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The Cold War Winston Churchill: United Kingdom

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1 The Cold War 1947-1991 Winston Churchill: United Kingdom
Harry Truman: United States Nikita Khrushchev: Soviet Union

2 Dividing Europe During World War II the United States, United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union shared a common goal….to defeat Hitler and his allies. After the war ended these countries had little reason to work together. Most Western European countries were limited governments, but most Eastern European countries were communist and controlled by the Soviet Union.

3 Map of Western and Eastern Europe

4 Who supported. the United States. in the Cold War
Who supported the United States in the Cold War? Who supported the Soviet Union in the Cold War?

5 World Alliances in 1959

6 The Division of Europe…
There was a distinct dividing line between Western and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. What was the division line called? Iron Curtain

7 Cold War Vocabulary Iron Curtain - the barbed wire and mined division built to separate Western Europe from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union The Iron Curtain was a policy of isolation set up by the Soviet Union (USSR) after World War II. It involved rigid censorship and restrictions on travel. The Iron Curtain acted as a barrier to communication and the free exchange of ideas between Eastern Europe and the rest of the world.

8 This is where the Iron Curtain was located.

9 Transportation Barrier
Questions???? Was the Iron Curtain a transportation barrier or transportation corridor? How did the Iron Curtain impact cultural borrowing? Transportation Barrier

10 Why was the United States so interested in what was going on in Europe?
The United States feared that The Soviet Union was trying to spread communism around the world. The Soviet Union thought the United States was imperialistic. Imperialism is a policy of extending a nation’s authority by gaining land or influencing their economies.

11 Cold War Vocabulary Truman Doctrine a promised policy issued by President Harry Truman in response to a growing frequency of communist revolutions. The policy stated the intention of the United States to give aid to any government that was fighting Communism. How did this doctrine impact United States involvement in Germany, Korea and Vietnam?

12 Impact in Germany Western Eastern
During the Cold War Germany was divided into East and West Germany. Which side had United States support? Which side had Soviet support? Western Eastern

13 West Germany East Germany All of Germany

14 The city of Berlin was in East Germany, but it was divided into East and West Berlin.

15 Cold War Vocabulary Berlin Wall – a wire and concrete wall that divided East Berlin from West Berlin from The wall basically enclosed West Berlin from the rest of East Berlin and East Germany. West Berlin stood as an island of freedom in a communist East Germany.

16 Berlin Wall The Berlin Wall was built in August of 1961. US Supported
Soviet Supported Berlin Wall

17 The End of the Cold War The fall of the Berlin Wall
The Cold War ended in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed. What major event in history marks the collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe? The fall of the Berlin Wall

18 No Actual Fighting??? Was the Cold War really a war without blood?
The Korean War (1950) and Vietnam War (May 1961) both occurred during the Cold War. The Soviets supported North Korea and North Vietnam. The United States supported South Korea and South Vietnam.

19 Timeline of Communist growth and decline
The following is an animated world map of the growth and decline of Communism around the world beginning with 1917 and ending with 2000. What event occurred in 1917 that began communism? In what year did the world contain the largest number of communist countries?

20 Application How is the United States’ conflict in Iraq similar to the Cold War? Think About Why the US got involved The Truman Doctrine Similarities between Iraq and the Soviet Union

21 Sources Most are sited on the slide

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