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Minor Parties in the United States

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1 Minor Parties in the United States

2 Ideological Parties Based on a particular set of beliefs – a comprehensive view of social, economic, and political matters Most base principles on Marxism Socialist, Socialist Labor, Socialist Worker, Communist Parties Rarely get many votes but last many years Libertarian Individualism, changing function of government

3 Single-Issue Parties Focus on a single public question
Name usually indicates what public concern is Free Soil Party – opposed spread of slavery American Party – opposed immigration of Irish Not long lasting Events of more importance happen Fail to attract voters Major parties adopt idea

4 Economic Protest Parties
Develop during periods of economic discontent Direct focus on monetary policy, Wall Street, bankers, imports, etc. Greenback Party – formed to support southern farmers after Civil War Populist Party – wanted public ownership of railways, telegraph companies, lower tariffs Often disappear when economy improves

5 Splinter Parties Party that has split away from a Major Party
Most minor parties are splinter parties “Bull Moose” (Progressive) – Roosevelt “Dixiecrat” party Most often form when major figure does not win party nomination Party often eliminated when person leaves

6 Role of Minor Parties Created National Convention method of nominating candidates Anti-Masons – 1831 Adopted by Republicans and Democrats Can alter outcomes in elections Steal votes from GOP or Dem candidates 1912 Roosevelt splits from Rep party Many Reps vote for him Woodrow Wilson (D) beats Taft (R) 2000 – Nader Factor

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