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Reflection is the bouncing of light off an object.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection is the bouncing of light off an object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection is the bouncing of light off an object.
Reflection Of Light Reflection is the bouncing of light off an object.

2 Laws of Reflection The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal all lie on the one plane. The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection

3 Reflection of light

4 Concave mirrors

5 What type of mirror is this?

6 The image is real, inverted and diminished
Object outside C The image is real, inverted and diminished

7 The image is real, inverted and same size as object
Object At C The image is real, inverted and same size as object

8 The image is real, inverted and magnified
Object Between C and F The image is real, inverted and magnified

9 The image is virtual, upright and magnified
Object Inside F The image is virtual, upright and magnified

10 Reflection of Light Concave mirror
Used in telescopes and as shaving mirrors Convex mirror Used at blind spots in the road and as rear view mirrors in cars

11 The Mirror Formula Sign convention
f and v negative for a convex mirror and concave lens.

12 Refraction The change in direction that occurs when light passes from one medium to another. Light always bends towards the denser medium

13 The incident, the refracted and the normal ray lie on the same plane.
Laws Of Refraction The incident, the refracted and the normal ray lie on the same plane. Sin i is proportional to Sin r. (Snell’s Law)

14 Refractive index The speed of light varies indifferent media. The refractive index is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed in the medium.

15 Refraction Incident ray Refracted ray

16 Real and Apparent Depth
An object seen while under water appears to be less deep than it is because of refraction of light.

17 The Critical angle This is the angle of incidence in the denser medium that produce an angle of refraction of 90o in the less dense medium.

18 Total Internal Reflection

19 Total internal Reflection
Total Internal Reflection occurs when the angle of incidence in the denser material exceeds the critical angle.

20 Total Internal Reflection
Snells window An underwater viewer sees everything above the surface through a cone of light. This is caused by total internal reflection of light outside this circular area. The dark area may show reflection of objects below.

21 Applications of Total Internal Reflection
Fibre optics in telecommunications Endoscopes Keyhole surgery

22 Fibre Optics Light reflects of the inside of the optic fibre at an angle greater than the critical angle and total internal reflection occurs.

23 Total Internal Reflection

24 A mirage

25 Refractive Index n = refractive index C = critical angle

26 Which lens is which?

27 Ray Diagrams For Lenses The Converging Lens
The image is Real Inverted Diminished

28 Object located at 2F Object between F and 2F
The image is Real Inverted Same size as the object The image is Real Inverted Magnified

29 The image is formed at infinity
Object located at F The image is formed at infinity

30 Object located in front of F
The image is Virtual Upright Magnified Object located in front of F

31 Diverging Lens The image is Virtual Upright Smaller than the object

32 Prisms

33 Refraction in the atmosphere

34 The Camera

35 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

36 The Lens Formula

37 Normal eye

38 Short sightedness

39 Long sightedness

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