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11 Business and Technology 11-1 Computer Systems

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1 11 Business and Technology 11-1 Computer Systems
C H A P T E R 11 Business and Technology 11-1 Computer Systems 11-2 Business Applications of Technology 11-3 Other Technology Issues

Input Processing Memory and storage Output device Computer System- the components of all computers (example- speed, memory, etc)

3 Hardware / Software Hardward- the physical elements of a computer.
Software- the instructions and programs of a computer

4 Global computer network (Internet)
COMPUTER NETWORKS- Computers that are linked and share software and data Global computer network (Internet) For accessing the World Wide Web For exchanging Local computer network (intranet) Functions like a typical website Used to share information within an organization

5 Processing- the brains or control center of the computer
Program- a series of details, step-by-step instructions that guide the computer. Computer Language- letters, words, numbers, and symbols used to communicate with the computer Operating System Software- translates commands and allows application programs to interact with the computer.

6 Application Software- programs that perform specific tasks
Word processing- organizing reports, letters, etc. Desktop publishing- brochures, charts, and graphs (MS WORD & PUBLISHER) Database software- organized collection of information (lists and groups of info.) (MS ACCESS) Spreadsheet software- columns and rows for financial calculations. (MS EXCEL) Presentation software- Slides of information that can include information, animation, and sound (MS PowerPoint)

A management information system (MIS) is a coordinated system of processing and reporting information in an organization. Managers need information to make business decisions. Computer systems and software are essential parts of MIS.


9 Computer Assisted Instructions (CAI)- the use of that helps people learn information and skills at their own pace. (ONLINE COURSES) Used in Education, Healthcare, and Finances

10 E-COMMERCE E-commerce refers to conducting business
transactions using the Internet or other technology. Providing product information Promoting a company Selling online Conducting market research Making payments Obtaining parts and supplies Tracking shipments

11 KEY TERMS Robotics- mechanical devices to perform tasks
artificial intelligence (AI)- software that enables the computer to reason, learn, and make decisions. expert system- programs that solve technical problems computer-aided design (CAD)-use of technology to create product styles and designs. Telecommuting- doing work from home using technology Piracy- illegally copying or stealing software computer virus- hidden program code that damages the computer

12 Discussion Questions:
How has the advances in technology and the internet (in the last 10 years) changed how individuals (consumers) function on a daily basis?  How has the advances in technology and the internet (in the last 10 years) changed how businesses function on a daily basis? ONLINE RESEARCH- Page 2 > back page

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