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Learning Module 11 Case Study Research.

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1 Learning Module 11 Case Study Research

2 Copyright 2009, Pearson Education Inc.
Objectives Define case study and describe the characteristics of case study research. Describe the processes involved in designing and conducting a case study. Copyright 2009, Pearson Education Inc.

3 Case Study Research All-encompassing method Product of the research
Yields concrete knowledge

4 Case Study Research Qualitative approach
Focuses on a bounded system or unit of study Not a methodological choice but a choice of what to study

5 Case Study Research Appropriate when the researcher wants to answer a descriptive or an explanatory question Example: What challenges does a department face as they integrate instructional technology for blended learning?

6 Characteristics of Case Study Research
Focus on a particular phenomenon “Thick description” Provide new insights Vary by specific disciplines

7 Designing Case Study Research
Determine the research questions. Define the case under study. Determine the role of theory development in case selection. Determine the theoretical and conceptual framework of the case study.

8 Designing Case Study Research
Determine whether a single case study or a multiple case study is appropriate. In case study research, the number of cases is not determined a priori. Increasing the number of cases does not necessarily correspond to increased rigor.

9 Sampling Case study research generally employs purposive sampling.
Cases are selected because they can provide information regarding the research problem. Screening is used to determine if a potential participant has the necessary experience and knowledge.

10 Screening Screening steps
Review documents about the proposed case study site. Conduct informal interviews with key participants. Determine if participants have the experience and knowledge to contribute to the case study.

11 Data Collection Case study researchers use the same data collection techniques as do other qualitative researchers. The data collection techniques are selected to answer ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions.

12 Multiple Case Studies It is often common to find case study research that studies the same phenomenon at multiple sites. Multiple cases improve external validity. Multiple cases allow for greater understanding of context considerations. Multiple case studies require cross-site analysis.

13 Copyright 2009, Pearson Education Inc.
Multiple Case Studies Matrices Useful for organizing data May be ordered by site, topic, time, etc. Causal models Extends case study analysis Presents possible cause-effect relations among variables Copyright 2009, Pearson Education Inc.

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