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BONUS IDEAS (¡Upload en el sitio de clase!)

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Presentation on theme: "BONUS IDEAS (¡Upload en el sitio de clase!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 BONUS IDEAS (¡Upload en el sitio de clase!)
0-10 pts. Canciónes, arte, videos, poemas, PPT/Prezi, etc. Broadcast del tiempo/clima Canciones Etc.

2 Bonus - Scenario Cards Practice your speaking by recording yourself talking about one or all of the following scenarios (A, B, C, D). Upload on website if possible.

3 Escenario A (5 pts.) You’re on a short trip to Sierra Nevada and you want to go skiing. You know you can rent the skis but you need some other equipment and clothing as well. Go to the ski shop and tell the salesperson what you need.

4 Escenario B (5 pts.) You and a Puerto Rican friend are making plans to go to a summer resort. Your friend asks what the beach you went to in México last year was like and what you did there. Tell him/her all about it.

5 Escenario C (5 pts.) Your Spanish friend Gilberto Martín wants to know what the weather is like in winter where you live. Tell him.

6 Escenario D (5 pts.) You’re on a ski lift at San Carlos de Bariloche, where you’ve just met Marianela Arenas. She wants to know which you prefer, winter or summer sports. Tell her and explain why.

7 Go to this event (take a photo of yourself aquí)
Go to this event (take a photo of yourself aquí). Toma apuntes durante la presentación. Presente una PPT a la clase de what you learned. Si es bueno = TEST EXEMPTION/PERFECTO TEST SCORE.

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