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Electronic Storage and Retrieval.

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Storage and Retrieval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Storage and Retrieval

2 Before We Begin “... contestants may use electronic devices to access the internet during Congress, LD, PF, and CX rounds. In Extemp, students may access research stored online…”

3 Objective: To introduce many of the current apps/programs that students across the country are using for extemp and debate evidence retrieval and storage.

4 Data Storage Options for storing shared data

5 Dropbox Used to store files
Basic account is free, there are also paid options Dropbox Easy to sync files across devices

6 Google Drive Team Drives - Similar to dropbox
Easy to share and organize files Google drive file stream allows your drive files to be accessed offline

7 Evidence Sharing For sharing within and outside of the round

8 EvidenceX Free to use Designed for evidence exchange
Powered by prepd, but no account required.

9 Microsoft Teams Chat based workspace
Not free to use, cost varies depending on subscription type Microsoft Teams Includes online versions of major office software

10 Slack Log into an organization’s “Slack” and channels
Easy to screen share and chat Have the ability to share documents

11 Data Retrieval Accessing evidence both with and without internet access.

12 Extemp Genie Pricing varies per student for the season
Used offline in prep/round Free trial until October 1st Must be online to “download” articles

13 prepd Pricing varies per student Option for both extemp and congress
Must be online to capture articles Used offline during prep

14 Additional Resources AKA Didn’t fit anywhere else

15 Verbatim is a template for Microsoft Word designed to facilitate paperless debating
Verbatim requires a full version of Word A set of macros that will allow you to format a Word document to a more “traditional” looking card.

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