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Today: What Happens When A Social Contract is Broken

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Presentation on theme: "Today: What Happens When A Social Contract is Broken"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/23/10 BR- What type of Social Contract did the American colonist have with the King of England?
Today: What Happens When A Social Contract is Broken Pickup/Hand In Binders

2 Daily Notes 9/23/10 - American Colonists Social Contract - Breach of Contract - “Break Up Letter”

3 American Colonists: Standing up for their sovereignty or just a bunch of selfish, whiners?
Activity: read over the different versions of the Declaration of Independence. Prepare discussion questions for Monday

4 Discussion Questions:
Why do the colonists think they are?! (why do they feel justified in writing this letter) What are the basic (unalienable) rights, according to the colonists? Give some specific examples of how England had wronged the colonists. Which to you feel are the most serious “wrongs?” Sum up the Declaration of Independence in ONE sentence.

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