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Direct and Indirect Objects

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1 Direct and Indirect Objects

2 Direct objects

3 The object that directly receives the action of the verb is called the direct object.
Bill hit the ball. "Ball" receives the action of the verb "hit.” Sherry reads the book. "Book" receives the action of the verb "reads."

4 The direct object can also be a person.
Sherry hit Bill. (DO=Bill)

5 The direct object answers the question "what. " or "whom
The direct object answers the question "what?" or "whom?" with regard to what the subject of the sentence is doing. Bill hit the ball. Bill hit what? Bill hit the ball. Sherry hit Bill. Sherry hit whom? Sherry hit Bill.

6 When the pronoun replaces the name of the direct object, use the following pronouns:
me (me) te (you-familiar) lo, la (him, her, it, you-formal) nos (us) os (you-all-familiar) los, las (them, you-all-formal)

7 So…… If you say la chica, the direct object pronoun would be la.
If you say el perro, the direct object pronoun would be lo. If you say “I saw you (informal),” the direct object pronoun would be te.

8 What would be the direct object pronoun for the following words?
mesa pizarra techo papel maestro chicos nosotros ruidos anuncios tazas tizas la lo los nos las

9 Tengo la pluma. = I have the pen.
In an affirmative statement with one verb, the direct object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb. Tengo la pluma. = I have the pen. You need to think….. I have what? I have the pen. Is the pen masculine or femenine, singular or plural? Femenine! Singular! Replace the word pluma with la and place it before the noun. La tengo. = I have it.

10 Try this one… Rewrite the sentence with the direct object pronoun!
Juan tiene la pluma. Think… Juan has what? The pen Pluma – m or f? Singular or plural? Put the pronoun before the verb! Juan la tiene.

11 Think….. M or F? Singular or Plural?
Try this one! Juan tiene el libro. Think….. M or F? Singular or Plural? Juan lo tiene.

12 What about this one? María tiene los libros. Think….. María los tiene.

13 Look at how Spanish and English are different!
"Lo tengo" and "La tengo" BOTH mean "I have it." Differences: "It" has two forms in Spanish: lo, la "Tengo" one word in Spanish = two words in English (I have) The word order is different. In Spanish, the pronoun (lo, la) comes before the verb; in English, the pronoun (it) comes after the verb.

14 Practice Salma recibió 6 nominaciones.
She didn’t expect them. (Ella no las esperaba) Alejandro lavo los trastes ayer. He didn’t washed them very well. (No los lavó muy bien) Alejandro creó su propia compañía. He sold it two year later. (El la vendió dos anos despues) Del Toro tiene estilo. He uses it very well. (El lo usa muy efectivamente) Cuarón estudió filosofía. He keeps up with it. (El la sigue practicando) Quiero monstruos. He want them very ugly. (El los quiere muy feos)

15 Indirect objects

16 The indirect object (IO) tells us where the direct object (DO) is going.
He gives the book to María. DO=Book Where is the book going? To María. IO=María He gives María the book. DO=Book Where is the book going? To María. IO=María

17 The indirect object answers the question "To whom. " or "For whom
The indirect object answers the question "To whom?" or "For whom?" the action of the verb is performed. He gives María the book. To whom does he give the book? To María. IO=María He buys me flowers. For whom does he buy the flowers? For me. IO=me

18 Sentences that have an indirect object usually also have a direct object. Remember, the IO tells us where the DO is going. Notice how the sentences below just wouldn't work without a direct object. He gives María the book, the pen, the diamond, etc. He buys me flowers, candy, an ironing board, etc.

19 ¡Ojo! Sometimes the direct object is not stated; rather it is implied, or understood. My mother writes me every week. DO=letter (understood) IO=me (My mother writes me a letter every week.) She told him. DO=it (understood) IO=him (She told it to him.)

YOU MUST THINK OUT THE SENTENCE. PUT IT IN A DIFFERENT ORDER IF YOU HAVE TO! I gave you the paper. I gave the paper to you. I gave what? the paper To who or what? You!

21 When a pronoun takes the place of the name of the indirect object, use the following pronouns:
me (me) te (you-familiar) le (him, her, you-formal) nos (us) os (you-all-familiar) les (them, you-all-formal)

22 Juan compra un regalo para mí. Think…. (Juan buys a gift for me.)
In an affirmative statement with one verb, the indirect object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb. Juan buys me a gift. Juan compra un regalo para mí. Think…. (Juan buys a gift for me.) Juan me compra un regalo.

23 Juan les compra un regalo.
Try this one! John buys them a gift. Juan compra un regalo para ellos. Think…. Juan les compra un regalo.

24 Direct and Indirect Objects together

25 Compare the two types of pronouns
me te lo, la nos os los, las me te le nos os les Direct Objects Indirect Objects

26 Ellos me los dan. They give them to me.
When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes first. Ellos me los dan. They give them to me. IO pronoun: me DO pronoun: los

27 Ella te la vende. She sells it to you.
When you have both a direct object pronoun and an indirect object pronoun in the same sentence, the indirect object pronoun comes first. Ella te la vende. She sells it to you. IO pronoun: te DO pronoun: la

28 Whenever both pronouns begin with the letter "l" change the first pronoun to "se." Think of the Eric Clapton song! It is not sung in español, ¡no existe! le lo = se lo le la = se la le los = se los le las = se las les lo = se lo les la = se la les los = se los les las = se las

29 In negative sentences, the negative word comes directly before the first pronoun.
No se lo tengo. I don't have it for you. Nunca se los compro. I never buy them for her.

30 I want to tell it to you. Te lo quiero decir. Quiero decírtelo.
In sentences with two verbs, there are two options regarding the placement of the pronouns. Place them immediately before the conjugated verb or attach them directly to the infinitive. She should explain it to me. Ella me lo debe explicar. Ella debe explicármelo. I want to tell it to you. Te lo quiero decir. Quiero decírtelo. You need to send it to them. Se la necesitas enviar a ellos. Necesitas enviársela a ellos.

31 ¡Ojo! Note that when attaching the pronouns to the infinitive, a written accent is also added to the final syllable of the infinitive. This preserves the sound of the infinitive.

32 When the pronouns come before the conjugated verb, make the sentence negative by placing the negative word directly before the pronouns. Ella me lo debe explicar. Ella no me lo debe explicar. Te lo quiero decir. No te lo quiero decir. Se la necesitas enviar a ellos. No se la necesitas enviar a ellos.

33 I gave the money to Lulu. My dog stole the shoes. Ricky Martin sings songs to Ms. Hunt. Perla wanted to steal the food from Madison. Sam gave his homework to Maddie. Katherine and Kira gave the book to Asif. Paulina and I gave a gift (regalar) to Stephanie. Mariana and her sisters didn’t tell the secret to their mom. The teacher explained the lesson to us. I need to send the letter to you.

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