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News on Migrant Integration Indicators and AMM statistics

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Presentation on theme: "News on Migrant Integration Indicators and AMM statistics"— Presentation transcript:

1 News on Migrant Integration Indicators and AMM statistics
Presentation from Eurostat production Unit F2 ‘Population and Migration’ Luxembourg, March 2018

2 Migrant integration indicators New datasets - recent developments
1. Employment indicators - series at regional and national level 2. Social inclusion indicators 3. Health indicators

3 Employment indicators – regional series
Infra-national Age group Sex ISCED Country of: birth citizenship Employment rate NUTS 2 15-64;20-64 Y 3 cl DEGURBA Activity rate 3cl

4 Employment indicators – regional series (cont.)
Infra-national Age group Sex Status ISCED Country of birth citiz. Unemployment rate NUTS 2 15-64;20-64; 15-75 Y N 3 cl DEGURBA Part-time employmt 15-64;20-64 Self-employment 2 cl 3cl Temporary employees

5 Employment indicators – regional series (cont.)

6 Employment – national series

7 Social inclusion indicators

8 Health indicators (test env.)

9 Migrant integration indicators Statistics Explained - recent developments
Online publications: Migrant integration statistics First and second-generation immigrants - a statistical overview 2. PDF publication ‘Migrant integration – 2017 edition’



12 Migrant integration – 2017 edition

13 Indicators on migrants ‘Migrant children’ new database folder

14 Asylum statistics - changes from 2018
New breakdown on status of minors (unaccompanied / accompanied) for: Applications data (monthly) First instance decisions data (quarterly) Final decision and Resettled data (annual) Collected since January 2018 on voluntary basis

15 Enforcement of Immigration Legislation statistics - changes from 2018
New dataset for return statistics (third country national who are a subject of return) with: Quarterly statistics on returns New breakdowns by age and sex Collected since Q on voluntary basis

16 International Recommendations on Refugee Statistics (IRRS)
Approved by 49th UNSC last week Key milestone in standardising statistics on refugees and IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) Creation of a statistical framework as a basis for defining refugee and IDP populations, which clearly sets out the terminology, concepts and classifications; Identification of the basic statistics and indicators to be collected in a harmonised way to ensure meaningful and comparable data at international level; Recognition of appropriate data sources to be used in the collection of refugee and IDP statistics along with recommendations on how these sources should best be used and how they can be further improved; Identification of indicators for refugee integration and well-being; Call for improved coordination at national level and the role of national statistical institutes in this area. More to find here:

17 Next steps Regional breakdowns for education from Labour Force Survey
National level datasets for health from European Health Interview Survey Statistics Explained article on work permits under EU directives Statistics Explained articles on regional employment: Labour market indicators Employment conditions Statistics Explained article on migrants health status

18 Thank you Questions?

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