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Spatial Econometrics ASSOCIATION SUMMER SCHOOL 2019

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1 Spatial Econometrics ASSOCIATION SUMMER SCHOOL 2019
SEAI ACADEMICS Professor Giuseppe Arbia Professor of Statistics and Econometrics, Universty “Cattolica del Sacro Cuore” of Rome, Italy. Director of SEAI. . Professor Badi Baltagi Distinguished Professor of Economics. CPR Senior Research Associate. Center for Policy Research Syracuse University, NY, USA. LOCATION - ROME The Catholic University of Rome is directly connected by train to San Peter and the city center. There will be plenty of chances to take some time off to discover the city. The SEAI will organize weekly social dinners and social events. Professor Anil Bera Professor of Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana Champain, IL, USA. Spatial Econometrics ASSOCIATION SUMMER SCHOOL 2019 Professor Ingmar Prucha Professor of Economics, University of Maryland at College Park, MD, USA. CONTACT COORDINATORS WEBSITE

PROGRAMME ADMISSION ACCOMODATION The application form can be found online and should be sent  before january to   Number of participants: minimum 20, maximum 30 SEAI 2018 candidates will be selected based on relevance of curriculum and personal motivation WEEK 1 | SPATIAL STATISTICS MAY 13 | MAY 17 Giuseppe Arbia [Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome] WEEK 2 | SPATIAL ECONOMETRICS MAY 20 | MAY 24 Anil Bera [University of Illinois at Urbana- Champain] WEEK 3 | ECONOMETRIC METHODS FOR SPATIAL AND SOCIAL NETWORKS MAY 27 | MAY 31 Ingmar Prucha [University of Maryland] WEEK 4 | PANEL DATA JUNE 3 | JUNE 7 Badi Baltagi [Maxwell School – Syracuse University] The school does its best in assisting participants to find suitable accomodation: APARTMENT SHARING Special agreements are in place with, allowing participants to rent apartments near the university at discounted rates. IN-CAMPUS HOTEL participants can be hosted at the “Residenza protetta”, the in-campus hotel. HOTEL EXCEL (****) Accommodation can be provided at a corporate rate at the four-star hotel at walking distance from the campus. For more information, check the SEA website. /home-advanced/admission/ FEES PERIOD DOCTORAL / MASTER STUDENT OTHER FULL COURSE EUR 2.300 EUR 3.300 1 WEEK EUR 1.000 EUR 1.300 2 WEEKS EUR 1.500 EUR 2.000 3 WEEKS EUR 3.000

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