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BGE information evening 11/06/2018

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1 BGE information evening 11/06/2018
Working together to create a safe and caring environment where all are valued and where challenge and success go hand in hand Strengthening partnership with parents

2 This evening Welcome Website The BGE Curriculum Homework Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting pupil progress Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce Pupil profile GIRFEC/Guidance Dress Code Behaviour Attendance Pupil Council Parent Council Refreshments

3 School website

4 The BGE CURRICULUM (S1) The school day consists of 7 periods of 50 minutes each on Monday to Thursday. Friday is 5 periods of 45 minutes. In S1 pupils study: 5 periods of Maths, including numeracy 5 periods of English, including a period in the library 3 periods of Science 4 periods of Technology, including ICT 4 periods of Social Subjects 4 periods of Languages (French and Gaelic) 3 periods of PE 1 ½ periods of Art 1 ½ periods of Music 1 period of RME 1 period of PD

5 The BGE CURRICULUM (S2) In S2 pupils study: 5 periods of Maths, including numeracy 5 ½ periods of English, including a period in the library 3 periods of Science 4 periods of Technology, including HE 4 periods of Social Subjects 4 periods of Languages (French and Gaelic) 2 ½ periods of PE 1 ½ periods of Art 1 ½ periods of Music 1 period of RME 1 period of PD

6 The BGE CURRICULUM (S3) In S3 pupils study: 5 periods of Maths, including numeracy 5 ½ periods of English, including a period in the library 5 periods of Science 2 periods of Technology 4 periods of Social Subjects 4 periods of Languages (French and Gaelic) 2 ½ periods of PE 1 ½ periods of Art 1 ½ periods of Music 1 period of RME 1 period of PD

7 Curriculum for Excellence Levels
The 5-14 curriculum covers 5 levels – early, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Most pupils starting high school in S1 have achieved, or are well on the way to achieving, 2nd level in reading, writing and numeracy. Throughout S1 and S2 pupils will mostly cover 3rd level outcomes with consolidation of 2nd level and progression into 4th level where appropriate. In S3 the work covers a combination of level 3 and level 4 outcomes. Pupils who are still consolidating level 3 by the end of S3 will usually progress to National 4 courses in S4. Those who are achieving level 4 outcomes will usually progress on to National 5 courses.

8 Homework It’s difficult to give a definitive figure for how much homework pupils should be doing per night. The average should be about an hour each evening. The nature of homework will vary from subject to subject. Some homework will be based on a project that may span over a few weeks. Other homework will be of a more traditional nature and will be handed in after a short time.

9 Homework There are a number of reasons why pupils may have difficulty completing homework once in a while: They may be struggling to understand the work It may not be clear in their mind what the task involves They may not have a quiet place to work at home Other issues arise which makes the management of their time difficult. Whatever the reason, they must speak to the class teacher or to a member of the SMT as soon as possible so that we can support them in completing the homework activity.

10 Homework So what if your child doesn’t have any homework? The school website contains lists of websites or activities that pupils can visit. If internet access is a problem, it may be possible to provide supplementary booklets for additional work. Please speak to the class teacher. If a pupil fails to hand in homework after two deadlines have been set parents will be notified in writing.

11 Monitoring, tracking and reporting pupil progress
November – Monitoring and Tracking report to parents. Early December - S1-S6 parents evenings March – S2 and S3 reports to parents March- S2 and S3 Parents’ Evening March – Options booklets out to S3 – S5 pupils May – S1 reports to parents May - S1 Parents’ Evening

12 Developing Scotland’s Young workforce
National Initiative from the Scottish Government aimed at better equipping our young people for the world of work Integrated into School Improvement Plan Part of S1-S6 Personal Development programme and integrated into S3 Pupil Profile Curricular activities across all subjects Work Experience / Employer engagement Transferable Skills Positive Destinations

13 Personal Development All pupils have one period of Personal Development each week. Within this subject we look at topics including: Health and Wellbeing Relationships Drug and alcohol awareness Careers – Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Pupil Profile – building up a record of pupil’s achievements. Target setting

14 GIRFEC/ Guidance GIRFEC (Getting it Right for Every Child) is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children and young people by offering the right help at the right time from the right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work in partnership with the services that can help them Named Person Role


16 Dress Code The school dress code is:
Plain black smart trousers or skirt. A black or a white shirt/blouse with or without the school tie. Zipped hooded top in black. A black blazer with school logo (optional). A royal blue polo shirt with school logo. Footwear should be predominantly black in colour with no stilettos or excessively high heels. Pupils are required to wear at least one item of clothing with the school badge or wear the school tie.

17 Dress Code The physical education kit is: A pair of indoor trainers.
A change of outdoor trainers for sports like cross-country, football and rugby. A pair of shorts/tracksuit bottoms. A change of socks for outdoor sports. A t-shirt or the Farr Camanachd top (no scarves or tops representing sports teams other than the schools.

18 Dress Code THURSDAY: On Thursdays, pupils may wear t-shirts, polo shirts or hoodies from an activity in which they represent the school, such as Rock Challenge, Cadets, Feis group, etc. Sanctions Any pupil not attending school in uniform will be offered items from the “Spare Uniform” box. Refusal to comply will result in pupils losing their social time at break and lunch that day.

19 BEHAVIOUR Promoting positive behaviour Identifying issues early so they can be resolved Sanctions/Supports Communication & working together

20 Attendance Every half-day absence has to be classified by the school, as either AUTHORISED (with a code explaining the reason) or UNAUTHORISED. Where a pupil is absent and there has been no contact made with the school, parents/carers will be telephoned or ed on the first day of absence. If we are not informed of the reason for your child’s absence, we will have to record their absence with the code: U - ‘unexplained or truancy’. Contact with home will be made again via and/or a letter requesting further information.

21 Absence from School 95% 10 days 2 weeks 66 lessons 90% 19 days 4 weeks
Children are required by law to attend school 190 days per year The Government states that every pupil’s attendance should be at least 95% Being LATE after registration will also effect your attendance records Attendance during one school year Equals – days absent Which is approximately weeks absent Which means this number of lessons missed 95% 10 days 2 weeks 66 lessons 90% 19 days 4 weeks 132 lessons 85% 29 days 6 weeks 198 lessons 80% 38 days 8 weeks 264 lessons 75% 48 days 10 weeks 330 lessons 70% 57 days 11.5 weeks 379.5 lessons 65% 67 days 13.5 weeks 445.5 lessons

22 Pupils achieving 100% attendance for the year are congratulated at the end of year assembly and receive a certificate Throughout the year all pupils are entered into a prize draw if they achieve 100% attendance for each month of the school year

23 After School Activities
Run on Tuesdays until 5pm Includes Creativity Club, football, DofE Costs £1 Transport usually provided There are also some activities which take place at lunchtime, such as STEM club, debate club and sports run by our Active Schools Co-ordinator

24 Pupil council The pupil council allows pupils to voice their opinions on changes they would like to see in the school. Two elected members from each year group Aims to meet about 3 weeks at lunchtime Any pupil can pass suggestions or concerns onto their representatives Run fundraising activities Select a chairperson and secretary at start of the year Member of SMT attends meetings too and minutes shared at SMT meetings

25 Parent council Support network for the school Feedback and ideas Critically important voice

26 This evening Welcome - KW Website - AMo The BGE Curriculum - AMo Homework – TW Monitoring, Tracking and Reporting pupil progress - AMo Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce - AD PD - TW GIRFEC/Guidance - AD Dress Code - AMo Behaviour – KW/AMo Attendance - TW After School Activities - AD Pupil Council - TW Parent Council - KW Refreshments

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