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Student Orientation August 17th, 2018

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1 Student Orientation August 17th, 2018
Dr. Julian Rogus Elementary School Mr. Colin Bradley – Principal Mrs. Tracy Bulfer – Assistant Principal Mrs. Kim Zylka – Early Childhood/Special Education Coordinator

2 Mission, Vision & Values
Mission of Rogus School: The mission of Rogus school is to educate students in a nurturing environment Vision of Rogus School: Our vision is to create a community where children are loved for who they are and are challenged to aim high Values: Acceptance Belonging Community

3 School Safety Doors locked at all times
All visitors must enter through the main entrance. A driver’s license or state ID must be presented to the camera before entering the main office. All visitors must have a background check completed through our new Raptor System prior to entering from the office every time a visit is made. Raptor will print a photo ID sticker for all visitors in the building that are required to be worn while in the building and returned before leaving. Please know that our staff will stop you and escort you to the office if you are not wearing a visitor badge. This is for the safety of everyone at Rogus, so please do not feel offended.

4 Drop Off and Pick-up Procedures for Grades K - 4
Enter Here Walk Child to and from Front Door Exit Here Park Here When picking up your child, please walk to the main door with a Photo ID.

5 Communication Call the DJR main office to notify us if your child will be late or absent. Send a note to school if: your child will be picked-up from school rather than take the bus home someone other than the parent will be picking up your child student will be leaving school early student will be out of town during regular school session Your child does not go home 5 days a week to the same destination. A note needs to be sent to school every day. (only permanent bus changes)

6 A Peek at our Day Kindergarten ~ 8:40 A.M. Students Begin to Arrive
~ 8:45 A.M. School Begins ~ 11:10 – 11:50 Lunch/Walk ~ 2:15 P.M. Dismissal Recess scheduled by teacher ½ Day students must be picked up in the main office for departure at 11:10 First – Fourth Grades ~ 8:50 A.M. Students Begin to Arrive ~ 9:00 A.M. School Begins Grades 1 and 2: ~ 12:05 – 12:25 Recess ~ 12:25 – 12: Lunch Grades 3 and 4: ~ 12:30 – 12:50 Recess ~ 12:50 – 1: Lunch ~ 3:30 P.M. Dismissal

7 PBIS: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Expectations
Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe PBIS AWARDS Eagle Tickets Daily Recognition Monthly Prizes Kindness Recognition

8 Parent Communication & Involvement
Back and forth parent and school communication is vital to the success of our students. We will offer many opportunities for parents and families to participate through family fun nights, classroom parties, field trips and classroom programs. Parents will be kept informed of upcoming activities through our monthly newsletter, teacher newsletters, teacher pages and the Rogus website, as well as notes and flyers home. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

9 RESCO Parent Organization
RESCO is the Rogus Parent Organization. RESCO organizes fundraisers for our school as well as school wide celebrations. RESCO meets on a monthly basis to plan activities as well as to discuss the status of upcoming projects and activities. RESCO is open to parents of all students. If you are interested in being a part of RESCO or would like to attend a meeting, please stay tuned for future meeting dates and times.

10 Important Reminders: Absences: Please call the main office at Rogus if your student will be absent. (815) Appropriate attire: Weather permitting, we will go outside on a daily basis. Please make sure your student wears closed toe shoes and students come prepared with season appropriate clothing. Bus Transportation Changes (Permanent): If your child is not going to be riding their assigned bus on a permanent basis, a Parent Transportation Request form must be completed and turned into the office. Medical Forms: Please drop-off all medical forms outside the main office. Parent Car Pick-up: A written note turned into the office is required for documentation if your child will not be riding their assigned bus home for the day. Parent Student Handbook: May be found on

11 Parent Handbook Sign-off Form Online (return to school)
Please read the Parent Handbook carefully with your child. Student Behavior/Weapons at School Cell Phones Appearance Code Sign-off Form Online (return to school)

12 Wellness Policy Parents should not send in birthday treats without calling the classroom teacher or school office first. All food must meet certain nutritional guidelines in order to be served at school. Treats will be sent home. Birthday trinkets are allowed and are probably the safest route. Food allergies also prevent certain items from being brought into classrooms.

13 Thank You for Coming Today!
Things to To-Do Next: Drop-Off Supplies Meet staff members Tour the School Complete scavenger hunt for a prize drawing during the first week of school! Visit the 10:30 (Kindergarten) Curriculum Night – Teacher Presentations and Classroom Visits Aug. 27 (EC and K) & Sep. 6 (1 – 4) / 6:30 – 7:45 PM

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