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Warm Up #3 What makes a nation? What characteristics define a nation?

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1 Warm Up #3 What makes a nation? What characteristics define a nation?

2 Nationalism

3 Three Schools of Political Thought
Main Q: Who/what should rule Europe? Conservatives, Liberals, Radicals Who/what should rule Europe? Each group thought their gov’t was the best type of gov’t Conservatives: usually wealthy or nobility; wanted monarchies in Euro. Liberals: middle-class, business ppl; wanted elected parliaments, but only educated and landowners could vote Radicals: democracy for all; believed in the ideals of Fr. Rev.: liberty, equality, fraternity (brotherhood) Louis Napoleon AKA Napoleon III of France Les Mis – Revolution of 1832 June Rebellion in France

4 Nationalism Nationalism: pride & loyalty to an indiv. Nation; not to a king or empire Nation-state: a nation w/ its own indept. gov’t, territory & way of life TPS: How does nationalism blur the line between philosophies?

5 How does nationalism form?
Culture History Religion Nation - State Language Culture: a shared way of life (food, dress, behavior, ideals) History: a common past, common experiences Language: diff. dialects from the same lang. Territory: land that belongs to a specific ethic group Nationality: belief in a common ancestry Religion: religion shared by the ppl Nationality Territory

6 TPS: United States = Nation-State?
Which bonds used to create nation- states are found in the United States? Language: national language Territory: specified land History: common past and experiences Culture: shared ideals

7 Results of Nationalism
Positive Results Negative Results Positive Results Ppl within a nation overcoming their differences for the common good Overthrow of colonial rule Democratic gov’t in nations around the world Competition among nations spurring (promoting) scientific and technological advances Toussant L’Ouverture & Haiti Franco-Prussian War Negative Results Forced assimilation (blending) of minority cultures into a nation’s majority culture Ethnic cleansing, mass murders of specific ethnic groups The rise of extreme nationalistic mvmts Competition btwn nations leading to warfare Otto von Bismark flag of the German Empire Nazi flag with Bismark’s cross

8 Types of Nationalist Movements
Characteristics Examples Unification -19th Century Germany -19th Century Italy Separation -Greeks in the Ottoman Empire -French-speaking Canada State-building -United States -Turkey Unification Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands Separation Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away State-building Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture

9 Summary Overall, is nationalism a positive or negative influence on world politics/relations? Take a position and explain. Defend your position with examples in at least 5 sentences.

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