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Warm Up (10/29/09) Write a paragraph about this portrait

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1 Warm Up (10/29/09) Write a paragraph about this portrait
“I fully hoped to have found Texas at peace and in tranquility, But regret to find it in commotion; all disorganized, all in anarchy, and threatened with immediate hostilities. This state of things is deeply to be lamented.” - Texas empresario Stephen F. Austin

2 Ch.9 THE ROAD to REVOLUTION (1826-1835)

3 Tensions Mount Between Mexico and Texas
MAIN IDEA: Not long after colonization began in Texas, conflicts erupted between the Mexican government and the colonists. Even though Mexican officials attempted to control the conflicts, their efforts served to anger and unify the colonists.

4 Organizing Information
CAUSES EFFECTS 1) ? Tensions increase between 2) ? Mexican nationalists and Texas 3) ? colonists. The Law of April 6, 1830, is passed The Consultation Is formed. Complete the chart while reading the chapter

5 OBJECTIVES: Explain why tensions arose between the Mexican government and the Texas settlers. Identify the events that led to the passage of the Law of April 6, 1830. Describe the effect that the Law of April 6, 1830, had on Texas colonists.

6 Many cultural differences existed between the settlers and the government officials.
Some colonists did not make efforts to become loyal citizens of Mexico. (…pledge their loyalty and become catholic) Settlers established their own schools and even their own newspaper. Mexican government officials worried that the colonists were becoming too independent.

7 Tensions arose over the balance of power between the state and national governments.
Mexico’s constitution of 1824 established a “States’ Rights” government. (most power given to the state government) The Mexican nationalists were concerned that a growing population from the United States and a strong state government might encourage the colonists to seize Texas and join the United States. These fears led to increased hostilities.

8 Mexican Constitution of 1824
Established a states’ right government, in which most powers are given to the state government.

9 State’s Rights Theory that a state could choose whether to obey or enforce federal laws.

10 Nationalist A person who supports policies that promote national interests.

11 The Mier y Teran Report Mexican Nationalists sent General Teran to investigate Texas. REASONS WHY HE WAS SENT: Increased number of settlers from the U.S Fredonian Rebellion Offer from the U.S to purchase Texas What did he find? Anglo’s outnumbered Mexican settlers 10:1 Many settlers ignored Mexican Laws Influence of the U.S was growing in Texas.

12 Mier y Teran Report Stated that Anglo Americans outnumbered Mexican settlers 10:1 Influence of the United States was growing in Texas. Because of this report, Mexican officials wanted to make Texas less attractive to current and future colonists. Mexican officials wanted to slow down immigration for the U.S

13 Result of the Mier y Teran
Mexican officials wanted to make Texas less attractive to current or future colonists from the U.S Abolished slavery in Mexico Slow immigration down from the U.S

14 The tensions between Texas colonists and the Mexican government continued, and led to a conflict near Nacogdoches in 1826. Texas colonists formed the Fredonian Republic and claimed that the area was no longer under Mexican control. When the word got to Mexican officials about the Fredonian Rebellion, it confirmed their fears that Texans intended to seize Texas. In the end, the Fredonian Rebellion only caused the Mexican government to become more concerned about what was going on in Texas.

15 Fredonian Rebellion “Old Stone Fort”
Settlers claimed their land was no longer under Spanish control This conflict confirmed the fears of Mexican officials that Texas settlers were trying to take over Texas.


17 The United States offered to purchase Texas in 1826.
Mexican officials were offended that anyone would think that the Mexican government would consider selling part of “their” country.

18 To further control Texas colonists, Mexican officials passed the Law of April 6, 1830.
This outlawed immigration from the United States to Texas. Settlers would no longer be allowed to colonize any Mexican border state- including Texas. Canceled Land Grants Abolished Slavery Customs Duty No more U.S settlers

19 Law of April 6, 1830 Passed by Mexican officials.
A way to control colonists (especially Anglo Am.) Law outlawed immigration from the United States to Texas and canceled all empresarial grants that had not been fulfilled.

20 Provisions A specific requirement set by a law

21 Customs Duties A tax that is collected on goods that are taken into or out of a country.

22 What caused tension between Mexico and Texas?
What were some provisions that were created as a result of The Law of April 6, 1830? Predict what will happen next!!!

23 Use the diagram below to list 3 events that led to the passage of the “Law of April 6, 1830
1.) 2.) 3.) LAW OF APRIL 6, 1830

MAIN IDEA: Clashes between Texas colonists and Mexican leaders over states’ rights led Texans to petition for a separate state. Bustamante- (Mexican President) Stephen F. Austin (Texas Empressario)

25 OBJECTIVES 1) Describe the controversy surrounding the Constitution of 1824. 2) Explain the significance of the Turtle Bayou Resolutions. 3) Identify the events that led to the arrest of Stephen F. Austin.

26 Unrest in Texas The Law of April 6, 1830, marked a turning point in the relationship between the Texas Colonists and the Mexican government. Texans resented the presence of the Mexican troops. The feelings of unrest and other changes set the stage for the next conflicts between Texans and the Mexican government.

27 Santa Anna’s Rise to Power
Posed as an opponent of the centralists. Stephen F. Austin and Texans showed support for Santa Anna’s effort to preserve the states’ rights constitution. Texas would soon find out that Santa Anna was a centralist, and wanted all power centralized in himself, not in the states’ rights constitution.

28 SANTA ANNA Initially, Texans
believed that Santa Anna supported states’ rights, and they supported his revolutionary efforts. **But, he actually supported a different type of government, but wanted colonists to believe otherwise**

29 Centralist A supporter of a strong national government, and weak state power.

30 Turtle Bayou Resolutions
Colonists pledged their continued loyalty to Mexico. They stated their support for Santa Anna, who appeared to be on the same side as the Texans because he claimed to favor the Constitution of 1824.

31 Resolution A formal statement of a decision, opinion, or course of action by an official group.

32 The Battle of Velasco On his was back to Anahuac John Austin and his men were attacked by a group of Mexican soldiers. For the first time, Texans and Mexican soldiers shot at one another. Mexican forces ran out of ammunition and were forced to surrender.

33 The Conventions of 1832 & 1833 Stephen F. Austin elected as the president of the convention. Colonists wanted: Allow immigration from the United States Exempt Texans from Customs Duties Better Protection from Native Americans Creation of Public Schools State of Coahuila y Tejas to be divided so that each territory could have its own government Tried to make Texas a state of Mexico

34 Convention of 1832 & 1833 Convention of 1832:
Pledged to Support the “TRUE” Mexican government under the Constitution of 1824. Repeal of the Law of 1830. Convention of 1833: Drafted the same proposals as 1832… Drafted a constitution for the new Mexican state of Texas.

35 Conventions of 1832 & 1833

36 Austin In Mexico After the Conventions of 1833, Stephen F. Austin traveled to Mexico City to deliver the Texans’ resolutions to officials. Austin grew impatient when officials were slow to address the problems. Austin wrote a letter to the Texans suggesting that they establish a new state government that would make Texas separate from Coahuila but still apart of Mexico. Santa Anna agreed to most of the Texans’ requests . However Santa Anna rejected separate statehood for Texas.

37 Letter to Texans

38 Austin’s Arrest On his return home, Austin was arrested when a Spanish official intercepted his letter he wrote to the Texans. The Mexican official felt that it challenged the Authority of the Mexican government. He was released in 1834, but remained under house arrest.

39 Why was Stephen F. Austin arrested? Predict what will happen next.
QUESTIONS: Why was Stephen F. Austin arrested? Predict what will happen next.

40 Coahuila y Tejas Mexican State in Texas. (Near San Antonio)


42 Austin Returns to Texas
Finish the TIMELINE Order the events leading up to Stephen F. Austin’s return to Texas. 1832 1833 1834 1835 1830 1831 Law of April 6, 1830, enacted Austin Returns to Texas

43 WARM-UP (10/30/09) What events led to the passage of The Law of April 6, 1830? What was the Fredonian Rebellion?

44 WARM-UP (11/2/09) Why is there tension between the Mexican Government and Texas settlers? What were some provisions that were set as a result of the passage of The Law of April 6, 1830?

45 Why was the Law of April 6, 1830 created?
WARM-UP (11/4/09) Why was the Law of April 6, created? Explain what the Constitution of 1824 is.

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