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PHYS 408 Applied Optics (Lecture 2)

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1 PHYS 408 Applied Optics (Lecture 2)
Jan-April 2016 Edition Jeff Young AMPEL Rm 113

2 The Maxwell Equations In Vacuum (from your text)
What are E, H? What generates them? Electric and Magnetic fields Why aren’t there any charges or currents in these equations?

3 More Generally What are the differences?
B = mu_o H Source terms Sketch some moving charges and then a box without any included

4 What are r and j inside a uniform medium?
Obviously neutral, but if all electrons moving together in one direction, j not zero Why does this make sense?

5 Maxwell equations inside a uniform medium with no external sources or free currents
Substitute these into

6 Compare with text Are they the same? Yes, assuming chi constant
We deal only with electric polarization density (non-magnetic materials) Are they the same?

7 More generally What is the difference?
The main difference, and a very important one, is that if the material is not uniform (even if it has a boundary), \Del \cdot \vec P will not in general be zero, so it has to be del dot D, not del dot E that is zero, and same if generalize to magnetic materials with del dot B not del dot H What is the difference?

8 And more generally still!
E, B, D, H, J are all MACROSCOPICALLY AVERAGED FIELDS, not the true microscopic e and b fields!!! This is a crucial point, often glossed over in texts, that becomes important when dealing with textured dielectrics, and self-consistently solving ME and Lorentz force equations (eg deriving chi) Pause: How do all of these field quantities differ from the actual fields?

9 Return to Vacuum Equations First step towards actually solving them
What do you now get if take the curl of the first two equations? Aim to eliminate H Write down these equations without the vector notation. Hint: use cartesian coordinates.

10 The Homogeneous Wave Equation
Write a sentence that relates what you discovered on the last slide, that includes the phrase “the homogeneous wave equation”? z z Each Cartesian component of the electric and magnetic fields in vacuum is a solution to “the homogeneous wave equation”.

11 Harmonic Solutions of the Homogeneous Wave Equation
Derive a defining equation for U(r) assuming this complex harmonic form of z z

12 Con’t Find a solution that doesn’t vary at all in the y or z directions. where A is a complex number More generally show under what conditions the following is a solution. kx2+ky2+kz2=w2/c2

13 Con’t What type of wave is this, when substituted back into z?
A plane wave travelling in the k direction.

14 Con’t Using the following 2 equations, show that the real and imaginary parts of z are each independently valid solutions of the homogeneous wave equation (note, A is a complex number). z Real fields must be represented by real functions, and by convention the real field is related to the complex field via its real part.

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