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“So it will be at the end”

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1 “So it will be at the end”
Matthew 13:47-51

2 Background Matthew 12:38 The people wanted a sign…
Matthew 13:10-17 Disciples asked why parables?

3 Background Matthew 12:38 The people wanted a sign…
Matthew 13:10-17 Disciples asked why parables?

4 Introduction…. Mt 13:41 The dragnet differs from parable of tares
Eph 2:14 ALL races have equal access to Heaven

5 Introduction…. Mt 13:41 The dragnet differs from parable of tares
Eph 2:14 ALL races have equal access to Heaven

6 Point #1: The Net Mt 25:31 All will be gathered to judgement.
2 Cor 5:10 No person will miss this appointment. Rev 20:15 Every person will stand before God.

7 Point #1: The Net Mt 25:31 All will be gathered to judgement.
2 Cor 5:10 No person will miss this appointment. Rev 20:15 Every person will stand before God.

8 Point #1: The Net Mt 25:31 All will be gathered to judgement.
2 Cor 5:10 No person will miss this appointment. Rev 20:15 Every person will stand before God.

9 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

10 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

11 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

12 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

13 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

14 #2 The Fish.. (well…. really humans)
Jude :17 God makes a moral judgement of people The “bad” – rotten, worthless, corrupt “Wicked” – culpable – here judged, guilty.

15 #3 separation of wicked and just
2 Thes 1:7-10 (vs 49) Angels = messengers of God Mt 13:41 Merciful accurate judgement NO appeal Luke 16:19 Rich man and Lazerus

16 #3 separation of wicked and just
2 Thes 1:7-10 (vs 49) Angels = messengers of God Mt 13:41 Merciful accurate judgement NO appeal Luke 16:19 Rich man and Lazerus

17 #3 separation of wicked and just
2 Thes 1:7-10 (vs 49) Angels = messengers of God Mt 13:41 Merciful accurate judgement NO appeal Luke 16:19 Rich man and Lazerus

18 #4 The result: wicked and just divided
Hell = furnace of fire, Mt 25:46 Eternal Punishment = wailing, gnashing of teeth. Torment forever Rev 20:10, Second death Rev 21:8

19 #4 The result: wicked and just divided
Hell = furnace of fire, Mt 25:46 Eternal Punishment = wailing, gnashing of teeth. Torment forever Rev 20:10, Second death Rev 21:8

20 #4 The result: wicked and just divided
Hell = furnace of fire, Mt 25:46 Eternal Punishment = wailing, gnashing of teeth. Torment forever Rev 20:10, Second death Rev 21:8

21 #4 The result: wicked and just divided
Hell = furnace of fire, Mt 25:46 Eternal Punishment = wailing, gnashing of teeth. Torment forever Rev 20:10 Second death Rev 21:8

22 Conclusion: John 20:31 Never be afraid to study with anyone.
Deut 29:29 Things revealed belong to us 1 Thes 4:16 The last day, the trumpet will sound 2 Pet 3:10 What manner of person ought you be? Mt 13:51 “Do you understand these things?”

23 Conclusion: John 20:31 Never be afraid to study with anyone.
Deut 29:29 Things revealed belong to us 1 Thes 4:16 The last day, the trumpet will sound 2 Pet 3:10 What manner of person ought you be? Mt 13:51 “Do you understand these things?”

24 Conclusion: John 20:31 Never be afraid to study with anyone.
Deut 29:29 Things revealed belong to us 1 Thes 4:16 The last day, the trumpet will sound 2 Pet 3:10 What manner of person ought you be? Mt 13:51 “Do you understand these things?”

25 Conclusion: John 20:31 Never be afraid to study with anyone.
Deut 29:29 Things revealed belong to us 1 Thes 4:16 The last day, the trumpet will sound 2 Pet 3:10 What manner of person ought you be? Mt 13:51 “Do you understand these things?”

26 Conclusion: John 20:31 Never be afraid to study with anyone.
Deut 29:29 Things revealed belong to us 1 Thes 4:16 The last day, the trumpet will sound 2 Pet 3:10 What manner of person ought you be? Mt 13:51 “Do you understand these things?”


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