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Polar Bears: a threatened species By: Jessica, Jacque, Sirwa and venu

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Presentation on theme: "Polar Bears: a threatened species By: Jessica, Jacque, Sirwa and venu"— Presentation transcript:

1 Polar Bears: a threatened species By: Jessica, Jacque, Sirwa and venu

2 Characteristics Largest land carnivore. 1,600 pounds.
Paws can measure up to 12 inches across Claws over 3 inches in length They are as smart as apes.

3 Diet and Behavior Ringed seal Body language,
vocalizations, and scent markings Polar bears do not hibernate.

4 Habitat Arctic Circle -10 degrees They have thick insulated fur

5 Polar Bear Status: VU (Vulnerable)
“To survive today, other animals must endure global warming, pollution, and fewer habitats. More tragically, they must endure the silence of human hearts.” -Anthony Douglas Williams FACTS: Polar Bear Status: VU (Vulnerable) Population: 22,000 – 31,000 Scientific Name: Ursus Maritimus (Sea Bear) Click to add text

6 Conservation Status Least Concerned Near Threatened
Vulnerable (Polar Bears) Endangered Critically Endangered

7 Polar Bears: A threatened species
Polar bears were listed as a threatened species in the US under the Endangered Species Act in May 2008. Reasons: Climate Change Industrial Impact Hunting

8 Average Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Extent

9 Why saving polar bears is important
Polar bears are at the top of the food chain in the arctic. An ecosystem is highly dependent on all its parts, and the loss of a single species can change everything. Ice caps melt- causing more polar bears to disappear More arctic seals This throws the environment out of balance, Less salmon A chaos in the seafood market

10 Top of the Food Chain Ice Algae Copepod

11 Why should we save them Polar bears help us gain an understanding of what is happening throughout the Arctic, as a polar bear at risk may signal something is wrong elsewhere in the arctic marine ecosystem Who would want these little cute Polar Bears to disappear anyways.

12 Ways To Preserve The Species: Addressing Global Warming
Shrink carbon footprint Use energy efficient appliances Use cars less/ drive less Turn off electricity Recycle / buy less/ eat less meat

13 The Most Valuable Ways To Help
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14 Conclusion How you can help
Donate to a conservation fund Save our sea ice campaign Polar Bear Week, October 30- November 5, 2016 - Take the Next Step through energy-saving actions! 

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