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Database Design and Development

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1 Database Design and Development
Database Basics

2 Learning Intention I will learn about the structure of a database.

3 Storing data A database is a structured way to store data.
An entity is a single person, place or thing about which data can be stored. E.g. a car, a flight or a country.

4 Storing data An entity has attributes.
e.g. a car entity with 3 attributes: make: Honda model: Civic registration: SN07 GHJ The attributes have values that can be edited.

5 Storing data When data is entered into a database, attributes become the fields of a record. A record holds all the information about a single entity. A collection of records is a table.

6 Record Table Fields

7 field table record field
Questions – copy and complete in jotter The answer is either field, record or table The name of one football player would be stored in a _________ of a footballing database. The contact details of all of the patients registered at a Doctors surgery would be stored in a database __________. A single _________ would be used to store the details of one pupil in a class. The colour of a suspects hair would be stored in a _________ in a police database. field table record field

8 Attribute Types Text – e.g. Jane, G71 7RI, 07923 123 456
[phone number starts with zero, may contain spaces, not used in calculations] Number – e.g. 98, 0.23 Date – e.g. 25/12/2017 (formatted dd:mm:yy) Time – e.g 15:05 (formatted hh:mm) Boolean – true/false

9 Practical Tasks 1 & 2 You are now going to use MS Access to create a Database to hold details of two types of entity.

10 Success Criteria I can describe the structure of a database and I can create tables in a database.

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