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Earth’s climate through time

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s climate through time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s climate through time

2 dinosaurs

3 mammoths

4 Geologic Time Scale

5 Late Precambrian ice age
Cambrian explosion

6 Late Precambrian ice age

7 Cambrian explosion

8 Cambrian explosion

9 Cambrian explosion

10 Cambrian explosion

11 Cambrian explosion

12 Ordovician ice age

13 Ordovician

14 Permo-Carboniferous ice age

15 Devonian/Carboniferous

16 Phanerozoic CO2

17 Permo-Carboniferous ice age

18 Permian

19 Mesozoic - Age of the Dinosaurs

20 Triassic

21 Jurassic

22 Cretaceous

23 Cretaceous

24 Cretaceous

25 Cenozoic cooling

26 Cenozoic cooling

27 Eocene

28 Miocene

29 • position & size of continents
Key factors Radiative forcing • solar variability Greenhouse forcing • carbon dioxide • water vapor Tectonic forcing • position & size of continents • mountain building • ocean circulation

30 CO2 - temp

31 Plio-Pleistocene onset of northern hemisphere glaciation
41,000 year world 100,000 year world

32 Plio-Pleistocene

33 Vostok CO2

34 100 kyr cycle global equatorial New Zealand 45 S 78 S

35 Dansgaard-Oeschger events

36 Bermuda Rise SST

37 Northern hemisphere ice sheets at the last glacial maximum (LGM)
global temperature was 6˚C lower sea level was 120 m lower

38 glacial - interglacial cycles over the last 2 million years

39 120 meters lower at the LGM (20,000 year ago)
sea level 120 meters lower at the LGM (20,000 year ago)

40 ice age cycles

41 mammoths

42 dry valleys

43 West Antarctica

44 abrupt climate change

45 Heinrich events

46 Heinrich events

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