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Notes on mitosis & Meiosis

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1 Notes on mitosis & Meiosis

2 Reproduction Reproduction - is the act or process of producing babies, young animals, or plants. Living things reproduce to make young plants or animals.

3 Questions for discussion:
Do all organisms reproduce? Do all organisms reproduce in the same way?

4 Types of Reproduction Asexual - one parent Sexual - two parents

5 Asexual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which a new organism is produced from one parent and has the same DNA or genetic material as the parent. Spider plant offspring Yeast cells dividing (budding)

6 How do little elephants grow up to be BIG elephants?

7 Why do animals shed their skin?

8 The process of asexual reproduction begins after fertilization
The process of asexual reproduction begins after fertilization. (after a sperm fertilizes an egg).

9 Three reasons why cells reproduce by asexual reproduction: 1. Growth 2
Three reasons why cells reproduce by asexual reproduction: Growth Repair Replacement Skin cancer - the abnormal growth of skin cells - most often develops on skin exposed to the sun. Cell that reproduce by asexual reproduction reproduce constantly.

10 Animated Mitosis Cycle
Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase & Cytokinesis

11 Animal Mitosis -- Review
Interphase                                                              Prophase                                                              Metaphase                                                              Anaphase                                                              Telophase                                                             

12 Plant Mitosis -- Review
Interphase                                                              Prophase                                                              Metaphase                                                              Anaphase                                                              Telophase                                                             

13 Sexual reproduction: a type of reproduction in which two cells, usually an egg and a sperm join to form a zygote, which develops into a new organism with its own genetic identity. Animal Plant

14 Meiosis Cycle

15 Question for discussion:
Can you think of other organisms that reproduce through asexual or sexual reproduction?

16 Asexual Reproduction Examples

17 A whole new starfish can grow from a single arm that was cut off a starfish organism.
A planarian is a tiny flatworm that lives in ponds. If a planarian is cut into pieces, each piece will grow into a new planarian. Yeast are one-celled organisms that produce offspring from a bulge that forms and breaks away from the parent.

18 A paramecium is a one-celled organism that reproduces by splitting in half to become two new cells.
An ivy plant will reproduce a whole new plant if a piece of stem and leaf is placed into water or soil.

19 Review – Life Cycle – Organisms
CHARACTERISTICS OF CELLULAR SEXUAL REPRODUCTION (MEIOSIS ) One parent No genetic variation (genotype and phenotype similar) Quick method of reproduction Examples fission, budding and vegetative reproduction.

20 Review Life Cycle - organisms
CHARACTERISTICS OF CELLULAR ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION (MITOSIS) Two parent Variety in offspring Allows for adaptation for survival Examples: Most plants and animals

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