance Provide a positive environment for learning and study Support each others’ efforts in the development of each student Communicate with each other regularly Always encourage students to achieve their goals Student Agrees to: Come to school prepared to work hard Complete work to the best of his/her ability Look to parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators for help, guidance, and encouragement

8 Parent Involvement Policy
Within the first month of the school year, parents will be invited to attend an annual meeting to be held at WCHS. This meeting will inform parents of the school’s participation in Title I and what it means for them. An additional number of meetings will be planned throughout the school year. These meetings will focus on parent feedback. Information regarding Title I programs, school performance profiles, and individual student assessments will be provided as available. Title I staff will coordinate parent involvement and support partnerships among parents, school and community by: Providing assistance in understanding assessments and standards that will improve the performance of their child Providing materials, services, and training to parents Developing appropriate roles for community based organizations and businesses in involvement activities Assisting parents in becoming full partners in their child’s education

9 2016/2017 Annual Review KDE Title I Consultant Mr. Neil Watts visited WCHS on February 15, 2017 WCHS Administration provided Mr. Watts with Schoolwide Program Monitoring Form Findings: Needs Assessment: No Action Needed School Program Design and Effectiveness Maintain Personnel Activity Reports on staff paid partially from Title I Part A Funds Maintain Semi-Annual Certification on staff paid solely from Title I Part A Funds WCHS submitted the required actions to KDE by May 30, 2017 Parent Involvement School-Parent Compact does not meet Title 1 Part A guidelines

10 Teacher Status The Warren County School District receives federal funds for Title I and Title II, Part A programs as part of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Under ESSA, you have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of your child’s teacher(s). If you request this information, the district will provide you with the following: Whether the teacher has met the state requirements for licensure and certification for the grade levels and subject matter in which the teacher provides instruction; Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which the state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived; The college major and other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; Whether your child is provided services by paraeducators and their qualifications If you would like to request information, please contact Jan Casada by phone at or by at: Please include your child’s name, the name of your school and an address or address where the information may be sent

11 Title I Information listed on the WCHS School Webpage:
Choose “About WCHS” then “Title I Information” Or directly at Title I Parent Survey:

12 Contacts WCHS: 270-781-2401
Twitter: WarrenCentral4 Website:

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