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Goal 4: Moving West.

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1 Goal 4: Moving West

2 Women Freedom from traditional society Ride horses Herd cattle
Wear pants Sometimes even VOTE!!!

3 Mormons Religious group known for polygamy
Moved west and resettled in Utah to escape religious persecution

4 African Americans Buffalo Soldiers (Bob Marley song)
Black soldiers, mostly former slaves 4 all-black regiments, known for bravery during the Indian wars

5 Chinese Immigrants Entered the country through Angel Island, San Francisco Worked mostly on the railroads Suffered from discrimination and nativism – hatred of immigrants

6 Irish Immigrants Entered the country through Ellis Island, NYC
Settled in NYC and much of the northern midwest Caused upswing in NATIVISM Ex. The Know-Nothings hated the Catholic immigrants from Ireland

7 Conflicts with Native Americans on the Great Plains were always about

8 Native Americans 2 industries (mining and ranching) created a demand for land Reservation system – moving Indians to designated pieces of land Every time gold was discovered on a reservation, they were moved again They grew very bitter

9 Native Americans Cont’d
Some Indians chose to resist, raiding camps and local white settlements In response, US forces killed 270 women and children at the Sand Creek Massacre In response to Sand Creek, the Sioux fought the Battle of Little Big Horn, the only major victory for the Indians

10 Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce
Some of the Nez Perce (in Oregon) killed white soldiers in resistance to being moved Joseph tried to lead his tribe to escape to Canada, pursued by white troops Caught 30 miles from Canada “I will fight no more forever.” ~Chief Joseph

11 Two Plans Reservations Assimilation
The only way white settlers would allow Indians to retain their culture – viewed it as “savage” To make like mainstream culture Dawes Act – gave land to individual Indian families –forced them to give up their tribal identities and join white culture

12 Transcontinental Railroad
Chinese and Irish immigrants made the majority of the labor force A golden spike was nailed in to complete the railroad at a ceremony at Promontory Point, Utah Connected the two coasts of the US


14 Two Court Cases Munn v. Illinois Wabash v. Illinois
Said that a state has the right to regulate certain businesses within its own borders Ruled that any railroad traffic across state lines could only be regulated by the federal gov’t Interstate Commerce Act –created an Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate the railroads

15 The Grange Farmers faced several problems: low prices, overproduction, high railroad rates Many began banding together to buy farm equipment , supplies, and machinery These cooperatives were called granges

16 Populism The farmers started the Populist movement – populism favored farmers and the working class Favored the use of greenbacks (paper money) Also favored bimetallism – using both a silver standard and a gold standard for currency

17 Populism Cont’d Farmers who supported populism also wanted more gov’t regulation of business, like railroads and warehouses, to keep prices down They butted heads with big business owners who favored laissez-faire economics (no government regulation of business)

18 Omaha Platform Populists met in Omaha, Nebraska and adopted the Omaha Platform The Omaha Platform called for : the unlimited coinage of silver gov’t regulation of railroads graduated income tax and election reforms Rebates to farmers for extra crops

19 William Jennings Bryan
In the Election of 1896, Democrat Bryan ran for president, and was backed by the Populist party Made his famous “Cross of Gold” speech “You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!” ~W. J. Bryan

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