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Five Lessons from 2 Timothy 2:15

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1 Five Lessons from 2 Timothy 2:15
The Man Approved of God Five Lessons from 2 Timothy 2:15

2 It Is Common to Hear… Approval ratings “I’m o.k. with God”
“As long as you feel good about yourself”

3 Background to 2 Timothy 2:15
Written to encourage proper conduct with the word of God (2:9,15; 4:2) The minister, or any Christian, is to hold to God’s word and shun man’s word (2:14-19) Let us consider 5 characteristics of the Christian who is approved of God


5 The Man Approved of God 1. Is the Man Who Works At It…
He is a “workman” (Gr. ergatees = laborer) He “gives diligence” (Gr. spoudazo = hasten, exert, endeavor, give diligence)

6 The Man Approved of God Diligence is necessary for good works, unity, growth, and salvation (Gal. 2:10; Eph. 4:3; Heb. 4:11; Pet. 1:5,10; 3:14) God’s approval is not accidental, it comes after working

7 The Man Approved of God All covet God’s approval, but few are willing to work for it; “the laborers are few” (Mt. 9:37)


9 The Man Approved of God He works to “present thyself” approved
2. Is the Man Who Examines Self… He works to “present thyself” approved He examines self first, before considering others (1 Tim. 4:16)

10 The Man Approved of God He is not hypocritical in his self- examination (Matt. 7:1-5; Rom. 2:1,21; Gal. 6:1) He uses God’s word for his self- examination (2 Cor. 13:5; Jas. 1:22,25)


12 The Man Approved of God 3. Is the Man Who Is Approved of God… He is “approved unto God,” not man [Gr. dokimos = proved, tried and tested] (1 Thess. 2:4) He is “approved in Christ” (Rom. 16:10)

13 The Man Approved of God He approves truth, and disapproves error (1 Cor. 11:19; Phil. 1:10; Thess. 5:21) He approves of God’s ways (Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 5:9; Eph. 5:10)

14 The Man Approved of God He is not the man approved of self; subjectivism (Lk. 18:9-14; Cor. 10:12,17-18; 13:7) He is not the man approved of others; popularism (1 Sam. 16:7; Jn. 5:41,44; 12:43; Lk. 16:15)


16 The Man Approved of God 4. Is the Man Who Is Not Ashamed… He is not ashamed of God, or God’s word (Rom. 1:16); not ashamed of Christ (Mk. 8:38), or other faithful Christians (2 Tim. 1:8,16) He is not ashamed to suffer as a Christian (2 Tim. 1:12; 1 Pet. 4:16)


18 The Man Approved of God 5. Is the Man Who Rightly Divides the Word… He “handles aright” the word of truth (Gr. orthotomeo = to cut straight) He studies, applies, and teaches God’s word accurately, not twisting the word (2 Pet. 3:16)

19 The Man Approved of God He uses God’s word to walk a straight line throughout life (Prov. 3:6; 11:5 in the LXX)

20 All Seek Approval What about you as a young person at school, out on a “date,” or with friends? What about you as a neighbor, citizen, or employee at work? What about you in a leadership role: at home or in the church?

21 All Seek Approval Are you “approved of God” in all walks of life?
More work? Closer examination? God’s approval? Less ashamed? Better handling of God’s word? Let’s all be “approved of God” today!

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