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Lecture 7 – Finite difference scheme for option pricing

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1 Lecture 7 – Finite difference scheme for option pricing
It is a method based on the numerical resolution of the partial differential equation (PDE) of Black & Scholes. It is based on the discretization of: time; underlying stock price option price PDE of Black & Scholes It is equivalent from a mathematical point of view to a trinomial tree 1/12/2019

2 Finite difference – explicit method
Fix the borderline condition (i.e. the final condition for t = option expiry). The equations are solved according to a backward recursive scheme starting from maturity time, getting Fi,j in term of Fi+1,j. 1/12/2019

3 Finite difference - convergence

4 Finite difference – pros and cons
Simple to be implemented It is possible to use acceleration methods American options can be managed Limited to low dimensional problems Ad hoc implementations are required basing on contract typology. 1/12/2019

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