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Maths Workshop for Parents

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1 Maths Workshop for Parents
14th November 2018

2 What we are covering today
Expectations by the end of year 1 Expectations by the end of year 2 How we teach the four operations using visual representations Key vocabulary

3 Expectations by the end of year 1

4 Expectations by the end of year 1

5 Expectations by the end of year 2

6 Greater Depth

7 Pictorial representations Children need to understand the value of numbers. This involves knowing what each digit in a number means.

8 Key Vocabulary Number Zero, one, two, three to twenty, and beyond None Count (on/up/to/from/ down) Before, after More, less, many, few, fewer, least, fewest, smallest, greater, lesser Equal to, the same as Odd, even Pair Units, ones, tens Ten more/less Digit Numeral Figure(s) Compare (In) order/a different order Size Value Between, halfway between Above, below Numbers to one hundred Hundreds Partition, recombine Hundred more/less

9 Addition How we show addition number sentences Fact families

10 Addition

11 Key Vocabulary Number bonds, number line, add, more, plus, make, sum, total, altogether, inverse, double, near double, equals, is the same as (including equals sign), combine, pairs, digit, partition, recombine, greater How many more to make …?, How many more is … than ... ?, How much more is ...

12 Subtraction

13 Subtraction

14 Key Vocabulary Number bonds, number line, inverse, double, near double, equals, is the same as (including equals sign), difference between, subtract, take away, minus, less, before, lowest How many fewer is … than … ?, How much less is … ? How many left?

15 Multiplication Groups of Repeated addition

16 Multiplication x2

17 Key Vocabulary Once, twice, three, five times, multiple of times
Multiply, multiply by, repeated addition, array, row, column, double, odd, even, partition, row, recombine, inverse, altogether, lots of

18 Division Children will understand the links between division and multiplication. Halving Sharing into groups Understanding the sign Or

19 Key Vocabulary Halve, share, share equally, group in pairs, threes, etc., equal groups of, divide, divided by, left over, fair, less, back, fewer, smaller, remainder, exactly

20 Mastering the objectives
We cover the objectives relevant for the child's year group The way we challenge children is with reasoning tasks and using different methods as appropriate. Children need to ‘master’ the objectives and be able to apply these in a range of different situations. It is not about moving children on to the next year groups objectives.

21 Supporting at home We are not saying you should be doing this at home. This is just to show you the methods of how we do maths in school. You can help by: Counting forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s starting from 1 and then from different numbers. Help children with the number bonds for 10, 20 and 100. Allow children to help when cooking so they understand about weight.

22 Supporting at home When you are shopping use money. How much does an item cost? What coins can we use to pay? What change would you get? What can you buy for £3? Talk about time. Show children the clock both analogue and digital. The children need to know how to read the times for o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. Talk about days of the week, months and years. Look at the sequence of a day using vocabulary like morning, afternoon and evening. Talk about times things happen in the day. Share items with members of the family. Make sure everyone has an equal number. Ask questions – I have 17 grapes and need 5 more. How many grapes would I have? Times table apps/games on line are also good.

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