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Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

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Presentation on theme: "Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Annual General Meeting June 17, 2017

2 Agenda Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners 2. Minute of silence
1. Welcome and introductions 2. Minute of silence 3. Adoption of Minutes of Previous AGM 4. Board Reports Chairman: Dave Morris ICBP: Sheila Telford Treasurer: David Acheson 5. Financial Report and approval 6. Appointment of Auditor

3 Agenda Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Approval of actions of the Board Questions and any other business Closing remarks Termination

4 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
One Minute of Silence

5 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Current Board of Directors David Acheson Ian Andexser Bill Avery Malcolm Campbell David Morris (Chairman) Stephen Willetts Sheila Telford

6 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Adoption of June 2016 Minutes

7 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Dave Morris CABP activities in past year Members renewing online are asked to consider receiving Justice online – savings in print and postage 38% of our total members now receive Justice online Engaging our membership in political activities Letter writing campaign to politicians in UK New focus on political activities in Canada Potential for new agreements between Canada and the UK after Brexit Sheila and Stephen leading the initiative

8 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Dave Morris CABP activities in past year Prederi report Meeting with Oliver Letwin, UK Cabinet Minister Engaged a pre-eminent consulting firm (Prederi) to update financial analysis of impact on the UK of pensioners leaving the UK Phase 1 of the study showed that it was still cost beneficial to the UK every time a pensioner leaves (or doesn’t return to the UK)

9 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
MEMBERSHIP Active members in Canada and overseas: ,000 Total UK Pensioners in Canada: ,000 Future UK Pensioners in Canada (age 45-64): ,000 We need to continue to find and recruit new members Our membership is aging and numbers are declining, and we are facing a potential membership crisis

10 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
51% of our current members are likely aged 77+

11 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

12 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

13 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
We need YOU to promote CABP Tell your friends, relatives, neighbours, colleagues Distribute BUS posters and brochures Keep business cards handy in wallet Advertise in local papers/ magazines – artwork is ready Place an ad in a Journal or Club Newsletter Write an article for your local newspaper Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper Spread the Word !

14 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Over The Last Year With a challenging and changing political environment (UK election, Brexit, change of ministers and key contacts in Parliament, another UK election) spending on national advertising was reduced considerably We continued with print advertising in regional newspapers and magazines with some success Referrals from financial/retirement planners was modest but, no cost involved The refer a new member contest ran again this year with good results. Maria Taylor from Toronto was the winner of an iPad tablet

15 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
In the Next Year Once the dust settles after the British Election We have a better understanding of Brexit dates We meet with new political leaders We establish contact with key people in Parliament Your board will develop a new strategy Marketing investments will be developed in support of the new strategy We will conduct another Refer a New Member Contest

16 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
ICBP REPORT Sheila Telford

17 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
ICBP : members: BPIA and CABP Directed by Board and Chairman New Board and Chair: skills needed on the Board ICBP: the face of frozen pensioners in the UK/world PHA : UK media firm work for us political & media

18 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
PHA support us in media and political activities in UK PHA Media Major Media stories in the press in past year On our own going forward Members need to step up – stories we can pitch ourselves – letters to Editor

19 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
PHA Political ICBP Labour, SNP, DUP, Plaid Cymru and Green Party are all committed to supporting our campaign Support also in Conservative party APPG: Very supportive Chair, Sir Roger Gale (Con) PHA provides secretariat for APPG PHA facilitates access to politicians PHA maintains APPG website PHA provide some logistical support to debates on pensions

20 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
PHA POLITICAL Support and logistics November visits November visit 2016: Nigel Nelson and John Markham April visit 2017: David Morris

21 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
What Next ? Continue with PHA political BREXIT: the best chance we currently have Continued lobbying after election and cabinet decided Visit in November- we need to ensure we are included in pensions discussions re Brexit Letters to MPs help. Critical all members heed requests to write.

22 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

23 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION LIQUID ASSETS Category Diff $ Diff% Cash $29,490 $42,537 ($13,047) (30.7%) Marketable Securities 365,943 358,163 7,780 2.2% Total Liquid Assets $395,433 $400,700 ($5,267) (1.3%)

24 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
CHANGES IN NET ASSETS General Action Fund Fund Total Total Net Assets Beg of Year $229,501 $112,173 $341,674 $369,315 Excess of Revenue Over Expenses 32,464 ($37,505) (5,041) (27,641) Net Assets End of Year $261,965 $74,668 $336,633

25 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
REVENUE General Action Fund Fund Total Total Membership Revenue $125,724 $140,790 Contributions $46,199 46,199 51,926 Interest 1,868 585 2,453 3,368 Other 596 996 Total $128,188 $46,784 $174,972 $197,080

26 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
EXPENSES Category Diff $ Diff% Advertising & Promotion $36,924 $53,435 ($16,511) (30.9%) Office Staff 19,972 17,660 2,312 13.1% General & Administrative 10,239 8,743 1,496 17.1% Occupancy 9,879 9,719 160 1.6% Travel   ,982 3,365 3,617 107.5% Professional Fees 4,602 3,826 776 20.3% Service Charges 3,937 4,207 (270) (6.4%) Insurance 3,189 3,311 (122) (3.7%) Total $95,724 $104,266 ($8,542) (8.2%)

27 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Approval of Financial Statements I MOVE THAT the 2016 audited annual financial statements as prepared by Pennylegion Chung LLP be accepted.

28 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Appointment of Auditor I MOVE THAT Pennylegion Chung LLP Chartered Professional Accountants are re-appointed as the auditors of the Alliance to hold office until the close of the next annual general meeting of the members or until a successor is appointed.

29 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Confirmation of Proceedings I MOVE THAT all by-laws, resolutions, contracts, acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Alliance enacted, passed, made, done or taken since the date of the last annual meeting of members are approved, ratified, sanctioned and confirmed

30 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
ANY QUESTIONS? Any other business? Closing remarks Terminate meeting

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