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Jesus will come around and stamp your completed foldouts

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1 Jesus will come around and stamp your completed foldouts
Foldout review day! 9/17/18 Jesus will come around and stamp your completed foldouts Please get them ready

2 Capital city of the Persian Empire
Persepolis (Persia) Capital City of the Persian Empire Page Athens (Greece) Major City-state of Greek civilization Page Alexandria (Egypt) Major avenue for the spread of Greek culture Page Chang’an (China) Capital city of the Han dynasty Research on your own Page Paliputra (Maurya and Gupta India) Capital city of the Mauryan and Gupta Empires Social Dimensions SOC-1 Capital city of the Persian Empire Major city-state of Greek civilization Capital city of the Han Dynasty Capital city of the Mauryan and Gupta empires Economic Dimensions ECON-2 Massive buildings, monuments, and carving made the city a powerful symbol of imperial authority. It served as a ceremonial and economic center of the Persian Empire. This powerful city-state was the birthplace of direct democracy. Greek theater, medicine and philosophy flourished during the Golden Age of Greek culture. The city was filled with Greek monuments, sculptures, theaters, and markets. In this cosmopolitan center, different ethnic groups came together and interacted. The large harbor facilitated long-distance trade. Greek learning flourished with the Library of Alexandria. The residence of the emperor was in the city, along with the administrative offices of the bureaucracy. The city hosted two large market areas and had a cosmopolitan atmosphere that drew in people from all around China and its surrounding regions. The city declined after the collapse of the Mauryan Empire, but revived under the Gupta Empire. Faxian, a Chinese Buddhist visitor during the Gupta era, described the city as large, opulent, and prosperous.

3 Bellwork: 9/18/18 Why might artists have been reluctant to portray the human figure of the Buddha? Why might the wheel serve as an effective symbol of the Buddha’s message? What does the inclusion of the yakshis add to the message of this image? What overall religious message might this footprint convey to those who gazed on it? Look at the image below and answer the following questions:


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