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EVIDENCE - of the proven economic benefits of sustainable transport initiatives - to facilitate effective integration in urban mobility plans INSERT.

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Presentation on theme: "EVIDENCE - of the proven economic benefits of sustainable transport initiatives - to facilitate effective integration in urban mobility plans INSERT."— Presentation transcript:

1 EVIDENCE - of the proven economic benefits of sustainable transport initiatives - to facilitate effective integration in urban mobility plans INSERT TDMi LOGO @SUMPSevidence 12/01/2019 EVIDENCE S

2 Return on Investment Crucial
Transport-related investment aims to maximise economic returns. Sustainable transport measures and initiatives offer very impressive return on investment.

3 Infrastructure Bias Prevails
Large infrastructure schemes often presented as more attractive than many small, tried and tested sustainable transport initiatives. Scheme promoters commonly underestimate costs and overestimate benefits to secure approval and funding.

4 Reviewing the Evidence
Evidence is dispersed. Some deny it even exists. We will find it and bring it all together. Then undertake an independent review of its credibility. WE NEED YOU! Provide reports or papers that include evaluation of costs and benefits of sustainable transport measures & initiatives .

5 Produce Credible Evidence
Leading European Universities will review the credibility of evidence. Report will be available on-line. Summary translated into 22 languages. Despite compelling evidence of the proven economic benefits of sustainable transport there remains little pressure to act on it as the majority of policy makers, practitioners, and general public still adhere to the ‘predict and provide’ mindset. We have a strategic project to address this important issue, working with the industry-leading universities specialising in MM and economic appraisal. It addresses the need to communicate EVIDENCE - by bringing together the compelling international evidence, validating it, making it available and then making sure that the right people in the right places are aware of it.

6 Who Needs to See the Evidence?
Politicians & policy makers To build consensus across all parties Transport professionals Those informing policy Future generation To have the right skills

7 Need to Know Who’s Who? Creating database to assist targeted dissemination in every member state. Political parties Which positions represent finance, transport, health Contacts at national, regional and local levels Professional institutions, NGOs, and campaign groups Which are those that working in transport Educational and training establishments Where do professionals in the industry get educated Who provides additional training

8 Key Tools On-line live database of credible evidence.
Website to facilitate learning of how infrastructure projects are currently appraised. Social media campaign to improve understanding of how and why perceptions need to change. Access to educational materials in local universities & local training providers. Support ‘on-call’ for funding decision makers.

9 Change Policy Debate Educate profession, policy makers & politicians to recognise crucial role of sustainable transport Change debate - focus on costs of not implementing sustainable transport. Educate professional practitioners, policy makers and politicians. Re-position thinking to recognize that sustainable transport it is a crucial in terms of improving health, economic efficiency, job creation, reducing the costs of running cities and reducing the scale of demands for new infrastructure. If we don’t do as much as possible to implement sustainable transport the consequences are very costly, although this may not always be obvious, because the costs are widely dispersed and picked up in other budgets, such as health, environmental damage, etc. Change the policy debate to one that focuses on the costs of not implementing sustainable transport.

10 Help Put the ‘S’ in UMPs Many Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans continue to focus expenditure primarily on large infrastructure schemes. EVIDENCE will help demonstrate the substantial economic benefits of increasing % investment dedicated to sustainable transport. Communicating the benefits will help ensure Urban Mobility Plans become more sustainable EVIDENCE. Influences UMPS in ways others cannot .

11 Get in Touch & Follow the Debate
Project Coordinator Dr Colin Black Project Partners Wuppertal Institut fur Klima, Umwelt und Energie (Germany) University of the West of England: Centre for Transport Studies (UK) RHV Erasmus University (Netherlands) TAEM Urbanistai (Lithuania) Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (Slovenia) Interactions (Ireland)

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